Package Layout

Interface DisplayPanelProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
ClickSpectrogramPlugin, FFTPluginPanelProvider, GPLSpectrogramPanelProvider, IshDetGraphics, IshLocGraphics, RawDataDisplay, TriggerFunctionDisplay, VetoPluginPanelProvider

public interface DisplayPanelProvider
Plug in panels for the display.

A DisplayPanelProvider is created for each Pamguard module that is capable of providing a display panel whether an actual display is created or not. If required a DisplayPanelContainer, which has the ability to use a panel, will ask the DisplayPanelProvider to create a DisplayPanel. It is possible that many different parts of PamGuard will ask for similar DisplayPanels, so a DisplayPanelProvider may create any number of DisplayPanels. It si therefore recommended that each DisplayPanel subscribes itslef to any data it required and generally looks after itself as much as possible.

DisplayPanelProviders should be normally be registered with the DisplayProviderList so that Pamguard has access to a list of available panels.

Doug Gillespie
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createDisplayPanel

      DisplayPanel createDisplayPanel(DisplayPanelContainer displayPanelContainer)
      create the panel to be included in the display
    • getDisplayPanelName

      String getDisplayPanelName()
      Get a name for the panel which may be used in options dialogs, etc.
      a character string