The Signal Amplifier module can be used to increase or reduce the level of an audio signal and can also be used to invert signals.
Creating a Signal Amplifier
From the File>Add modules>Sound Processing menu, or from the pop-up menu on the data model display select “Signal Amplifier”. Enter a name for the new amplifier module and press Ok.
Configuring the Signal Amplifier
To access the module’s settings, select Detection>Signal Amplifier… from the detection menu. This will bring up a dialog similar to the one shown below.
Select the sound source from the drop down list
Set the gain for each channel in dB
Check the box if you wish to invert the signal on a channel (multiply all valued by -1).
Using the Signal Amplifier
Other PAMGuard modules that use raw audio data can then subscribe to the output of the Signal Amplifier module instead of the sound acquisition module.