Package gpl.whiten

Class InfiniteSort

Direct Known Subclasses:

public class InfiniteSort extends Object
Class to conduct an infinite sort of data. That is a finite amount of data are sorted, but as PAMGuard processes, one sample is added in and one taken out at each iteration. Therefore after the initial sorting of the data, it's relatively fast to just find the position of each new data point.
Doug Gillespie
  • Constructor Details

    • InfiniteSort

      public InfiniteSort(int nPoints)
  • Method Details

    • addData

      public double addData(double d)
      Add data to the sorted list. The oldest data point will drop off the list and the correct index of the new data point will be found. Data are always left in place (unsorted) in the data list and modifications are only to the sorted index data.
      d - New data value.
      the value of the data removed from the list (i.e. the oldest value)
    • checkSort

      public boolean checkSort()
    • getMedian

      public double getMedian()
      The median value from the sorted data.
    • getCentralMean

      public double getCentralMean()
      Get a mean value about the central tendency of the data. This function first searches for the 50% of bins of data which are the most similar, then takes the mean of the data within that range.
      Mean value about the central tendency.
    • getCentralMean

      public double getCentralMean(int usedPoints, int nMean)
      Get a mean value about the central tendency of the data. This function first searches for the nMean bins of data which are the most similar, then takes the mean of the data within that range.
      nMean - Number of bins to calculate over. Must be invalid input: '<'= nPoints
      Mean value about the central tendency.
    • getData

      public double[] getData()
      Array of data values. Note that these remain unsorted. The oldest data will be at index 0 and the latest at index (nPoints-1)
      the data
    • getSortedData

      public double getSortedData(int sortPosition)
      Get a single value at a specific sorted position.
      sortPosition - sort position
      data value for that index.
    • getSortInd

      public int[] getSortInd()
      Sort order of the data. Data themselves are left in their original unsorted order, so these indexes are used to get data in the correct order, i.e. data[sortInd[0]] will be the data having the lowest value and data[sortind[nPoints-1]] will be the data having the highest value.
      the sortIndexes
    • getnPoints

      public int getnPoints()
      The number of points in the sort
      the nPoints
    • setStop

      public void setStop(int i)
    • getAutoInitialise

      public int getAutoInitialise()
      the autoInitialise
    • setAutoInitialise

      public void setAutoInitialise(int autoInitialise)
      autoInitialise - the autoInitialise to set
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)
    • getTotalCalls

      public int getTotalCalls()
      the totalCalls