Download PAMGuard

Before downloading PAMGuard please fill out a short survey (2 minutes)

We will use this data to understand who is using PAMGuard, with a view to trying to improve support and training, particularly to users from the global South. We may publish summary statistics and use those in publications and fund raising applications.

All data will be stored on secure servers and individual data will not be shared with any third parties under any circumstances.

If you provide an email address, this will be used to send out notifications of new releases / important updates. A maximum level of email traffic will be around 10 emails per year. If you’re interested in more regular updates, please follow us on Facebook.

You are not obliged to answer any of the questions on the form. If you wish your data to be deleted at any time, please email us at After filling out the survey, you’ll be directed to the download page:

Take me to the survey Skip survey and download

PAMGuard downloads 2012 - 2024