Class RandomQuadratics

Direct Known Subclasses:
BlueWhaleD, RandomMystecete, RandomWhistles, RightWhales

public class RandomQuadratics extends SimSignal
  • Constructor Details

    • RandomQuadratics

      public RandomQuadratics()
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Specified by:
      getName in class SimSignal
      friendly name for displaying
    • prepareSignal

      public void prepareSignal()
      Description copied from class: SimSignal
      Called just before simsound loops through channels and propagation paths so that parameters of a new sound can be set up. Generally, if the sounds are deterministic and all the same, nothing has to be done here. but if sounds contain random elements, then it will be necessary to set up the random bit here so that the generatet sound is the same on all channels.
      prepareSignal in class SimSignal
    • getSignal

      public double[] getSignal(int channel, float sampleRate, double sampleOffset)
      Description copied from class: SimSignal
      Get a single simulated signal.
      Specified by:
      getSignal in class SimSignal
      sampleRate - sample rate of data
      sampleOffset - sample offset - 0invalid input: '<'=sampleOffsetinvalid input: '<'1
      How far into the sound the first sample is, i.e. 0 means that the first sample point will be right on the start of the sound (value 0 if it's sin wave based), value 0.5 would be half a sample later.
      a signal for a single channel.
    • getLengthR

      public double[] getLengthR()
    • setLengthR

      public void setLengthR(double[] lengthR)
    • getMeanR

      public double[] getMeanR()
    • setMeanR

      public void setMeanR(double[] meanR)
    • getSlopeR

      public double[] getSlopeR()
    • setSlopeR

      public void setSlopeR(double[] slopeR)
    • getCurveR

      public double[] getCurveR()
    • setCurveR

      public void setCurveR(double[] curveR)