Package clickDetector

Class ClickSidePanel.SidePanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionListener, ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, EventListener, Accessible, ColorManaged
Enclosing class:

public class ClickSidePanel.SidePanel extends PamBorderPanel implements ActionListener
The actual side panel. Note that this inner class has been changed from private to public so that ClickAlarmManager can access the alarmTxtAlert method. Can't use the ClickSidePanel.getPanel method to return an instance of the SidePanel object because getPanel() returns a JComponent, not a SidePanel.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SidePanel

      public SidePanel()
  • Method Details

    • actionPerformed

      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
      Cycle through all available alarms, playing each one
      Specified by:
      actionPerformed in interface ActionListener
      e -
    • alarmTxtAlert

      public void alarmTxtAlert(ClickAlarm clickAlarm)
      Changes the label below the 'test alarm' button to indicate which, if any, alarm is currently sounding.
      clickAlarm - the alarm being sounded. Null indicates no alarm
    • setBackground

      public void setBackground(Color bg)
      setBackground in class PamPanel