Data Selectors

The layout of a data selector and the options available will depend on which PAMGuard module the data relate to and also on how that module is being used with other modules.

Two examples are shown below:

On the left is the data selector for the click detector. The options in each of the two main panels depend on which click classifiers have been configured and which species labels have been defined for click events.

On the right is a data selector for a clip generator. The clip generator, on it’s own, does not have an data selection options, however the clips in this configuration are being annotated by a right whale classifier, which does have a data selector. They can also be selected and added to a Detection Group localiser, and the Detection Group Localiser has also been configured so that the groups can be annotated with a logger form which has a drop down list (“LOOKUP”) data entry control called “Species”, so a set of options to select the different species defined in that data entry control is automatically included. Because there is more than one type of data selector for the clips, additional options have been generates so that individual sections can be skipped or combined together with a logical AND or OR.

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