Package SoundRecorder

Class RecorderSettings

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters

public class RecorderSettings extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters
Control parameters for sound recorders.
Doug Gillespie
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • serialVersionUID

      public static final long serialVersionUID
      See Also:

      public static final int[] BITDEPTHS
      Allowable bit depths.
    • rawDataSource

      public String rawDataSource
      Name of the raw data source
    • enableBuffer

      public boolean enableBuffer
      Buffer data so that it can be added to the start of a file
    • bufferLength

      public int bufferLength
      Length of the buffered data to store
    • outputFolder

      public String outputFolder
      Output folder for recording files
    • fileInitials

      public String fileInitials
      Initials to add to the start of a file name, the rest of which is made up from the date.
    • autoInterval

      public int autoInterval
      Number of seconds between automatic recordings
    • autoDuration

      public int autoDuration
      Duration of automatic recordings in seconds
    • maxLengthSeconds

      public int maxLengthSeconds
      Maximum length of a single file in seconds
    • maxLengthMegaBytes

      public long maxLengthMegaBytes
      Maximum length of a single file in Mega bytes
    • startStatus

      public int startStatus
      New start status option to make it easier to automatically start recording.
      Tells PAMGuard whether or not to start the recorder when PAMGuard starts.
  • Method Details

    • setOutputFolder

      public void setOutputFolder(String outputFolder)
    • isRoundFileStarts

      public boolean isRoundFileStarts()
      if file start times should be rounded to 'nice' times.
    • setRoundFileStarts

      public void setRoundFileStarts(boolean roundFileStarts)
      roundFileStarts - File start times will be rounded to 'nice' times.
    • findTriggerData

      public RecorderTriggerData findTriggerData(RecorderTrigger recorderTrigger)
      Find the active trigger data for a trigger of a given name.

      If the trigger data cannot be found, add the default set.

      recorderTrigger -
      Active trigger data (started as the default, then got modified by the user)
    • findTriggerData

      public RecorderTriggerData findTriggerData(String triggerName)
      find a set of trigger data by name.
      triggerName - trigger name
      Active trigger data.
    • getLongestHistory

      public double getLongestHistory()
      Get the largest (enabled) pre trigger time
      longest time in seconds.
    • clone

      public RecorderSettings clone()
    • getFileType

      public AudioFileFormat.Type getFileType()
      Since AudioFileFormat.Type is not serialized, fileType is stored as a sting. The getter therefore needs to search available file types and return the appropriate one.
      Format type for the audio file
      See Also:
    • setFileType

      public void setFileType(AudioFileFormat.Type fileType)
    • replaceTriggerData

      public void replaceTriggerData(RecorderTriggerData newData)
      Find a trigger data object with the same name and replace it.
      newData -
    • getChannelBitmap

      public int getChannelBitmap(int availableChannels)
      get the channel map, but tell it what channels are available !
      availableChannels - available cahnnels (channel map of parent process)
      channel bitmap
    • getNumChannels

      public int getNumChannels()
      The number of channels to be recorded.
    • setChannelBitmap

      public void setChannelBitmap(int channelBitmap)
      channelBitmap - the channelBitmap to set
    • setChannelBitmap

      public int setChannelBitmap(int iChannel, boolean state)
      Set the bitmap for a given channel.
      iChannel - channel number
      state - on or of (true or false)
      channel bitmap
    • getChannelBitmap

      public boolean getChannelBitmap(int availableChannels, int iChannel)
      Get the state of a single channel.
      availableChannels - available channels
      iChannel - channel number
      true or false.
    • getParameterSet

      public PamParameterSet getParameterSet()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedParameters
      Get a set of data that describes all of the parameters in a class
      Specified by:
      getParameterSet in interface ManagedParameters
      description of the parameters in a class.