Package clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
package clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
ClassDescriptionChi^2 value for dB amplitude of tracks.Chi2 value for changing bearing.Measures the difference in change between three bearing measurements.Subclass of parameters for bearing.Simple Enum indicating the direction the jump can be.Calculates the correlation value between subsequent clicks.Parameters for correlation MHT variableManages correlation values and ensures correlation calculation between two data units is stored and not calculated multiple times.Holds the UID of a click and the correlation value.Holds the maximum value for the correlation function and lag value.Calculate the chi2 value based on slowly changing inter-click-interval.The IDIChi2Parmas.Holds IDI data.Calculates the inter-detection interval (IDI) (usually clicks) interval for a set of data units based either on the time stamp or a more complex sample rate and cross correlation calculation.The length of a click.MHTChi2Var<T>A variable which is used to calculate chi2 value.Peak frequency variable for click train detector.Converts Radians to degrees and vice versa.Converts results to values.Seconds to millisecondsCalculate the ICI value of amplitude.Chi2 variable which compares the difference between the two three values.Parameters class for a simple chi2 variable.Chi^2 value for time delays.Time delay parameters.