Package clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht
package clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht
ClassDescriptionClass which deals with click train warnings.Default parameters for different species for the MHT click train detector.AlgorithmInfo for the MHT algorithm.Class for unpacking algorithm strings.MHTChi2<T>Any variable used by the MHT algorithmParameters class must extend this.The MHTChi2 provider manages the mhtchi2 algorithms for each track possibility.Handles which type of chi2 algorithm is being used and what settings pane to create.A click train algorithm based on a multi-hypothesis tracker (MHT) which groups data based on a minimisation function.Handles removing garbage tracks from an MHT algorithm's probability mix.MHTKernel<T>Core functions for a multi-hypothesis tracking (MHT) algorithm which groups data based on a minimisation function.Options for the MHT algorithmParameters for the MHT algorithm, contains two serializable parameter classes, one for the MHTKernel and one for the MHTCHi2Provider.Testing of some of the algorithmsThe chi^2 calculator for the MHTKernal.Some extra info on the chi2 algorithmsLogging for the StandardMHTChi2Info used with an MHT algorithm.Parameters for the PamMHTChi2 class.Standard MHT Chi2 provider manages the StandardMHTChi2 calculators associated with each possible track.TrackBitSet<T>Holds information on a track possibilitySimple class for holding a few bits of information on the track