Package PamModel

Interface CommonPluginInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:
DaqSystemInterface, PamPluginInterface
All Known Implementing Classes:
angleMeasurementPlugin, ArrayAccelPlugin, ASIOInterface, AzigramPlugin, IMUPlugin, offlineProcessingPlugin, quickAnnotationPlugin, RawDeepLearningPlugin

public interface CommonPluginInterface
Interface for PAMGuard plugins.

  • Method Details

    • getDefaultName

      String getDefaultName()
      The default name of the plugin.

      This field cannot be null.

      the default name of the plugin as a String. Cannot be null.
    • getHelpSetName

      String getHelpSetName()
      Return the name of the helpset file. For information on the helpset format, see
      invalid @link

      If the helpset file is in a package folder of the plugins folder, make sure to include that in the filename. For example, if the package name is MyFirstPlugin and the help file is MyPluginHelp.hs, the return should be:

      return "MyFirstPlugin/MyPluginHelp.hs";

      If there is no helpset file, return null.

    • setJarFile

      void setJarFile(String jarFile)
      Sets the name of the jar file (including path) holding the plugin code. This method is called from PamModel.loadPlugins(PamModuleInfo) for every valid interface file found in the plugins folder.
      jarFile - String containing the jarFile name and absolute path
    • getJarFile

      String getJarFile()
      Returns the name of the jar file holding the plugin. The jarFile String should be declared as a class field, but does not need to be initialised to anything specific as it will be set by Pamguard in the PamModel.loadPlugins(PamModuleInfo) method when the plugin was first found.
    • getDeveloperName

      String getDeveloperName()
      Returns the name of the developer. Can be company name or individual.
      String containing the name of the developer. Cannot be null.
    • getContactEmail

      String getContactEmail()
      Returns the developer's contact email
      String containing the developer's contact email. Cannot be null.
    • getVersion

      String getVersion()
      Returns the version number of the plugin
      String containing the plugin version number. Cannot be null
    • getPamVerDevelopedOn

      String getPamVerDevelopedOn()
      The Pamguard version number that the plugin was developed on.
      String containing the version number of Pamguard that the plugin was developed on. Cannot be null.
    • getPamVerTestedOn

      String getPamVerTestedOn()
      The Pamguard version number that the plugin has been tested on.
      String containing the latest version of Pamguard that the plugin has been tested on. Cannot be null.
    • getAboutText

      String getAboutText()
      A brief description of the plugin. This will be displayed in the Help>About window. Could include not just a description of the plugin, but also the developer's website and additional contact information.
      String containing a description of the plugin. Cannot be null