Class GPSOriginIterator

All Implemented Interfaces:
Iterator<GpsData>, ListIterator<GpsData>

public class GPSOriginIterator extends OriginIterator
This is more complicated than the stramerDataIterator since it needs to combine data from two sources. First it needs to find the most appropriate streamer data for the given time, then it needs to find the closest GPS data to that time, then it needs to combine the two. The main iteration will actually be over GPS data, then for each GPS position find the closest (or interpolate) streamer data, then make a new streamer data unit that contains the gps data to return to the loacliser.
Doug Gillespie
  • Constructor Details

    • GPSOriginIterator

      public GPSOriginIterator(Streamer streamer, int whereFrom, GPSDataBlock gpsDataBlock)
  • Method Details

    • hasNext

      public boolean hasNext()
    • next

      public GpsData next()
    • hasPrevious

      public boolean hasPrevious()
    • previous

      public GpsData previous()
    • nextIndex

      public int nextIndex()
    • previousIndex

      public int previousIndex()
    • remove

      public void remove()
    • set

      public void set(GpsData e)
    • add

      public void add(GpsData e)