PAMGuard Modules

PAMGuard contains of an ever growing number of modules, each of which performs some sort of data handling task. Individual modules may do anything from acquiring sound data, to managing a database, or searching for a particular sound type. Generally, every module will acquire data either from another module, or through some external interface (such as a sound card, GPS or depth sensor readout). The output of a module may be a display, more data or both. Data might be stored in the PAMGuard database or binary store, or might just be there for other modules to subscribe to. A single module may have multiple output data streams. For instance, the sound acquisition module primarily outputs raw audio data to other PAMGuard modules, but also outputs data providing a record of when sound acquisition was started and stopped which can be stored in the database.

PAMGuard currently contains 70 modules which can be selected and configured by the user (See the table below). It is generally possible to create multiple instances of a given module type. For instance, the operator may wish to incorporate two click detectors, each optimised for a different species, or have two sound acquisition modules, one acquiring low frequency data and one high frequency data. For certain module types (e.g. GPS acquisition), the user may be restricted to having a single instance.

We are constantly developing new modules for PAMGuard. The table also includes some information on modules which we’re working on at the moment. Due to PAMGuard being open source, there may of course be other modules under development we don’t yet know about.

Last updated 27 November 2024

Maps and Mapping, Utilities, Sensors, Displays, Sound Processing, Detectors, Classifiers, Localisers, Visual Methods

Maps and Mapping (6 modules)

Module Number Function
NMEA Data Collection Any Collects NMEA data from a serial port
GPS Processing Any Interprets NMEA data to extract GPS data
Map Any Displays a map of vessel position and detections
AIS Processing Up to 1 Interprets NMEA data to extract AIS data
Airgun Display Any Shows the position of airguns (or any other source) on the map
Fixed Landmarks Any Place object symbols on the PAMGuard map

Utilities (11 modules)

Module Number Function
Database Exactly 1 Stores PAMGuard data in a database
Binary Storage Up to 1 Stores PAMGuard data in files on the hard drive
Data Map Exactly 1 Shows a summary of data density over time for large datasets
User input Up to 1 Creates a form for the user to type comments into
Aural Listening Form Any Creates a form for the user to manually log things they hear
Signal Injection and Detector Evaluation (SIDE) Up to 1 Signal injection and real time performance tests
Alarm Any Alerts the operator when certain detections are made
Spectrogram Annotation Any Offline marking on the spectrogram display
Print Screen Up to 1 Capture PAMGuard screens to time-stamped image files and the clipboard. Use as a shortcut
Scroll Effort Up to 1 Enables an observer to enter their name and infomation about which displays are being monitored
Backup Manager Up to 1 Manage automated data backups

Sensors (6 modules)

Module Number Function
Analog Array Sensors Up to 1 Reads Depth, Heading, Pitch and Roll) using analog sensors
Hydrophone Depth Readout Any Reads and displays hydrophone depth information
Array Accelerometer Up to 1 Reads and accelerometer to orientate a hydrophone array
Angle Measurement Any Reads angles from a Fluxgate World shaft angle encoder. (Can be used to read angle of binocular stands)
SoundTrap Detector Import Up to 1 Tools for import of SoundTrap detector data
CPOD Detector Import Any Imports CPOD data

Displays (4 modules)

Module Number Function
User Display Any Creates an empty display panel which the user can add spectrograms and other displays to
Local Time Any Shows local time on the display
Level Meter Any Shows signal level meters
Array Orientation Up to 1 Displays array depth and orientation data

Sound Processing (18 modules)

Module Number Function
Sound Acquisition Any Controls input of sound data from sound cards, NI cards, etc.
Sound Output Exactly 1 Controls output of sound data for listening to on headphones
FFT (Spectrogram) Engine Any Computes spectrograms of audio data
Filters (IIR and FIR) Any Filters audio data
Decimator Any Decimates (reduces the frequency of) audio data
Cepstrum Any Calculates a continuous Cepstrum from FFT Data
Sound recorder Any Records audio data to wav of AIF files
Clip generator Any Generates and stores short clips of sound data in response to detections
Signal Amplifier Any Amplifies (or attenuates) audio data
Patch Panel Any Reorganises and mixes audio data between channels
Spectrogram smoothing kernel Any Smooths a spectrogram of audio data
Seismic Veto Any Cuts out loud sounds from audio data
Noise Monitor Any Measures noise in predefined frequency bands (e.g. thrid octave)
Noise Band Monitor Any Measure noise in octave or third octave bands
Filtered Noise Measurement Any Measure noise in a single arbitrary filter band (replaces dBHt module)
Long Term Spectral Average Any Make Long Term Spectral Average Measurements
Envelope Tracing Any
Beamformer Any Continuous Frequency Domain Beamforming

Detectors (11 modules)

Module Number Function
Click Detector Any Searches for transient sounds, attempts to assign species, measure bearings to source, group into click trains, etc.
Click Train Detector Any Searches for click trains in detected clicks.
Whistle and Moan Detector Any Searches for tonal noises. Measures bearings and locations of source. Replaces older Whistle Detector
Whistle Detector Any Searches for tonal noises. Measures bearings and locations of source
Ishmael energy sum Any Detects sounds with energy in a specific frequency band
Ishmael spectrogram correlation Any Detects sounds matching a user defined ‘shape’ on a spectrogram
Ishmael matched filtering Any Detects sounds using a user defined matched filter
Likelihood Detector Any An implementation of a likelihood ratio test
Right Whale Edge Detector Any Detects right whale upsweep calls
Generalised Power Law Detector Any Generalised Power Law Detector for tonal sounds
SoundTrap Click Detector Any Click Detector module for Soundtrap detector data only

Classifiers (4 modules)

Module Number Function
Whistle Classifier Any Analyses multiple whistle contours to assign to species
Rocca Any Real-time acoustic species identification of delphinid whistles and clicks
Matched Template Click Classifer Any Classifies clicks based on an ideal template to match and a template to reject. An example of this is to classify beaked whale clicks in an environment with dolphin clicks
Deep Learning Classifier Any Classifies sections of raw acoustic data based on an imported deep learning classifier

Localisers (8 modules)

Module Number Function
Bearing Localiser Any Estimate bearing to detections or spectrogram marks from small aperture arrays
Group 3D Localiser Any 2D and 3D Localisation for large aperture arrays
Detection Grouper Any Groups detections and other data using manual annotations on PAMGuard displays
Ishmael Locator Any Locates sounds extracted either from areas marked out on a spectrogram display or using output from a detector
Multipath 3D Localiser Any Locates sounds detected by the click detector using surface echo’s to obtain slant angles and generate a 3-D location
DIFAR Azigram Engine Any (BETA) Azigram engine for multiplexed DIFAR data (BETA)
DIFAR Directional Audio Any Audio from a DIFAR sonobuoy that has been beamformed at a user-specified single steering angle. This module can be used to reduce directional masking noise.
DIFAR Localisation Up to 1 DIFAR Sonobuoy localisation module - takes raw data source with multiplexed directional audio data

Visual Methods (2 modules)

Module Number Function
Video Range Any Calculates ranges based on angles measured from video, observer height and earth radius
Logger Forms Up to 1 Replicates the functionality of User Defined Forms in the IFAW Logger software

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