Class RawWavePlotManager

Direct Known Subclasses:
ClickRawPlotManager, RawClipWavePlotManager

public abstract class RawWavePlotManager extends Object
Manages plotting raw data.

The raw segmenter holds a 2D array of data for a segment of a plot for each channel. Each plot segment keeps a record of which data units have been added. This allows the segments to be reused for plotting without having to iterate through data units again.

An example use case is plotting raw waveform data. At high sample rates, each raw bin can only be plotted as the minimum and maximum bin withing a time segment representing a single pixel. iterating through all raw data bins and calculating this each time a plot needs repainting is processor intensive. So the bin data can be processed and added to PlotSegments, then the PlotSegments can be reused until either the plot scale time scale changes sufficiently that new segments are required (e.g. zooming in) or the plot moves to a completely new time section of data.

Jamie Macaulay
  • Constructor Details

    • RawWavePlotManager

      public RawWavePlotManager(TDDataInfoFX rawClipInfo)
      Raw wave plot manager.
      rawClipInfo - -0 the raw clip.
  • Method Details

    • lastUnitDrawn

      public void lastUnitDrawn(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int plotnumber)
    • clear

      public void clear()
      Reset the image buffer.
    • getWaveScaleInfo

      public abstract TDScaleInfo getWaveScaleInfo()
      Get the wave scale info.
      the wave scale info.
    • getColor

      public abstract javafx.scene.paint.Color getColor(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int type)
      Get the color
      pamDataUnit -
    • drawRawData

      public Path2D drawRawData(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type)
      Draw the raw data. If type == TDSymbolChooserFX.HIGHLIGHT_SYMBOL_MARKED then the highlighted symbol is drawn using the fgraphics context. If a normal draw then the raw data is simply passed to the plot segmenter which handles drawing later during a paintPlotData call.
      plotNumber - - the plot number i..e the plot on the TDGraphFX.
      pamDataUnit - - the PAM data unit.
      g - - the graphics context.
      scrollStart - - the scroll start.
      tdProjector - - the tdProjector for converting data values to pixel positions.
      type - - the type of drawing. E.g. HIGHLIGHT
      the Path2D which describes the data unit.
    • addRawData

      public void addRawData(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment plotSegment, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart, int chanClick, javafx.scene.paint.Color color)
      Draw the data unit.
      pamDataUnit - - the raw data unit
      plotSegment - - the plot segment containing data to plot.
      tdProjector - - the td projector.
      chanClick - - the channle clicks.
      g - = the graphics context.
      scrolLStart - - the scroll data.
    • blend

      public static javafx.scene.paint.Color blend(javafx.scene.paint.Color c0, javafx.scene.paint.Color c1)