Click Classification


Individual clicks detected by the click detector can be classified using one of two different click classifiers. The first, Basic click Classifier is the same as the click classifier in the IFAW RainbowClick software. The basic classifier is generally adequate for the classification of high frequency harbour porpoise clicks and is primarily retained for backwards compatibility with the RainbowClick classifier. The second Classifier With Frequency Sweep uses additional classification parameters and is more suitable for the detection of lower frequency odontocete clicks, particularly those of beaked whales.

The classifier is set up from the Click Detection>Click Classification menu.

ClickTypes (10K)

Click Classifier Selection

Select the type of click classifier you wish to use from the drop down list. This will either be the Basic click Classifier or the Classifier With Frequency Sweep.

You must also check the ‘Run classification online’ box if you want clicks to be processed as they are detected.

You should check the ‘Discard unclassified clicks’ box if you want clicks which do not pass any of the classification criteria to be discarded. Use this feature with great caution and only when you are confident that the classifiers are working well for the clicks that you do want.

Click Types

The click classification dialog contains a list of defined click types.

If more than one type is defined, then each click is tested against each type in sequence and the click is classified as belonging to the first type with a matching set of classification criteria.

If the click does not match the criteria of any of the classifiers, then it is unclassified.

Use the New, Edit and Delete buttons to add, modify and remove items from the list.

If an audible alarm has been associated with this click type, checking/unchecking the alarm column will enable/disable it. Alarms can be associated with click types in the Individual Click Classification dialog (press the Edit button to open the dialog).

Each click is checked against the different click types in sequence. As soon as one set of criteria is matched, the classifier will stop searching other click types. It is therefore sometimes important to arrange the different types in a particular order. Use the Up and Down buttons to move different click types up and down in the list.

Individual species classifiers can be enabled or disabled, for example if you wish to temporarily stop checking for a particular click type.

Classified clicks can also be discarded. For example, if there was a particular noise source causing false triggers of the click detector (e.g. a depth sounder), it may be possible to set up a classifier for those detections and immediately discard them.

If either the New or the Edit button is pressed, the Individual Click Classification dialog will be displayed. The behaviour of this dialog will depend on the type of classifier selected.

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Next: Basic Click Classification