SAIL Daq Cards

SAIL Daq Cards have been developed specifically for high speed USB data acquisition from hydrophones by St Andrews Instrumentation Ltd.

Each card can support up to four channels of high speed audio input at sample rates of 62.5, 250, 500 or 1000kHz sample rate.

The analogue front end has been specifically designed for direct connection to most hydrophones, saving the need for additional preamplifiers and filter units between the hydrophone and acquisition system. A single high input impedance channel is suitable for direct connection to hydrophones which do not have an integral preamplifier.

Gain and filter settings are all software selectable, with gains of between 0 and 36dB in 6dB steps and second order Butterworth high pass filters at frequencies of 0, 10, 100, 2000 and 20000Hz.

Up to three cards can be synchronised for simultaneous data acquisition on up to 12 hydrophone channels.

Setting up SAIL Daq Cards

Setting up a sound card is easy. In the data acquisition dialog select “SAIL Daq Cards” as the Data Source Type.


Enable the channels you wish to use and set the gain and sample rates.

If more than one card is present, additional channels will be shown. Note that when multiple cards are in use, each card is ordered by it’s serial number. Press the “Flash LED’s” button to assist in identifying individual cards

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