Package clickDetector
package clickDetector
ClassDescriptionAlarm object for the Click AlarmClass for storing clicks to binary store.Class for managing extra binary info for click detector binary files.This is the main bearing time display for the click detector.Main Controller for click detection.Class for Click Detector clicks.Main click detector process.Common functionality for all display windows in the click detector panelClickGroupDataBlock<t extends GroupDetection>Click Train data block deletes old data in a slightly different way to PamDataBlock.Calculates the click length.Databse logging information for Clicks.Graphics for drawing clikc detections and classification on the data map.Creates and stores a spectrogram image for a wave file snippet.The implementation of DisplayPanelProvider should be created as a single instance (or one for each instance of the detector which has this display).The edit template dialog allows users to create mean spectrums from marked out events.Class for storing click templates.Deprecated.Deprecated.Automatic click train's from the click train detector.Display which shows the raw click waveform.Creates a click ICI histogram display add-inParameters for the IDI DisplaySomething similar to ClickTrainDetector, but working on the output of tracked clicks so that accurate positions for groups of tracked clicks are calculated and can be displayed / stored.