PAMGuard Mapping
It is important that when the PAMGuard Viewer is connected to a Tethys database, that it can correctly display lists of Tethys documents for that PAMGuard dataset. This help page explains the relationships between PAMGuard datasets and Tethys documents.
A PAMGuard dataset is likely to consist of a database, and of a folder of binary files. There may also be sound recordings, though these are not required here.
A Tethys database is likely to contain data from multiple PAMGuard datasets. These will be in the form of Calibration, Deployment, Detection, and Localization documents. Because the database name may change for a PAMGuard dataset, it is not used in the relationships between PAMGaurd and Tethys. Instead, the relationship relies on the Project name and on Instrument Id from the Array Manager. Because a project may have made several deployments using the same instrument, the dates of the Deployment are also used.
Each document in a Tethys database has a Name (analogous to a file name and will indeed be the name of the temporary file created when the data were exported) and an Id (often referred to as the Document Id for clarity). For Deployment, Detections, and Localizations documents, PAMGuard will always use the same Name and Id. This is not possible for Calibrations, since there may be multiple copies of Calibrations documents (see below).
Deployment documents are at the heart of the link between PAMGuard and Tethys. These are identified by the Project Name from the Projects metadata, and the Instrument Id from the Array Manager. When you open a PAMGuard dataset in Viewer mode, PAMGuard will query the Tethys database for all Deployment documents that have the same Project Name and the same Instrument Id and then from that list it will select those deployments which overlap in time with the PAMGuard data. The Instrument Type in the Array Manager is not used in this linkage.
This system is robust, since it is impossible to have the same instrument in two places at the same time. However it does require care on the part of the user to be consistent and careful in setting the Project Name and Instrument Id in PAMGuard.
For a static mooring, whether recording continuously or on a duty cycle, there will be one Deployment document for each PAMGuard dataset.
For vessel based surveys, where data collection periods may have been more ad-hoc (for instance only during the day time or periods of good weather), there may be multiple Deployment documents, one for each recording period.
Detections and Localizations
Every Detections and Localizations document has a cross reference to a Deployment document. Therefore, to find these documents, PAMGuard first searches the database for matching Deployment documents, then for every Deployment document matched to the dataset, it runs additional queries to search for Detections and Localisations that match each Deployment.
Calibrations documents should be created for every hydrophone or microphone within the “Instrument” used for a deployment. Because a device may be reused on many Deployments or even across multiple Projects, and it may or may not have been calibrated for each one (or perhaps calibrated twice for each Deployment - before and after), the relationship between Calibrations, Deployments, and a PAMGuard dataset can be more complex.
PAMGuard creates a name for each calibration document consisting of the Instrument Name and the Instrument Id from the Array Manager and the channel number. Spaces in names are replaced with underscore characters. e.g. if a Instrument Name was “SoundTrap HF600” and the Instrument Id was “64232”, and the channel number 0, then the calibration document Id would be
However, since there may be multiple calibration documents for the same device, the document name would also contain todays date, and would be something like
for a document created on 12 January, 2025.
When querying the Tethys database for matching Calibrations documents, PAMGuard first reads ALL Calibrations documents from the database, then selects all of those which have an Id starting with the combined Instrument Name and Instrument Id (in this case SoundTrap_HF600_64232
). This selection will not use the document date, since the date of the calibration may not lie within the time period of the Deployment. It is therefore possible that you will see multiple copies of similar calibration documents when you link PAMGuard to a Tethys database. This is fine, the only requirement being that there is at least one calibration document for each hydrophone before PAMGuard will allow you to export Deployments or Calibrations.