Package Spectrogram

Class SpectrogramZoomer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpectrogramZoomer extends Object implements Zoomable
The Spectrogram Zoomer acts as the class which handles all zoomer functionality. The zoomer is assocaited with a particular spectrogramPanel.
Jamie Macaulay
  • Constructor Details

    • SpectrogramZoomer

      public SpectrogramZoomer(SpectrogramDisplay spectrogramDisplay, Spectrogram.SpectrogramDisplay.SpectrogramPanel spectroPanel)
  • Method Details

    • canStartZoomArea

      public boolean canStartZoomArea(MouseEvent mouseEvent)
      Description copied from interface: Zoomable
      Can a zoom area be started ?

      This is called from the zoomer when a zoom area is about to start to check that there are not reasons for not starting the area. For instance if some other mouse event is to take priority over the zoom, e.g. clicking on a detection which might initiate some other menu action.

      Specified by:
      canStartZoomArea in interface Zoomable
      true if zooming can start
    • zoomShapeChanging

      public void zoomShapeChanging(ZoomShape zoomShape)
      Description copied from interface: Zoomable
      Called as the zoom shape changes via some sort of mouse action.
      Specified by:
      zoomShapeChanging in interface Zoomable
      zoomShape - shape that's changing.
    • isComplete

      public boolean isComplete()
    • setComplete

      public void setComplete(boolean complete)
    • zoomPolygonComplete

      public void zoomPolygonComplete(ZoomShape zoomShape)
      Description copied from interface: Zoomable
      Called when a zoom shape has been completed.
      Specified by:
      zoomPolygonComplete in interface Zoomable
      zoomShape - zoom shape that's completed.
    • getXStart

      public double getXStart()
      Specified by:
      getXStart in interface Zoomable
      start (left most) value on the x axis scale
    • getXScale

      public double getXScale()
      Specified by:
      getXScale in interface Zoomable
      x scale in pixels per unit
    • getXRange

      public double getXRange()
      Specified by:
      getXRange in interface Zoomable
      range of x axis
    • getYStart

      public double getYStart()
      Specified by:
      getYStart in interface Zoomable
      start (bottom most) value on the y axis scale
    • getYScale

      public double getYScale()
      Specified by:
      getYScale in interface Zoomable
      y scale in pixels per unit
    • getYRange

      public double getYRange()
      Specified by:
      getYRange in interface Zoomable
      the range of the y axis
    • getCoordinateType

      public int getCoordinateType()
      Specified by:
      getCoordinateType in interface Zoomable
      the coordinate type - can be pretty much anything so long as it is unique for different types of coordinate for that display, e.g. the Click bearing time display so that zooming can only take place in that coordinate system.
    • zoomToShape

      public void zoomToShape(ZoomShape zoomShape)
      Description copied from interface: Zoomable
      Zoom to the bounds of a particular shape.
      Specified by:
      zoomToShape in interface Zoomable
      zoomShape - shape to zoom to
    • canClearZoomShape

      public boolean canClearZoomShape(MouseEvent mouseEvent)
      Specified by:
      canClearZoomShape in interface Zoomable