Class PamAtlantaStyle


public class PamAtlantaStyle extends PamDefaultStyle
Class defining the default CSS Style sheets to use for JavaFX displays. This class can be extended and one or more methods overridden to specify new CSS styles. Style sheets can be specified for 3 different categories: sliding dialogs, regular dialogs, and all other components (incl. displays, etc). In addition, each category can have a style sheet to use for daytime mode and one to use for nighttime mode. The relative URI paths to the individual style sheets are specified as private fields, and accessed through public methods. The day/night switch is based on the name of the current PamColors colour scheme being used.
Jamie Macaulay
  • Constructor Details

    • PamAtlantaStyle

      public PamAtlantaStyle()
  • Method Details

    • getGUICSS

      public ArrayList<String> getGUICSS()
      Description copied from class: PamDefaultStyle

      Return the CSS Style sheet to be used for the Pamguard GUI (displays and such) but not the dialogs.

      If overriding this method, do not simply return a URI String. In order for the String to be in the proper format, the getClass.getResource... method should be used.

      getGUICSS in class PamDefaultStyle
      an array of Strings of the class containing the URI of the CSS style sheet to use
    • getDialogCSS

      public ArrayList<String> getDialogCSS()
      Description copied from class: PamDefaultStyle

      Return the CSS Style sheet to be used for the Pamguard settings dialogs.

      If overriding this method, do not simply return a URI String. In order for the String to be in the proper format, the getClass.getResource... method should be used.

      getDialogCSS in class PamDefaultStyle
      an array of Strings of the class containing the URI of the CSS style sheet to use
    • getSlidingDialogCSS

      public ArrayList<String> getSlidingDialogCSS()
      Description copied from class: PamDefaultStyle

      Return the CSS Style sheet to be used for the Pamguard sliding dialogs.

      If overriding this method, do not simply return a URI String. In order for the String to be in the proper format, the getClass.getResource... method should be used.

      getSlidingDialogCSS in class PamDefaultStyle
      an array of Strings of the class containing the URI of the CSS style sheet to use