Uses of Class
Uses of TOADInformation in clickDetector.toad
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickTOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) -
Uses of TOADInformation in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.gridsearch
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTOADGridSearch.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of TOADInformation in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHyperbolicLocaliser.calcErrors
(GroupLocResult loclaisation, PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, HyperbolicParams params) Calculate and add the errors in source position.double[]
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, HyperbolicParams params) Calculate the errors in source position.HyperbolicLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of TOADInformation in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadbase
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTOADBaseAlgorithm.calcChi2
(SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, double[] position) Calculate a chi2 value for the given geometry and set of delays.TOADBaseAlgorithm.calcLogLikelihood
(SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, double[] position) Calculate a Log Likelihood value for the given geometry and set of delays.boolean
(TOADInformation toadInformation) Check the TOAD information is 'OK',
(TOADInformation toadInformation) Count the number of TOAD values which have a correlation coefficient or 'score' >= the
(TOADInformation toadInformation, double minScore) Count the number of TOAD values which have a correlation coefficient or 'score' >= the minimum.TOADBaseAlgorithm.estimateCartesianError
(SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, double[] position) Estimate the error in Cartesian coordinates based on the curvature of the Chi2 / likelihood surface.TOADBaseAlgorithm.estimateEllipticalError
(SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, double[] position) Estimate an elliptical error with axes aligned with largest error coordinate based on the curvature of the Chi2 / likelihood surface.abstract AbstractLocalisation
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) Process the list of delays, which are in seconds -
Uses of TOADInformation in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadmcmc
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionToadMCMCLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of TOADInformation in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadsimplex
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionToadSimplexLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of TOADInformation in PamguardMVC.toad
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGenericTOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) Generate TOAD information for a whole load of data units (or just one - maybe needs a simpler list if there is only one to avoid having to make lots of lists of just one data unit !)
Note that any fancy operations that involve waveform envelopes, etc, are generally handled by the FFTOrganiser.TOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) Generate TOAD information for a while load of data units (or just one - maybe needs a simpler list if there is only one to avoid having to make lots of lists of just one data unit !)