Package PamController

Class SettingsPane<T>

Direct Known Subclasses:
AcquisitionPaneFX, AdvElectricalNoisePane, ArraySettingsPane, BasicFreqDomBeamogramPane, BeamAlgoParamsPane, BeamformerSettingsPane, BearingClassifierPane, BearingLocSettingsPane, BearLocAlgorithmPane, BearLocGroupPane, BearLocSourcePane, BFLocAlgorithmPane, BFLocGroupPane, BFLocSettingsPane2, BFLocSourcePane, BinaryStoreSettingsPaneFX, CBSettingsPane, ChannelPanelFX, ClickDelayPane, ClickDelayPanelFX, ClickEchoPane, ClickSettingsPane, ClickTrainAlgorithmPaneFX, ClickTypePaneFX, CPODSettingsPane, DAQSettingsPane, DBMapMakingPane, DBPaneFX, DecimatorSettingsPane, DelayOptionsPaneFX, DelphinIDPane, DLSettingsPane, DynamicSettingsPane, EnergySumPane, ExporterPane, FFTPaneFX, FileDatePane, FilterPaneFX, FilterSettingsPaneFX, FlipSettingsPane, GenericAdvPane, GenericTOADSourcePane, GrouperSettingsPane, GroupLocSettingPaneFX, IshPaneFX, LandMarkPane, LatLongPane, LocaliserPane, MCMCPane, MHTSettingsPane, MHTVarSettingsPane, MTClassifierPane, MTSettingsPane, NavigationDialog, OfflineDAQPane, OrcaSpotPane, PeakPickingPane, PlayBackPane, PropogationPane, RawOrFFTPane, SettingsFilePane, SimpleCTClassifierPane, SpecCorrelationPane, SpectrogramNoisePaneFX, SpectrumSettingsPane, StandardAdvModelPane, StandardClassifierPane, StandardMHTChi2Pane, StandardModelPane, StorageOptionsPane, StreamerSettingsPane, SweepClassifierSetPaneFX, TabSelectionPane, TemplateClassifierPane, TitledSettingPane, TOADOptionsPane, TOADSettingsPane, TOADTimingPane, WaveformSettingsPane, WhistleMoanSettingsPaneFX, WignerSettingsPane

public abstract class SettingsPane<T> extends Object
Functions needed for module settings pane
Jamie Macaulay
  • Constructor Details

    • SettingsPane

      public SettingsPane(Object ownerWindow)
  • Method Details

    • getParams

      public abstract T getParams(T currParams)
      Get settings from the pane.
      settings class
    • setParams

      public abstract void setParams(T input)
      Called whenever the pane is first shown/open to set pane to show current settings.
      input - - current settings class.
    • getName

      public abstract String getName()
      Get the name of the pane.
      name of the pane
    • getContentNode

      public abstract javafx.scene.Node getContentNode()
      Get node for GUI change of settings.
    • paneInitialized

      public abstract void paneInitialized()
      Called when settings pane is first initialised. This can be used if for example, a the size of a pane is needed for a param. (Sizes are only initialised when Nodes are shown);
    • notifyChange

      public void notifyChange(int flag, Object object)
      General function which allows panes to be notified of some change]
    • getHelpPoint

      public String getHelpPoint()
      Get a help point address to use in help buttons in dialogs.
      help point address within PAMGuard help system.
    • setDefaults

      public void setDefaults()
      Set default settings in the settings pane.
    • getOwnerWindow

      public Object getOwnerWindow()
      the ownerWindow
    • setOwnerWindow

      public void setOwnerWindow(Object ownerWindow)
      ownerWindow - the ownerWindow to set
    • getAWTWindow

      public Window getAWTWindow()
      Get the Owner window as an AWT object, or just return null.
      owner AWT window
    • getFXWindow

      public javafx.stage.Window getFXWindow()
      Get the Owner window as an FX object, or just return null.
      owner FX window
    • repackContents

      public void repackContents()
      An opportunity to re-pack settings pane contents.