Package dataModelFX.connectionNodes
Class ModuleConnectionNode
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
A connection node which represents a PAMGuard PamControlledUnit.
- Author:
- Jamie Macaulay
Property Summary
Properties inherited from class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
plugX, plugY, socketX, socketY
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.Group
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.Parent
Properties inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelp, accessibleRoleDescription, accessibleRole, accessibleText, blendMode, boundsInLocal, boundsInParent, cacheHint, cache, clip, cursor, depthTest, disabled, disable, effectiveNodeOrientation, effect, eventDispatcher, focused, focusTraversable, focusVisible, focusWithin, hover, id, inputMethodRequests, layoutBounds, layoutX, layoutY, localToParentTransform, localToSceneTransform, managed, mouseTransparent, nodeOrientation, onContextMenuRequested, onDragDetected, onDragDone, onDragDropped, onDragEntered, onDragExited, onDragOver, onInputMethodTextChanged, onKeyPressed, onKeyReleased, onKeyTyped, onMouseClicked, onMouseDragEntered, onMouseDragExited, onMouseDragged, onMouseDragOver, onMouseDragReleased, onMouseEntered, onMouseExited, onMouseMoved, onMousePressed, onMouseReleased, onRotate, onRotationFinished, onRotationStarted, onScrollFinished, onScroll, onScrollStarted, onSwipeDown, onSwipeLeft, onSwipeRight, onSwipeUp, onTouchMoved, onTouchPressed, onTouchReleased, onTouchStationary, onZoomFinished, onZoom, onZoomStarted, opacity, parent, pickOnBounds, pressed, rotate, rotationAxis, scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ, scene, style, translateX, translateY, translateZ, viewOrder, visible
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
Fields inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
Constructor Summary
(DataModelConnectPane connectionPane) Create a module node.ModuleConnectionNode
(DataModelConnectPane connectionPane, boolean core) Create a module node. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionInfo to save the nodejavafx.scene.paint.Color
Get the circle colour for a core module.Get all other nodes core lines should connect to.javafx.scene.paint.Color
Get the line colour of core lines.Get the PAMControlledUnit associated with the ModuleConnectionNode.getPrefferedParent
(PamControlledUnit parentControlledUnit) Say a this connection node has a parent with multiple compatible output data blocks.boolean
Check whether the module attempts to connect automatically to a parent when added to pane.boolean
Check whether this is a core module node.boolean
Check whether the module is a CoreOutput or CorInput module.boolean
Check whether connection listeners are enabledboolean
Check whether the top settings pane is showing or not.void
Called whenever settings are first loaded in PAMGuard.void
(boolean autoConnect) Set whether the module attempts to connect automatically to a parent when added to pane.void
(ConnectionNodeParams usedStructInfo) Set the used structure info.void
(boolean core) Set whether the module is a core modules.void
(javafx.scene.paint.Color circleColour) Set the circle colour for a core module.void
(javafx.scene.paint.Color coreLineColour) Set the line colour of core lines.void
(boolean coreOutput) Set whether the module is a CoreOutput or CorInput module.void
(boolean enableConnectListeners) Set whether the connection listeners are enabled.void
(PamControlledUnit pamControlledUnit) Set the PamControlledUnit associated with the ModuleConnectionNode.void
Update parameters the paramters to from current node position etc.Methods inherited from class pamViewFX.fxNodes.connectionPane.StandardConnectionNode
addConnectionListener, addConnectorNodeListener, addDefaultPlug, addDefaultSocket, checkWithinPane, connectNode, createNodeBody, createPlug, disconnectNode, getBranchConnectionSockets, getChildConnectionNodes, getConnectionGroup, getConnectionNodeBody, getConnectionPane, getConnectionPlugs, getConnectionSockets, getNodeId, getNumConnectionListeners, getOrientation, getParentConnectionNodes, getPlugConnectionLines, getSocketConnectionLines, initDefaultPlugLayout, initDefaultSocketLayout, isAllowBranchSockets, isMouseDisable, notifyChange, notifyConnectionListeners, plugXProperty, plugYProperty, removeAllBranchSockets, removeAllConnectionPlugs, removeAllConnectionSockets, removeConnectionListener, removeConnectionSocket, removeConnectorNodeListener, setAllowBranchSocket, setAllowBranchSockets, setCollisionShapesNull, setCollisionShapesNull, setConnectionPane, setDisableMouseInteraction, setPlugX, setPlugY, socketXProperty, socketYProperty
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.Group
autoSizeChildrenProperty, getChildren, isAutoSizeChildren, minHeight, minWidth, prefHeight, prefWidth, setAutoSizeChildren
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.Parent
getBaselineOffset, getChildrenUnmodifiable, getStylesheets, isNeedsLayout, layout, lookup, needsLayoutProperty, queryAccessibleAttribute, requestLayout
Methods inherited from class javafx.scene.Node
accessibleHelpProperty, accessibleRoleDescriptionProperty, accessibleRoleProperty, accessibleTextProperty, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, applyCss, autosize, blendModeProperty, boundsInLocalProperty, boundsInParentProperty, buildEventDispatchChain, cacheHintProperty, cacheProperty, clipProperty, computeAreaInScreen, contains, contains, cursorProperty, depthTestProperty, disabledProperty, disableProperty, effectiveNodeOrientationProperty, effectProperty, eventDispatcherProperty, executeAccessibleAction, fireEvent, focusedProperty, focusTraversableProperty, focusVisibleProperty, focusWithinProperty, getAccessibleHelp, getAccessibleRole, getAccessibleRoleDescription, getAccessibleText, getBlendMode, getBoundsInLocal, getBoundsInParent, getCacheHint, getClassCssMetaData, getClip, getContentBias, getCssMetaData, getCursor, getDepthTest, getEffect, getEffectiveNodeOrientation, getEventDispatcher, getId, getInputMethodRequests, getLayoutBounds, getLayoutX, getLayoutY, getLocalToParentTransform, getLocalToSceneTransform, getNodeOrientation, getOnContextMenuRequested, getOnDragDetected, getOnDragDone, getOnDragDropped, getOnDragEntered, getOnDragExited, getOnDragOver, getOnInputMethodTextChanged, getOnKeyPressed, getOnKeyReleased, getOnKeyTyped, getOnMouseClicked, getOnMouseDragEntered, getOnMouseDragExited, getOnMouseDragged, getOnMouseDragOver, getOnMouseDragReleased, getOnMouseEntered, getOnMouseExited, getOnMouseMoved, getOnMousePressed, getOnMouseReleased, getOnRotate, getOnRotationFinished, getOnRotationStarted, getOnScroll, getOnScrollFinished, getOnScrollStarted, getOnSwipeDown, getOnSwipeLeft, getOnSwipeRight, getOnSwipeUp, getOnTouchMoved, getOnTouchPressed, getOnTouchReleased, getOnTouchStationary, getOnZoom, getOnZoomFinished, getOnZoomStarted, getOpacity, getParent, getProperties, getPseudoClassStates, getRotate, getRotationAxis, getScaleX, getScaleY, getScaleZ, getScene, getStyle, getStyleableParent, getStyleClass, getTransforms, getTranslateX, getTranslateY, getTranslateZ, getTypeSelector, getUserData, getViewOrder, hasProperties, hoverProperty, idProperty, inputMethodRequestsProperty, intersects, intersects, isCache, isDisable, isDisabled, isFocused, isFocusTraversable, isFocusVisible, isFocusWithin, isHover, isManaged, isMouseTransparent, isPickOnBounds, isPressed, isResizable, isVisible, layoutBoundsProperty, layoutXProperty, layoutYProperty, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParentTransformProperty, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToScene, localToSceneTransformProperty, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, localToScreen, lookupAll, managedProperty, maxHeight, maxWidth, mouseTransparentProperty, nodeOrientationProperty, notifyAccessibleAttributeChanged, onContextMenuRequestedProperty, onDragDetectedProperty, onDragDoneProperty, onDragDroppedProperty, onDragEnteredProperty, onDragExitedProperty, onDragOverProperty, onInputMethodTextChangedProperty, onKeyPressedProperty, onKeyReleasedProperty, onKeyTypedProperty, onMouseClickedProperty, onMouseDragEnteredProperty, onMouseDragExitedProperty, onMouseDraggedProperty, onMouseDragOverProperty, onMouseDragReleasedProperty, onMouseEnteredProperty, onMouseExitedProperty, onMouseMovedProperty, onMousePressedProperty, onMouseReleasedProperty, onRotateProperty, onRotationFinishedProperty, onRotationStartedProperty, onScrollFinishedProperty, onScrollProperty, onScrollStartedProperty, onSwipeDownProperty, onSwipeLeftProperty, onSwipeRightProperty, onSwipeUpProperty, onTouchMovedProperty, onTouchPressedProperty, onTouchReleasedProperty, onTouchStationaryProperty, onZoomFinishedProperty, onZoomProperty, onZoomStartedProperty, opacityProperty, parentProperty, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, pickOnBoundsProperty, pressedProperty, pseudoClassStateChanged, relocate, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, requestFocus, resize, resizeRelocate, rotateProperty, rotationAxisProperty, scaleXProperty, scaleYProperty, scaleZProperty, sceneProperty, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, sceneToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, screenToLocal, setAccessibleHelp, setAccessibleRole, setAccessibleRoleDescription, setAccessibleText, setBlendMode, setCache, setCacheHint, setClip, setCursor, setDepthTest, setDisable, setEffect, setEventDispatcher, setFocusTraversable, setId, setInputMethodRequests, setLayoutX, setLayoutY, setManaged, setMouseTransparent, setNodeOrientation, setOnContextMenuRequested, setOnDragDetected, setOnDragDone, setOnDragDropped, setOnDragEntered, setOnDragExited, setOnDragOver, setOnInputMethodTextChanged, setOnKeyPressed, setOnKeyReleased, setOnKeyTyped, setOnMouseClicked, setOnMouseDragEntered, setOnMouseDragExited, setOnMouseDragged, setOnMouseDragOver, setOnMouseDragReleased, setOnMouseEntered, setOnMouseExited, setOnMouseMoved, setOnMousePressed, setOnMouseReleased, setOnRotate, setOnRotationFinished, setOnRotationStarted, setOnScroll, setOnScrollFinished, setOnScrollStarted, setOnSwipeDown, setOnSwipeLeft, setOnSwipeRight, setOnSwipeUp, setOnTouchMoved, setOnTouchPressed, setOnTouchReleased, setOnTouchStationary, setOnZoom, setOnZoomFinished, setOnZoomStarted, setOpacity, setPickOnBounds, setRotate, setRotationAxis, setScaleX, setScaleY, setScaleZ, setStyle, setTranslateX, setTranslateY, setTranslateZ, setUserData, setViewOrder, setVisible, snapshot, snapshot, startDragAndDrop, startFullDrag, styleProperty, toBack, toFront, toString, translateXProperty, translateYProperty, translateZProperty, usesMirroring, viewOrderProperty, visibleProperty
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface javafx.css.Styleable
Constructor Details
Create a module node.- Parameters:
- - the connection pane the module node sits in.core
- - true if a special module. Special modules are modules which connect to all or none of the other modules.
Create a module node.- Parameters:
- - the connection pane the module node sits in.
Method Details
Set the PamControlledUnit associated with the ModuleConnectionNode.- Parameters:
- - the pamControlledUnit to associate with the ModuleConnectionNode.
Get the PAMControlledUnit associated with the ModuleConnectionNode.- Returns:
- the connectionNode.
public void setCore(boolean core) Set whether the module is a core modules. Core modules do not allow uses to connect manually to other modules and instead connect automatically themselves. There are very few core modules e.g. database, binary storage, array manager.- Parameters:
- - true if a core module.
Get all other nodes core lines should connect to. Override this function to connect core lines to specific nodes.- Returns:
- list of ConnectionNodes to connect to.
public boolean isCoreOutput()Check whether the module is a CoreOutput or CorInput module. If core output then the module is assumed to connect to all inputs for all other modules. For CoreInput then all other modules are connected to input of module.- Returns:
- true if CoreOutput.
public void setCoreOutput(boolean coreOutput) Set whether the module is a CoreOutput or CorInput module. If core output then the module is assumed to connect to all inputs for all other modules. For CoreInput then all other modules are connected to input of module.- Parameters:
- - true if CoreOutput.
public javafx.scene.paint.Color getCoreLineColour()Get the line colour of core lines. Note this is not the same as ConnectionLines.- Returns:
- the Colour of core lines
public void setCoreLineColour(javafx.scene.paint.Color coreLineColour) Set the line colour of core lines. Note this is not the same as ConnectionLines.- Parameters:
- colour to set core lines to.
public javafx.scene.paint.Color getCoreCircleColour()Get the circle colour for a core module. Note this is not the same as ConnectionLines.- Returns:
- the colour of core circle
public void setCoreCircleColour(javafx.scene.paint.Color circleColour) Set the circle colour for a core module. Note this is not the same as ConnectionLines.- Parameters:
- Colour of core circle
public boolean isCore()Check whether this is a core module node. Core modules cannot be manullay connected- Returns:
- true if a core module
public boolean isAutoConnect()Check whether the module attempts to connect automatically to a parent when added to pane.- Returns:
- true if automatically tries to connect to parent when added to a pane
public void setAutoConnect(boolean autoConnect) Set whether the module attempts to connect automatically to a parent when added to pane.- Parameters:
- - true if automatically tries to connect to parent when added to a pane
Say a this connection node has a parent with multiple compatible output data blocks. Which to set as it's parent data block? This returns the preferred data block in this case.- Parameters:
- - the parent controlled unit.- Returns:
- the preferred output data block from the parent. Can be null.
public boolean isEnableConnectListeners()Check whether connection listeners are enabled- Returns:
- true if enabled.
public void setEnableConnectListeners(boolean enableConnectListeners) Set whether the connection listeners are enabled. Only set to false if the connections are not being made by the user in the GUI- Parameters:
- - true to enable listeners
public boolean isSettingsShowing()Check whether the top settings pane is showing or not.- Returns:
- true if top pane is showing.
Info to save the node- Specified by:
in interfacePAMConnectionNode
- Returns:
- the used structure information
Description copied from interface:PAMConnectionNode
Set the used structure info.- Specified by:
in interfacePAMConnectionNode
public void loadsettings()Description copied from interface:PAMConnectionNode
Called whenever settings are first loaded in PAMGuard.- Specified by:
in interfacePAMConnectionNode
public void updateParams()Description copied from interface:PAMConnectionNode
Update parameters the paramters to from current node position etc.- Specified by:
in interfacePAMConnectionNode