Package IshmaelDetector
package IshmaelDetector
ClassesClassDescriptionParameters for the energy sum detectors.Brings together groups of IshDetWrappersBeginning of a binary data source for the Ishameal detector to save the Ishmael data so new peaks can be picked out.Control for the Ishmael Detector modules.Basic detection on a single channel for the Ishmael det/loc.Standard data unit for Ishmael detector output.This is the abstract superclass for all the "Ishmael detectors", i.e., the detection PamProcesses that use a detection function and threshold in the course of doing making detections.IshDetGraphics displays a detection function from an Ishmael-type detector (EnergySum, MatchFilt, SgramCorr).Groups togetehr a series of IshDeections.Dialog to change Ishmael display settings on the spectrogram plugin.Ishamel display parameters for the Spectrogram plug in.Binary data for peak binary data source.Generic process which picks a peak from any of the Ishmael detectors, e.g.IshTrack may not need to hold any location information itself - it mainly holds a list of IshAnchorGroups, each of which has a PamLocation object, the contents of which will make up a track.Deprecated.This implements the spectrogram correlation detector.