Package pamMaths

Class WignerTransform


public class WignerTransform extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • WignerTransform

      public WignerTransform()
  • Method Details

    • wignerTransform

      public static double[][] wignerTransform(double[] doubleData)
      Calculate Wigner transform of real data. Will need to take the Hilbert transform and then call the complex function.
      doubleData - double array of Wigner data
    • wignerTransform

      public static double[][] wignerTransform(double[] doubleData, WignerTransform.WignerUpdate wignerUpdate)
      Calculate Wigner transform of real data. Will need to take the Hilber transform and then call the complex function.
      doubleData - double array of Wigner data
      wignerUpdate - - callback listener which returns every calculated complex line of wigner plot
    • wignerTransform

      public static double[][] wignerTransform(double[] doubleData, WignerTransform.WignerUpdate wignerUpdate, boolean dump)
      Calculate Wigner transform of real data. Will need to take the Hilber transform and then call the complex function.
      doubleData - double array of Wigner data
      wignerUpdate - - callback listener which returns every calculated complex line of wigner plot
      dump - - true to dump data and save memory. If true function will always return null but data will have been passed through wignerUpdate listener.
    • wignerTransform

      public static double[][] wignerTransform(ComplexArray complexData)
      Calculate the Wigner transform from data that has already been Hilbert transformed.
      complexData -
      double array of Wigner data
    • getMaxValue

      public static double getMaxValue(double[][] array)
    • getMinValue

      public static double getMinValue(double[][] array)