Package Acquisition

Class DaqSystemXMLManager


public class DaqSystemXMLManager extends Object
Odd little class that tries to stop all of the settings for every possible daq system being output to xml by only accepting them if they are the selected system type of at least one daq module. Annoyingly, individual parameter sets don't and can't have a reference back to their module, so this has to be done at the global level

See the SimParameters class for an example on how to use.

Note that this can't be implemented everywhere. It will not work when the parameters class is shared by multiple PamSettings classes. For example: the SoundCardParameters class is used by the SoundCardSystem, ASIOSoundSystem and NewAsioSoundSystem classes. Each of these has it's own type (see the individual getUnitType calls) but the SoundCardParameters class doesn't know who called it and so can't properly check whether the type matches. Further, SoundCardParameters is extended by NIDAQParams, SimParameters and SmruDaqParameters. So trying to make SoundCardParameters check for a type would potentially screw up those extended classes. That being said, the extended classes are able to check for their types themselves.
  • Constructor Details

    • DaqSystemXMLManager

      public DaqSystemXMLManager()
  • Method Details

    • isSelected

      public static boolean isSelected(String daqSystemType)