Uses of Class
Packages that use GPLContour
Uses of GPLContour in gpl
Methods in gpl that return GPLContourConstructors in gpl with parameters of type GPLContourModifierConstructorDescriptionGPLDetection
(long timeMilliseconds, int channelBitmap, long startSample, long durationSamples, double timeRes, double freqRes, GPLContour aContour) GPLDetection
(DataUnitBaseData basicData, double timeRes, double freqRes, GPLContour aContour) -
Uses of GPLContour in gpl.contour
Subclasses of GPLContour in gpl.contourModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
slightly fudged contour which doesnt' have any points for situations where no contour was found within a GPL detection.Methods in gpl.contour that return GPLContourModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic GPLContour
Make a null contour.Methods in gpl.contour that return types with arguments of type GPLContourModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionContourFinder.findContours
(DetectedPeak newPeak) Find a contour, or multiple contours, in a detected peak.ContourFinder.mergeContours
(ArrayList<GPLContour> contours, ContourMerge contourMerge) Optionally merge or discard contours depending on merge option.Method parameters in gpl.contour with type arguments of type GPLContourModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionContourFinder.mergeContours
(ArrayList<GPLContour> contours, ContourMerge contourMerge) Optionally merge or discard contours depending on merge option.