Class SlidingAverager
A simple sliding block averager. The width is given in samples, and must be odd.
If it is not odd, 1 is added to choose the next largest odd number. We wait until
we have seen (n+1)/2 samples before we can output a data point, therefore this unit
will cause some lag in the system as it buffers. As stated above, an initial (n+1)/2 data points
are required before the first output point is produced. We make up the rest of the data
by mirroring the data about the center point.
- Author:
- Dave Flogeras
Field Summary
Fields -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
Constructor Details
public SlidingAverager(int width, boolean divideThrough)
Method Details
public int getWidth() -
public void consume(double[] data)