Tethys Module

It is assumed that you are familiar with PAMGuard and have some knowledge about Tethys. Documentation and tutorials are available at the Tethys web site.

Launch PAMGuard in viewer mode

Tethys export is only available in PAMGuard Viewer mode and is used to archive project data to a centralised database. It is NOT a replacement for the existing PAMGuard database. Open the PAMGuard database that you wish to use in viewer mode.

PAMGuard Tethys Module

Add a Tethys module to PAMGuard from the File / Add Modules / Utilities menu. A new tab panel will show the Tethys interface

The tab shows a number of panes for the connection to the server and the various types of data that will be output to the database. Some of these panes summarize information on what’s in the current PAMGuard dataset (consisting of your PAMGuard database and binary store), others may be empty until you start to export to Tethys.

The Tethys module consists of several panels:

  • Connection and Project Details - Specifies the location of the Tethys server and metadata about the project.

  • Data Export - There are several panes that are responsible for exporting information about instrument deployments, their calibrations, and what they detected/localized.

Previous: Overview

Next: Connection & Project Details