Package rocca

Class RoccaClassifyThisEvent


public class RoccaClassifyThisEvent extends Object
Short script to load the data from an existing event (school) stats file, classify each row and save the data into a new summary file. This program requires a valid RoccaProcess in order to run, and can therefore not be run as a standalone object. A Reclassify button is included in the Rocca Parameters GUI, but disabled by default. In order to run this program, change the hard-coded filenames as required, enable the reclassifyButton in RoccaParametersDialog, and run Pamguard. NOTE - THIS VERSION IS SPECIFIC TO EVENTS, NOT WHISTLES OR CLICKS. CHECK TO SEE WHETHER THE RECLASSIFY BUTTON RUNS THIS, RoccaClassifyThis OR RoccaClassifyThisClick. The event stats file must have the following text for the headers: Min_Time_Between_Whistle_Detections_s Min_Time_Between_Click_Detections_s Max_Time_Between_Whistle_Detections_s Max_Time_Between_Click_Detections_s Ave_Time_Between_Whistle_Detections_s Whistle_Detections_per_Second Whistle_Density Ave_Whistle_Overlap Ave_Time_Between_Click_Detections_s Click_Detections_per_Second Click_Density Ave_Click_Overlap NumWhistle-NumClick_Ratio Dd_votes Gg_votes Gm_votes Sa_votes Sb_votes Sc_votes Scl_votes Sf_votes Tt_votes Any remaining columns are ignored. Column headers need to be spelled/capitalized the same, but can be in a different order. Note that the last 9 columns, for the species votes, can be different based on the classifier used. But all the rest of the columns are straight from the RoccaSidePanel.createDetectionStatsHeader method and must match that (because the classifier should have used those column headers as well)
  • Constructor Details

    • RoccaClassifyThisEvent

      public RoccaClassifyThisEvent(RoccaProcess roccaProcess)