Class RWStandardClassifier


public class RWStandardClassifier extends Object
Standard classifier which does exactly the same as the old edge detector classifier.

decide how much we like this sound and return one of the following: 0 - totally uninteresting short sound

1 - passes basic loose cut - between .5 and 2 s long, Maximum comes later than minimum in time, Minimum frequency between 30 and 200 Hz, total sweep >= 23Hz

2 - passes slightly tighter cuts - as above, but sweep >= 54 Hz, Occupancy > 80% MaxWidth invalid input: '<'= 20 fft bins (156Hz), MinFreq between 50 and 160Hz, MinPos invalid input: '<'= 50% of sound duration, MaxPos >= 70% of sound duration

3-6 passes one of four different cuts on Canonical variable.

Code was written for 2000 Hz data with a 256 pt FFt length If the frequency is not 2000 Hz, the fft length should be scaled accordingly The following code should mitigate against changes though

Doug Gillespie
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RWStandardClassifier

      public RWStandardClassifier()
  • Method Details

    • setSoundData

      public void setSoundData(float sampleRate, int fftLength, int fftHop)
    • getSoundClass

      public int getSoundClass(RWESound aSound)