Package Azigram

Class AzigramPlugin

All Implemented Interfaces:
CommonPluginInterface, PamPluginInterface

public class AzigramPlugin extends Object implements PamPluginInterface
Module that implements the Azigram algorithm from Thode et al 2019 J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Vol 146(1) pp 95-102 (doi: 10.1121/1.5114810). This module also includes the methods described in that paper for frequency domain demultiplexing of directional signals from DIFAR sonobuoys. This module is just a prototype, and has not been designed for efficiency. For quick prototyping it has been based on SpectrogramNoise and FFTDataUnit super-classes, and should plot on the User Display Spectrogram (Swing).
Brian Miller (Pamguard port) invalid input: '&' Aaron Thode (original Matlab implementation)
  • Constructor Details

    • AzigramPlugin

      public AzigramPlugin()
  • Method Details

    • getDefaultName

      public String getDefaultName()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      The default name of the plugin.

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      getDefaultName in interface CommonPluginInterface
      the default name of the plugin as a String. Cannot be null.
    • getHelpSetName

      public String getHelpSetName()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Return the name of the helpset file. For information on the helpset format, see
      invalid @link

      If the helpset file is in a package folder of the plugins folder, make sure to include that in the filename. For example, if the package name is MyFirstPlugin and the help file is MyPluginHelp.hs, the return should be:

      return "MyFirstPlugin/MyPluginHelp.hs";

      If there is no helpset file, return null.

      Specified by:
      getHelpSetName in interface CommonPluginInterface
    • getClassName

      public String getClassName()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      The class name of the plugin. This should be the class that extends PamControlledUnit. The correct format is PackageName.ClassName, with no extension on the class name. Thus if the package name is MyFirstPlugin and the class name is, the return should be:

      return "MyFirstPlugin.MyPluginControl";

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      getClassName in interface PamPluginInterface
      the class name as a String
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      A short description of the plug in module. This text is used in various informational windows displayed to the user. The value returned here is typically the same as the text returned from the getDefaultName() method (e.g. Click Detector or FFT (Spectrogram) Engine).
      This is the text used in the main 'Add Modules' menus and is used as the second argument to PamModuleInfo.registerControlledUnit

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface PamPluginInterface
      String describing the plugin. Cannot be null.
    • getMenuGroup

      public String getMenuGroup()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Due to the large number of PAMGUARD modules now in existence, you may want to have your module listed in one of the sub menus of the File/Add Modules menu. You can add your module to one of the existing groups or you can create a new group of your own. The return string of this method specifies the name of the menu group the plug-in should belong to. Current PAMGuard menus include:
      • Maps and Mapping
      • Sound Processing
      • Detectors
      • Classifiers
      • Localisers
      • Displays
      • Utilities
      • Visual Methods
      • Sensors
      • Seiche Modules
      • Sound Measurements
      If the string passed does not match one of the above options, a new menu group is added with that name.

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      getMenuGroup in interface PamPluginInterface
      the name of the menu group to include the plugin in. Cannot be null.
    • getToolTip

      public String getToolTip()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      String containing the tool tip that will be displayed when hovering over the menu item.

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      getToolTip in interface PamPluginInterface
      ToolTip, as a String. Cannot be null.
    • getDependency

      public PamDependency getDependency()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Your module may be dependent on data from some other PAMGUARD module. For example, the click detector requires raw data from an acquisition module, the whistle detector required raw data from a FFT module and the GPS module requires data from an NMEA data source.If the plug-in requires a different module to function, specify that dependent module here (see PamDependency for the constructors).

      For example, a dependency on the FFT Engine would be defined as:

      return new PamDependency(FFTDataUnit.class, "fftManager.PamFFTControl");

      which tells Pamguard that the plug-in is dependent on some source of FFTDataUnit, and that a possible source of this type of data is the fftManager.PamFFTControl module.

      If the plug-in has no dependencies, this field should be null.

      Specified by:
      getDependency in interface PamPluginInterface
      See Also:
    • getMinNumber

      public int getMinNumber()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Minimum number of instances of this plugin. If the minimum number is greater than 0, then PAMGuard will automatically create that number of modules at start-up.

      This field must be an integer >= 0

      Specified by:
      getMinNumber in interface PamPluginInterface
    • getMaxNumber

      public int getMaxNumber()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Maximum number of instances of this plugin. PAMGuard will prevent the user from creating more modules than the number specified here. Returning 0 indicates that there is no maximum number of instances.

      This field can be an integer >= 1 and > the minimum number (to specify a specific number), or 0 (to indicate no limits on the number).

      Specified by:
      getMaxNumber in interface PamPluginInterface
    • getNInstances

      public int getNInstances()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      The number of instances to instantiate when this module is loaded

      This field must be an integer >= the minimum number

      Specified by:
      getNInstances in interface PamPluginInterface
    • isItHidden

      public boolean isItHidden()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Whether or not this plugin should be hidden in the menu. True=hidden, False=visible. Except for rare circumstances, this method should return false.

      This field cannot be null.

      Specified by:
      isItHidden in interface PamPluginInterface
      Hide status. True=hidden, False=visible. Cannot be null.
    • setJarFile

      public void setJarFile(String jarFile)
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Sets the name of the jar file (including path) holding the plugin code. This method is called from PamModel.loadPlugins(PamModuleInfo) for every valid interface file found in the plugins folder.
      Specified by:
      setJarFile in interface CommonPluginInterface
      jarFile - String containing the jarFile name and absolute path
    • getJarFile

      public String getJarFile()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Returns the name of the jar file holding the plugin. The jarFile String should be declared as a class field, but does not need to be initialised to anything specific as it will be set by Pamguard in the PamModel.loadPlugins(PamModuleInfo) method when the plugin was first found.
      Specified by:
      getJarFile in interface CommonPluginInterface
    • getDeveloperName

      public String getDeveloperName()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Returns the name of the developer. Can be company name or individual.
      Specified by:
      getDeveloperName in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing the name of the developer. Cannot be null.
    • getContactEmail

      public String getContactEmail()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Returns the developer's contact email
      Specified by:
      getContactEmail in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing the developer's contact email. Cannot be null.
    • getVersion

      public String getVersion()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      Returns the version number of the plugin
      Specified by:
      getVersion in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing the plugin version number. Cannot be null
    • getPamVerDevelopedOn

      public String getPamVerDevelopedOn()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      The Pamguard version number that the plugin was developed on.
      Specified by:
      getPamVerDevelopedOn in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing the version number of Pamguard that the plugin was developed on. Cannot be null.
    • getPamVerTestedOn

      public String getPamVerTestedOn()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      The Pamguard version number that the plugin has been tested on.
      Specified by:
      getPamVerTestedOn in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing the latest version of Pamguard that the plugin has been tested on. Cannot be null.
    • getAboutText

      public String getAboutText()
      Description copied from interface: CommonPluginInterface
      A brief description of the plugin. This will be displayed in the Help>About window. Could include not just a description of the plugin, but also the developer's website and additional contact information.
      Specified by:
      getAboutText in interface CommonPluginInterface
      String containing a description of the plugin. Cannot be null
    • allowedModes

      public int allowedModes()
      Description copied from interface: PamPluginInterface
      Specifies the type of PAMGuard mode that the plugin is allowed to run in. Options are:
      Specified by:
      allowedModes in interface PamPluginInterface
      allowable run modes. Cannot be null