Package Spectrogram
package Spectrogram
ClassDescriptionA range slider which shows a colour gradient between two thumbs.This UI is designed to allow a user slide to thumbs defining the max and min amplitude for a colour scale.Spectrgoram projector for drawing directly onto the spectrogram display.Wrap up the spectrogram display so that it can be displayed using the more modern UserDisplayComponent system.Side panel for the spectrogram which allows users to quickly change spectrogram settingsClass to convert the new style OverlayMark's into old style spectrogram marks.Class to receive notifications when the mouse is dragged across the spectrogram display Get's called on mouse down and mouse up.Class for registration of classes that will observer spectrgram displays.Standard process for any PamControlled unit observing marks made manually on spectrogram displays.These are the parameter settings for a single spectrogram window, note tha a single spectrogram tab may have multiple windowsSpectrogram projector for overlaying data onto the spectrogram bitmap which will always be scaled 1:1 with regard to pixels per frequency or time bin.Extend ScrollJumper to get data selectors and selected datablocks from a single spectrogram panel.The Spectrogram Zoomer acts as the class which handles all zoomer functionality.Simple background measure for a channel of complex or real FFT data Uses a dead simple decaying mean measurementWindow function for use with FFT.