Package whistleClassifier
package whistleClassifier
ClassDescriptionProvides a history window for classification results.dialog panel to show basic information from a fragemtn classifier and to load up new classifier files.Class to serve up classifier types to the Whistle classifierParameters class for fragmented whistle classification.interface for classes which are able to parameterise a whistle fragmentStore for lots of whistle fragments during whistle classificationDoesnt' store fragemnts individually - just adds their data to a series of histograms and whenever the parameters are requried, it estimates those parameters based on the contents of the histograms.Basic three parameters from a whistle fragment from a quadratic fit.A collection of training data for multiple species.A group of training data from a single speciesTraining contours from a single file, each contour representing one whistle.Storage for whistle classifier training data.Whistle Classifier control class.Whistle Classifier processInterface to get the basic information out of a whistle object.Break a whistle up into fragments.