Getting Started with PAMGuard
This tutorial will introduce some basic PAMGuard concepts, showing you how to use a range of PAMGuard detectors for clicks, whistle, and baleen whale sounds and to use PAMGuard displays.
Getting Started with PAMGuard
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a basic overview of how to use PAMGuard, including adding and configuring plug-in modules.
The main learning outcomes are:
- Loading and running PAMGuard configurations
- Navigating the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- Basic Map familiarisation
- Running and configuring a Click Detector module
- Adding and configuring User Display panels
- Adding, configuring and running a Whistle Detector
- Using “Ishmael” modules for Energy Sum, Spectrogram Correlation and Matched Filter detectors.
- Overlaying detector graphics on display panels
- Adding and configuring FFT Engines 10.Using spectrogram and radar displays to view detection information
These learning outcomes can be achieved through a series of exercises that now follow.
The exercises can be seen as a guide, so you’re encouraged to experiment with PAMGuard as you work through each one.
Detailed tutorial documentation is in PAMGUARD Training Tutorial 2024.pdf
Sample audio files and map files can be downloaded at
A Zipped archive of PAMGuard configuration files to use with the tutorial are here