Class LocationManager


public class LocationManager extends Object
When taking photos users may have been at one location, on a boat, or at multiple different static locations. There are multiple ways PAMGUARD could provide position data, a user may upload a GPS track, or maybe a user wants to write a list of co-ordinates that can be selected for different photographs. The photos could even be geo-tagged. We need a manager for this which brings all these elements together and allows users to easily select exactly how they want to define their position.
Jamie Macaulay
  • Field Details


      public static final int NO_GPS_DATA_FOUND
      Flag to indicate no GPS data
      See Also:

      public static final int ARRAY_MANAGER
      Goes through the array manager and determines a location of the 'boat'. This is the automatic method and will select GPS position from datablock or array manager input if static.
      See Also:

      public static final int PHOTO_TAG
      Look for a geo-tag in the current photo
      See Also:

      public static final int MANUAL_INPUT
      Gets GPS from a table or other source of manually inputted data.
      See Also:

      public static final int LANDMARK_GROUP
      Get the GPS location from a landmark group. If doing this we assume that all the origin latlongs of the landmarks are the same. Hence just find the origin of the first landmark.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LocationManager

      public LocationManager(VRControl vrControl)
  • Method Details

    • getPriority

      public int getPriority(int type)
      Get the priority of the location type. Returns -1 if location type is not included in list.
      the - location method
      the priority of this method. 0 means this method is tried first, 1 tried seconds etc.
    • getCurrentMethods

      public int[] getCurrentMethods()
      Get the current array of methods for determining a location. The order the array indicates the priority methods should be attempted.
      an array of the current methods selected by the user in order of priority.
    • getLocation

      public LatLong getLocation(long timeMillis)
      Get the Location based on the set priority for methods.
      timeMillis - - time of GPS location
      latlong at timeMillis
    • getTypeString

      public String getTypeString(int type)
    • searchGPSDataBlock

      @Deprecated public LatLong searchGPSDataBlock(long timeMillis)
    • getLastSearch

      public int getLastSearch()
    • setLastSearch

      public void setLastSearch(int lastSearch)
    • getAllMethods

      public static int[] getAllMethods()
      An array of all the methods
    • setCurrentMethods

      public void setCurrentMethods(int[] currentMethods)