Package difar

Class DifarControl

All Implemented Interfaces:
PamSettings, SettingsNameProvider

public class DifarControl extends PamControlledUnit implements PamSettings
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DifarControl

      public DifarControl(String unitName)
  • Method Details

    • removeUnit

      public boolean removeUnit()
      Description copied from class: PamControlledUnit
      Called to remove a unit.
      removeUnit in class PamControlledUnit
      try (not used)
    • getSettingsReference

      public Serializable getSettingsReference()
      Specified by:
      getSettingsReference in interface PamSettings
      The serialisable object that will be stored
    • getSettingsVersion

      public long getSettingsVersion()
      Specified by:
      getSettingsVersion in interface PamSettings
      An integer version number for the settings
    • restoreSettings

      public boolean restoreSettings(PamControlledUnitSettings pamControlledUnitSettings)
      Specified by:
      restoreSettings in interface PamSettings
      true if successful The object performs final checks (if needed) and then casts the settings data pamcontrolledunitSettings.settings into the correct type and uses as required
    • sendDifarMessage

      public void sendDifarMessage(DIFARMessage message)
      Called from just about anywhere in the DIFAR system, this will process various difar messages and then pass the notification on to all the difar displays.
      message - DIFAR message
    • getDifarDisplayContainer

      public DifarDisplayContainer getDifarDisplayContainer()
    • getDifarDisplayContainer2

      public DifarDisplayContainer2 getDifarDisplayContainer2()
    • getSonobuoyManagerContainer

      public SonobuoyManagerContainer getSonobuoyManagerContainer()
    • createDisplayMenu

      public JMenuItem createDisplayMenu(Frame parentFrame)
      Description copied from class: PamControlledUnit
      Create a JMenu object containing MenuItems associated with the view
      createDisplayMenu in class PamControlledUnit
      reference to a JMenu which can be added to an existing menu or menu bar

      Note that if multiple views are to use the same menu, then they should each create a new menu (by setting Create to true) the first time they call this method.

    • createDetectionMenu

      public JMenuItem createDetectionMenu(Frame parentFrame)
      Description copied from class: PamControlledUnit
      Create a JMenu object containing MenuItems associated with PamProcesses
      createDetectionMenu in class PamControlledUnit
      parentFrame - The owner frame of the menu
      reference to a JMenu which can be added to an existing menu or menu bar

      Note that if multiple views are to use the same menu, then they should each create a new menu (by setting Create to true) the first time they call this method.

    • settingMenu

      public boolean settingMenu(Frame parentFrame)
    • displayMenu

      public boolean displayMenu(Frame parentFrame)
    • notifyModelChanged

      public void notifyModelChanged(int changeType)
      Description copied from class: PamControlledUnit
      General notification when the PAMGAURD model changes.
      notifyModelChanged in class PamControlledUnit
      changeType - type of change
    • getDifarGram

      public DIFARGram getDifarGram()
    • getDifarParameters

      public DifarParameters getDifarParameters()
    • getDifarProcess

      public DifarProcess getDifarProcess()
    • getInternalActionsPanel

      public DifarActionsVesselPanel getInternalActionsPanel()
    • getDifarQueue

      public DIFARQueuePanel getDifarQueue()
    • getDemuxProgressDisplay

      public DemuxProgressDisplay getDemuxProgressDisplay()
      the demuxProgressDisplay
    • getClipDisplayParams

      public ClipDisplayParameters getClipDisplayParams(DifarDataUnit difarDataUnit)
    • canDemux

      public boolean canDemux()
      Can the system handle demuxing the next data unit ? Currently used to enable menus on the clip display
      true if it's OK to demux the next sound.
    • getDifarUnitControlPanel

      public DIFARUnitControlPanel getDifarUnitControlPanel()
      the difarUnitControlPanel
    • getCurrentDemuxedUnit

      public DifarDataUnit getCurrentDemuxedUnit()
      the currentDemuxedUnit
    • getCurrentlySelectedGroup

      public String getCurrentlySelectedGroup()
    • setCurrentlySelectedGroup

      public void setCurrentlySelectedGroup(String groupName)
    • isTrackedGroupSelectable

      public boolean isTrackedGroupSelectable(String groupName)
    • getSpeciesSymbol

      public PamSymbol getSpeciesSymbol(DifarDataUnit difarDataUnit)
      Get the appropriate symbol for the selected species (or none).
      difarDataUnit - DIFAR data unit
      symbol or null if no species assigned.
    • getTrackedGroupProcess

      public TrackedGroupProcess getTrackedGroupProcess()
    • setTrackedGroupProcess

      public TrackedGroupProcess setTrackedGroupProcess(TrackedGroupProcess trackedGroupProcess)
    • saveClassificationParams

      public boolean saveClassificationParams(Window frame, LookupList speciesList, ArrayList<DifarParameters.SpeciesParams> speciesParams)
      Save a set of classifier params. Since this is primarily an export function, it will always show the file save dialog
      speciesParams - parameters to save
      true if successful.
    • loadClassificationParams

      public DifarParameters loadClassificationParams(Frame frame, DifarParameters difarParameters)
    • getCurrentlySelectedSpecies

      public LookupItem getCurrentlySelectedSpecies()
      Allow the user to select the default classification for clips generated by manually marking the spectrogram
      - The species (DIFAR classification) selected by the user
    • getDefaultClassificationSelector

      public JList getDefaultClassificationSelector()
    • updateSidePanel

      public void updateSidePanel()
    • isSaveEnabled

      public boolean isSaveEnabled()
    • isSaveWithoutCrossEnabled

      public boolean isSaveWithoutCrossEnabled()
    • isDeleteEnabled

      public boolean isDeleteEnabled()