Package clickTrainDetector.localisation
Class CTLocalisation
Basic localisation info for the CTDataUnit.
The click train detector is generic, thus, there may not be any bearing information for localisations and each CTDataUnnit only deals with grouped channels so large aperture localisation is irrelevant.
If grouped detections with bearing info then the CTLoclaisation will store standard target motion results and also stores a summary of angles over the duration of the click train, i.e. calculates median angles every unit time or if the angle change is greater than a specified value.
- Author:
- Jamie Macaulay
Constructor Summary
(CTDetectionGroupDataUnit pamDataUnit, GroupLocResult targetMotionResult, CTLocParams ctLocParams) -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser.GroupLocalisation
addGroupLocaResult, bearingAmbiguity, clearLocResults, getAmbiguityCount, getAngles, getErrorDirection, getGroupLocaResult, getGroupLocResults, getHeight, getHeightError, getLatLong, getLocError, getOriginLatLong, getParallelError, getPerpendiculaError, getRange, getRangeError, setTargetMotionResult, sortLocResults, toString
Methods inherited from class PamDetection.AbstractLocalisation
addLocContents, getAngleErrors, getArrayOrientationVectors, getBearing, getBearing, getBearingError, getBearingReference, getDepth, getLocContents, getNumLatLong, getParentDetection, getPlanarAngles, getPlanarVector, getRealWorldVectors, getReferenceHydrophones, getSubArrayType, getTimeDelayChIndex, getTimeDelayErrors, getTimeDelays, getWorldVectors, hasLocContent, removeLocContents, setArrayAxis, setLocContents, setParentDetection, setReferenceHydrophones, setSubArrayType
Constructor Details
public CTLocalisation(CTDetectionGroupDataUnit pamDataUnit, GroupLocResult targetMotionResult, CTLocParams ctLocParams)