Package PamguardMVC

Class PamDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>

Direct Known Subclasses:
AcousticDataBlock, AISDataBlock, AlarmDataBlock, AnalogArraySensorDataBlock, AngleDataBlock, ArrayAccelDataBlock, AutecDataBlock, BackgroundDataBlock, BearingDataBlock, BFLDataOutput, BuoyStatusDataBlock, CalibrationDataBlock, ClickTrainTempBlock, ClipSpectrogramMarkDataBlock, D3DataBlock, DaqStatusDataBlock, DbHtDataBlock, DepthDataBlock, DLModelDataBlock, EffortDataBlock, FormsDataBlock, FormsMasterDataBlock, GPLStateDataBlock, GPSDataBlock, GridDataBlock, HydrophoneDataBlock, IMUDataBlock, IshDataBlock, LandmarkDataBlock, LinePlotDataBlock, MapCommentDataBlock, MarkDataBlock, MeygenDataBlock, NMEADataBlock, NoiseDataBlock, NoiseDataBlock, OneBandDataBlock, PrintScreenDataBlock, QAOpsDataBlock, QASoundDataBlock, QueuedDataBlock, QueuedTaskDataBlock, RavenDataBlock, RoccaContourDataBlock, RoccaLoggingDataBlock, RoccaSightingDataBlock, RockBlockDataBlock, SegmenterDataBlock, SegmenterGroupDataBlock, SimObjectsDataBlock, SimpleClickDataBlock, SimSoundDataBlock, SingletonDataBlock, StreamerDataBlock, SuperDetDataBlock, TargetMotionDataBlock, TaskLoggingDataBlock, TethysLogDataBlock, TideDataBlock, TrackedGroupDataBlock, TriggerBackgroundDataBlock, VRDataBlock, WhistleClasificationDataBlock, WhistleLocationDataBlock

public class PamDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit> extends PamObservable
Doug Gillespie

PamDataBlocks manage the data from PamProcesses.

New data, either from external sources (sound cards, GPS, etc.) or detector output (clicks or whistles, etc.) are placed in PamDataUnits. The job of a PamDataBlock is to manage those PamDataUnits.

Processes that require the data from a PamDataBlock must implement PamObserver and subscribe as listeners to the PamDataBlock. When a new PamDataUnit is added to a data block, all listeners will be notified and sent references both to the data block and the data unit.

Each PamDatablock is also responsible for deleting old data. Since only the observers of PamDataBlocks know how much historical data is required, before deleting any data each PamDataBlock asks all the PamObservers for their required data history in milliseconds and takes the maximum value returned by all observers. The PamDataBlock will then calculate the time of the first required data unit and delete all preceding units. This operation takes place approximately once per second.

For example, a whistle detector, while searching for whistles, may only require the last two or three data units from the data block containing FFT data, but when it's found a complete whistle, it may need to go back and look at the FFT data from other channels in order to calculate a location, or it may require the raw data in order to look at the original waveform. As another example, the map panel may want to hold several hours of data in memory for display purposes.

It is essential that PamProcesses are realistic about how much data they can ask a PamDataBlock to hold - if they consistently ask for too much data to be stored, the computer will run out of memory.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int REFERENCE_ABSOLUTE
      When getting a DataUnit from the Datablock, get the absolute data unit, i.e. the unit number as would be if none had ever been deleted
      See Also:

      public static final int REFERENCE_CURRENT
      When getting a DataUnit from the Datablock, get the current data unit, i.e. the unit number in the current ArrayList
      See Also:

      public static final int MIX_DONOTHING
      See Also:

      public static final int MIX_OUTOFDATABASE
      See Also:

      public static final int MIX_INTODATABASE
      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_NO_DATA
      No data available for offline loading.
      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_DATA_LOADED
      Data loaded for requested time period.
      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_DATA_PARTIAL_LOAD
      Data partially loaded for requested time period
      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_SAME_REQUEST
      this is exactly the same data as requested last time.

      This flag will be used with one of the other three.

      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_INTERRUPTED
      The request was interrupted (in multi thread load)
      See Also:

      public static final int REQUEST_EXCEPTION
      The request threw an exception of some sort.
      See Also:

      public static final int NOTIFY_NEW_DATA
      See Also:

      public static final int NOTIFY_UPDATE_DATA
      See Also:

      public static final int ITERATOR_END
      See Also:

      public static final int MATCH_EXACT
      Only accept an iterator for a unit that matches the time exactly
      See Also:

      public static final int MATCH_BEFORE
      If there is not exact time match, set the iterator so that the first element it returns will be the element before the requested time.
      See Also:

      public static final int MATCH_AFTER
      If there is not exact time match, set the iterator so that the first element it returns will be the element after the requested time.
      See Also:

      public static final int POSITION_BEFORE
      Set the iterator so that a call to previous() will give the first wanted element
      See Also:

      public static final int POSITION_AFTER
      Set the iterator so that a call to next() will give the first wanted element
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • PamDataBlock

      public PamDataBlock(Class unitClass, String dataName, PamProcess parentProcess, int channelMap)
      Standard PamDataBlock constructor.
      unitClass - class of data unit to hold in this data block
      dataName - name of data block
      parentProcess - parent PamProcess
      channelMap - bitmap of channels which may be represented in data units in this data block.
    • PamDataBlock

      public PamDataBlock(Class unitClass, String dataName, PamProcess parentProcess, int channelMap, boolean isOffline)
      PamDataBlock constructor that allows bespoke setting of isOffline flag.
      unitClass - class of data unit to hold in this data block
      dataName - name of data block
      parentProcess - parent PamProcess
      channelMap - bitmap of channels which may be represented in data units in this data block.
      isOffline - datablock is offline, so normal data deleting doesn't apply
  • Method Details

    • remove

      public void remove()
    • getUnitsCount

      public int getUnitsCount()
      The total number of PamDataUnits in the block
    • getUnitsCountFromTime

      public int getUnitsCountFromTime(long countStart)
    • getRemovedItems

      public List<Tunit> getRemovedItems()
      the removedItems list
    • getFirstUnitAfter

      public Tunit getFirstUnitAfter(long timems)
      Return the first DataUnit that is on or after the given time
      timems - Milliseconds - UTC in standard Java epoch
      a PamDataUnit or null if no data were found
    • findDataUnit

      public Tunit findDataUnit(long timeMS, int channels, int absStartPos)
      Find a unit that starts at a specific time. searchStart may help to speed things up, however, now that a LinkedList is used in place of a vector, it's likely that this speed increase will be small.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      timeMS - start time of data unit
      channels - channel bitmap of data unit, or 0 for any data unit
      absStartPos - start position for search, -1 if you want to start searching backwards from the end.
      data unit (or null if nothing found)
    • getReverseChannelIterator

      public ReverseChannelIterator<Tunit> getReverseChannelIterator(int channelMap)
      Get an iterator which can go backwards through a datablock, but only selects dataunits that have a channel map that overlaps with channelMap. Note that only hasPrevious() and previous() work and that you cannot add, delete, or move forwards through this iterator.
      channelMap - channel map for search
      a reverese iterator to go backwards through the data.
    • findDataUnit

      public Tunit findDataUnit(long timeMS, int channels)
      Find a data unit. By default, the search starts at the end of the list and works backwards on the assumption that we'll be more interested in more recent data.
      timeMS - start time of PamDataUnit
      channels - channel bitmap of PamDataUnit
      found data unit, or null.
    • getUnitIndex

      public int getUnitIndex(Tunit dataUnit)
    • findByDatabaseIndex

      public Tunit findByDatabaseIndex(int databaseIndex)
      Find a dataunit based on it's database index. If there have been no updates, then database indexes should be in order and a fast find can be used. If however, there have been updates, then things will not be in order so it's necessary to go through everything from start to end.
      databaseIndex - Index to search for.
      found unit or null.
    • findUnitByUIDandUTC

      public Tunit findUnitByUIDandUTC(long unitUID, long utc)
      find a data unit based on it's UID AND on it's timestamp to deal with problems of UID's occasionally resetting and therefore not being quite as unique as we'd like them to be.

      Allow a two second jitter on the time match to allow for some database systems not writing times to better than one second accuracy which won't match to binary file times which will remain accurate to milliseconds.

      unitUID -
      utc -
      found data unit or null;
    • findFirstUnitAfter

      public Tunit findFirstUnitAfter(long timems, DataSelector dataSelector)
    • findLastUnitBefore

      public Tunit findLastUnitBefore(long timems, DataSelector dataSelector)
      find the first data unit that is at or before the given time.
      timems - time in milliseconds.
      dataSelector - optional data selector
      unit or null.
    • findUnitsinInterval

      public ArrayList<Tunit> findUnitsinInterval(long startTime, long endTime)
      Find a group of data units within a time window.
      startTime - time to search from in millis
      endTime - time to search to in millis
      An ArrayList of units between startTime and endTime. If no units are present in this time window an empty array will be returned.
    • hasDataRange

      public boolean hasDataRange(long startMillis, long endMillis)
      Do data exist which cover the given time range ?
      startMillis -
      endMillis -
      true if data exist covering that time range.
    • clearAll

      public void clearAll()
      Clears all PamDataUnits from memory

      In viewer mode, data are also re-saved.

    • reset

      public void reset()
      Reset a datablock. This is called at PamStart from PamController It's been added in mostly to help with some issues surrounding sample numbering and timing when receiving Network data in which case the PamCalendar.getSessionStartTime may have been initialised when the sample count is already up in the zillions, in which case a lot of the timing functions won't work.
    • getCurrentViewDataStart

      public long getCurrentViewDataStart()
      the start time of data currently loaded by the viewer.
    • getCurrentViewDataEnd

      public long getCurrentViewDataEnd()
      the end time of data currently loaded by the viewer.
    • loadViewerData

      public boolean loadViewerData(long dataStart, long dataEnd, ViewLoadObserver loadObserver)
      Instruction from the viewer scroll manager to load new data.

      This just calls through to loadViewerData(OfflineDataLoadInfo ...) so this should not be overridden. Override the other function instead.

      dataStart - data start time in millis
      dataEnd - data end time in millis.
      loadObserver - - the load obsever. Can be used as a callback for load progress.
    • needViewerDataLoad

      public boolean needViewerDataLoad(OfflineDataLoadInfo offlineDataLoadInfo)
      Do we need to reload offline data ? Default behaviour is to reurn true if the time periods of the data load have changed, false otherwise.
      offlineDataLoadInfo -
      true if we need to reload offline data.
    • clearOnViewerLoad

      public boolean clearOnViewerLoad()
      Clear all data units on viewer load.
      true for normal operations, may be overridded for some types of super detection
    • loadViewerData

      public boolean loadViewerData(OfflineDataLoadInfo offlineDataLoadInfo, ViewLoadObserver loadObserver)
      Instruction from the viewer scroll manager to load new data.
      offlineDataLoadInfo - - the load object which contains all info on the data to be loaded.
      loadObserver - - the load observer. Can be used as a callback for load progress.
    • saveViewerData

      public boolean saveViewerData()
      Saves data in this data block in offline viewer mode.
      true if data found and saved.
    • getNumRequiredBeforeLoadTime

      public int getNumRequiredBeforeLoadTime()
      Get the number of pam data units that are required prior to the load times that get sent to loadViewerData. This can be used for things like hydrophone data where it may be necessary to load up a few earlier points to complete a trackline, etc.
      number of units required.
    • addPamData

      public void addPamData(Tunit pamDataUnit)
      Adds a new PamDataUnit to the PamDataBlock. When the data unit is added, PamObservers that have subscribed to the block will be notified.
      If the data unit already has a UID, it will be left as is.
      pamDataUnit - Reference to a PamDataUnit
    • addOldPamData

      public void addOldPamData(Tunit pamDataUnit)
      Add early PAM data to a datablock. this can be used in normal mode as well as viewer mode. UID's are not changed, and no notifications are sent out.
      pamDataUnit -
    • addPamData

      public void addPamData(Tunit pamDataUnit, Long uid)
      Adds a new PamDataUnit to the PamDataBlock and force the UID to a specific value. This should only be used in very specific circumstances - nromally, programmers should call addPamData(Tunit pamDataUnit) and let PAMGuard handle the UID's.
      pamDataUnit - Reference to a PamDataUnit
      uid - Unique identifier for data unit.
    • getLastUnitMillis

      public long getLastUnitMillis()
    • updatePamData

      public void updatePamData(Tunit pamDataUnit, long updateTimeMillis)
      update a dataunit. Does little except flag that the data unit is updated (so it will get saved), and sends notifications to other modules.
      pamDataUnit -
      updateTimeMillis -
    • shouldNotify

      public boolean shouldNotify()
    • remove

      public boolean remove(Tunit aDataUnit)
      Remove a data unit from a data block, but NOT from the database. To also remove from database, call remove(datUnit, true);
      aDataUnit -
    • remove

      public boolean remove(Tunit aDataUnit, boolean clearDatabase)
      Remove a data unit from a data block and optionally remove it's entry from the database.
      aDataUnit - data unit to remove from the working list.
      clearDatabase - entry immediately remove the data unit entry from the database
      true if removed successfully (false if it didn't exit).
    • getRecycledUnit

      public Tunit getRecycledUnit()
      Gets a recycled data unit if one is available.
      recycled unit, or null
    • getSourceDataBlock

      public PamDataBlock getSourceDataBlock()
    • getDataUnit

      public Tunit getDataUnit(int ref, int refType)
      Gets a reference to a data unit.
      ref - number of the data unit
      DataUnit \n If refType is REFERENCE_ABSOLUTE then the data unit with the absolute position ref is returned (if it has not yet been deleted). This might be used to re-access a specific unit or to access the unit coming directly before or after a previously accessed unit. \n If refType is REFERENCE_CURRENT then the data unit at that position in the current ArrayList is returned.
    • getLastUnit

      public Tunit getLastUnit()
      Gets the last data unit stored
      data unit or null
    • getLastUnit

      public Tunit getLastUnit(int channelMap)
      Get the last unit for a specific channel map (any match of channels allowed).

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      channelMap - channel map
      last data unit with at least one channel matching, or null.
    • getFirstUnit

      public Tunit getFirstUnit()
      Gets the first data unit stored
      data unit or null
    • getFirstUnit

      public Tunit getFirstUnit(int channelMap)
      Get the first unit for a specific channel map (any match of channels allowed).

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      channelMap - channel map
      last data unit with at least one channel matching, or null.
    • getPreceedingUnit

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnit(ListIterator<Tunit> listIterator, long startTime)
      Finds the data unit before the given start time.

      This implementation is passed an iterator which has already been initialised to be at the END of the list. In this way, the calling function has access to the iterator and can access nearby elements.

      listIterator - pre initialised ListIterator
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      data unit at or following the given time.
      See Also:
    • getPreceedingUnit

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnit(ListIterator<Tunit> listIterator, long startTime, int channelMap)
      Finds the data unit before the given start time that has the same channel map.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, getPreceedingUnitFromSeq should be used instead.

      This implementation is passed an iterator which has already been initialised to be at the END of the list. In this way, the calling function has access to the iterator and can access nearby elements.

      listIterator - pre initialised ListIterator
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      channelMap - Channel bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
      See Also:
    • getPreceedingUnitFromSeq

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnitFromSeq(ListIterator<Tunit> listIterator, long startTime, int chanOrSeqMap)
      Finds the data unit before the given start time that has the same channel/sequence map.

      This implementation is passed an iterator which has already been initialised to be at the END of the list. In this way, the calling function has access to the iterator and can access nearby elements.

      listIterator - pre initialised ListIterator
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      chanOrSeqMap - Channel bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
      See Also:
    • getPreceedingUnit

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnit(long startTime)
      Simple function to find the data unit at or before the given start time.
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      data unit at or following the given time.
    • getPreceedingUnit

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnit(long startTime, int channelMap)
      Simple function to find the data unit at or before the given start time that has a given channel bitmap
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      channelMap - Channel bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
    • getPreceedingUnitFromSeq

      public Tunit getPreceedingUnitFromSeq(long startTime, int chanOrSeqMap)
      Simple function to find the data unit at or before the given start time that has a given channel OR sequence bitmap
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      chanOrSeqMap - Channel or Sequence bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
    • getNextUnit

      public Tunit getNextUnit(ListIterator<Tunit> listIterator, long startTime, int channelMap)
      Finds the data unit after the given start time that has the same channel map.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      This implementation is passed an iterator which has already been initialised to be at the END of the list. In this way, the calling function has access to the iterator and can access nearby elements.

      listIterator - pre initialised ListIterator
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      channelMap - Channel bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
      See Also:
    • getNextUnit

      public Tunit getNextUnit(long startTime, int channelMap)
      Simple function to find the data unit at or following the given start time that has a given channel bitmap
      startTime - search time in milliseconds
      channelMap - Channel bitmap
      data unit at or following the given time.
    • getClosestUnitMillis

      public Tunit getClosestUnitMillis(long startTime)
      Find the closest data unit to a given time.
      startTime - Start time of data unit (milliseconds)
      closest data unit
    • getClosestUnitMillis

      public Tunit getClosestUnitMillis(long startTime, int channelMap)
      Find the closest data unit to a given time. Note that this method works specifically with the channelMap. If you need to use either channel map or sequence map, call getClosestUnitMillisUsingSeq instead.
      startTime - Start time of data unit (milliseconds)
      channelMap - Channel map - must be some overlap, not an exact match.
      closest data unit
    • getClosestUnitMillisUsingSeq

      public Tunit getClosestUnitMillisUsingSeq(long startTime, int chanOrSeqMap)
      Find the closest data unit to a given time. This method tries to check the data units for sequence number first, and if there is no sequence number will try the channel number
      startTime - Start time of data unit (milliseconds)
      chanOrSeqMap - Channel/Sequence map - must be some overlap, not an exact match.
      closest data unit
    • getSampleRate

      public float getSampleRate()
      The sample rate of the data contained in the block
    • getFrequencyRange

      public double[] getFrequencyRange()
      Get the range of frequencies over which the data in the data block are likely to be present. Note that this is pretty crude and may not reflect the true range, for example, the click detector will return the limits of it's trigger filter, and there are plenty of sounds outside of that range which may have most of their energy well outside of the trigger range of the detector.
      Nominal frequency range for data in this block.
    • getDurationRange

      public double[] getDurationRange()
      Get the nominal range of durations of sounds that might be detected by this detector (if applicable). This is pretty crude, but will give an indication of which detectors might work with which types of sound.
      can return null, 0 and Double.Infinity are also acceptable values.
      duration range in seconds of sounds this detector can sensibly detect
    • getDataName

      public String getDataName()
      Name of the data in the block.
    • getLongDataName

      public String getLongDataName()
      Get a slightly longer data name that also contains the module name
      longer data name including module name.
    • setSampleRate

      public void setSampleRate(float sampleRate, boolean notify)
      Sets the sample rate for the block (e.g. call this after opening a sound file and reading the sample rate from the file header or after altering sound card settings). All observers of this block (PamProcesses and some views) are notified, they in turn should tell their own output PamDataBlocks about the change.
      sampleRate - The new sample rate in Hz.
      notify - set true if Observers should be notified
    • masterClockUpdate

      public void masterClockUpdate(long milliSeconds, long clockSample)
    • noteNewSettings

      public void noteNewSettings()
      Tell all observers of this datablock that some control parameters have changed. Modified July 09 to make sure it doesn't loop through itself when using threaded observers.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getNaturalLifetime

      public int getNaturalLifetime()
      Get the natural lifetime in seconds
      lifetime in seconds
    • setNaturalLifetimeMillis

      public void setNaturalLifetimeMillis(int naturalLifetime)
      Set the natural lifetime in milliseconds
      naturalLifetime -
    • getNaturalLifetimeMillis

      public int getNaturalLifetimeMillis()
      Get the natural lifetime in milliseconds
    • setNaturalLifetime

      public void setNaturalLifetime(int naturalLifetime)
      Set the natural lifetime in seconds of the data if there are no observers asking to keep it for longer
      naturalLifetime - in seconds (NOT milliseconds)
    • isLinkGpsData

      public boolean isLinkGpsData()
    • setLinkGpsData

      public void setLinkGpsData(boolean linkGpsData)
    • getChannelMap

      public int getChannelMap()
      Software channel map for the data block.
    • setChannelMap

      public void setChannelMap(int channelMap)
      Set the software channel map for the data block.
      channelMap - channel bitmap
    • getSequenceCount

      public int getSequenceCount()
      Get the number of separate channel sequences in the data. For nearly all data this will be the number of bits in the channel map. For beam formed data, or data derived from beam formed data this will generally be the total number of beams.

      This should be used to set numbers of display channels, etc.

      number of separate sequences of data in the stream.
    • getHydrophoneMap

      public int getHydrophoneMap()
      There may not be a 1:1 mapping of channels to hydrophones
      Hydrophone bit map
    • getDataGain

      public double getDataGain(int iChan)
      Return the gain applied to any data created into this datablock.

      Example 1: The amplifier module will just return it's gain

      Example 2: The FFT module will return the loss due to windowing the data.

      To convert to dB use 20*log10(Math.abs(getDataGain()));

      iChan - channel number
      gain as a factor (to allow for negative gains)
    • getCumulativeGain

      public double getCumulativeGain(int iChan)
      Get the total gain of this data block and all upstream datablocks.
      iChan - channel
      total gain.
    • setDataName

      public void setDataName(String dataName)
      dataName - The dataName to set.
    • getLoggingName

      public String getLoggingName()
    • getParentProcess

      public PamProcess getParentProcess()
      Returns the parentProcess.
    • setParentProcess

      public void setParentProcess(PamProcess newProcess)
    • getSourceProcess

      public PamProcess getSourceProcess()
      Returns the sourceProcess.
    • getRawSourceDataBlock

      public PamRawDataBlock getRawSourceDataBlock()
    • getFirstRawSourceDataBlock

      public PamRawDataBlock getFirstRawSourceDataBlock()
      Get the first raw data block in the chain. This is useful for finding decimator datablocks.
      the first raw data block in the chain
    • getRawSourceDataBlock2

      public PamRawDataBlock getRawSourceDataBlock2()
      Tries to find the raw data block source of the current data block. It does this by bouncing back and forth from ParentProcess to ParentDataBlock and back again, until it finds a PamRawDataBlock or either the ParentProcess or the ParentDataBlock is null.
      the PamRawDataBlock that serves as the source data, or null if no data block is found
    • addObserver

      public void addObserver(PamObserver o)
      Description copied from class: PamObservable
      Adds a PamObserver, which will then receive notifications when data is added. This is for single thread ops only
      addObserver in class PamObservable
      o - Reference to the observer
    • addObserver

      public void addObserver(PamObserver o, boolean reThread)
      addObserver in class PamObservable
    • getUnitClass

      public Class getUnitClass()
      Class type for the sotred data units in this data block.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      clean up datablock when it's no longer needed
    • stopTimer

      public void stopTimer()
      Had some issues with the Timer holding a reference to the underlying PamDataBlock (RoccaContourDataBlock, in this case) and not releasing it for garbage collection. Added in this method to force the timer to stop and release it's hold.
      stopTimer in class PamObservable
    • autoSetDataBlockMixMode

      public void autoSetDataBlockMixMode()
    • getMixedDirection

      public int getMixedDirection()
    • setMixedDirection

      public void setMixedDirection(int mixedDirection)
    • getLocalisationContents

      public LocalisationInfo getLocalisationContents()
      Get Information indicating what localisation information might be available for the data in this block. Note that a flag being set here is no guarantee that the data units will have a particular type of localisation data, since localisation may have failed on individual units.
      localisation flags
    • setLocalisationContents

      public void setLocalisationContents(int localisationContents)
      Set a bitmap of flags indicating what localisation information might be available for the data in this block. Note that a flag being set here is no guarantee that the data units will have a particular type of localisation data, since localisation may have failed on individual units.
      localisationContents - bitmap of localisation contents
    • addLocalisationContents

      public void addLocalisationContents(int localisationContents)
      Add a single flag indicating what localisation information might be available for the data in this block. Note that a flag being set here is no guarantee that the data units will have a particular type of localisation data, since localisation may have failed on individual units.
      localisationContents - bitmap of localisation contents
    • getLocalisationAlgorithm

      public LocalisationAlgorithm getLocalisationAlgorithm()
      Find localisation algorithm for this data. This may be within the owning module, or a downstream algorithm.
      first found localisation algorithm or null;
    • getListIterator

      public ListIterator<Tunit> getListIterator(int whereFrom)
      Get a list iterator through the data from a given position. the user of the iterator will then have to work out if they go fowards or backwards through the data.
      whereFrom - index in data, or ITERATOR_END (-1) to go to end
      iterator through data
    • getListIterator

      public ListIterator<Tunit> getListIterator(long startTimeMillis, int channels, int match, int position)
      Get an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      a list iterator ...
    • getDataCopy

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopy(long startTimeMillis, int channels, int match, int position)
      copy the data using an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.
      startTimeMillis -
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      channels -
      match -
      position -
      temporary copy of the data
    • getListIteratorFromStart

      public ListIterator<Tunit> getListIteratorFromStart(long startTime, int channels, int match, int position)
      Get an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      a list iterator ...
    • getDataCopyFromStart

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopyFromStart(long startTimeMillis, int channels, int match, int position)
      copy the data using an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      startTimeMillis -
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      channels -
      match -
      position -
      temporary copy of the data
    • getListIteratorFromEnd

      public ListIterator<Tunit> getListIteratorFromEnd(long startTime, int channels, int match, int position)
      Get an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      a list iterator ...
    • getDataCopyFromEnd

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopyFromEnd(long startTimeMillis, int channels, int match, int position)
      copy the data using an iterator, positioned at the given startTime.

      Note that this method works specifically on the Channel Map. If this data block may have sequence numbers or channels, a new method needs to be created using the getSequenceBitmap call instead of getChannelBitmap.

      startTimeMillis -
      channels - map of channels of interest.
      match - match criteria = MATCH_EXACT, MATCH_BEFORE, MATCH_AFTER
      position - where to position the cursor: POSITION_BEFORE, POSITION_AFTER
      startTime - Start time in milliseconds.
      channels -
      match -
      position -
      temporary copy of the data
    • dumpBlockContents

      public void dumpBlockContents()
    • getDataCopy

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopy()
      Get a complete copy of the data. Using this is often safer than using internal iterators to go through the data for plotting, etc., since this copy of the data will not need to be synchronized, so will not cause thread lockouts. Generally copying the array will be faster than doing anything with the data within the array.
      temporary complete copy of the data in a new array.
    • getDataCopy

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopy(long t1, long t2, boolean assumeOrder)
      Get a temporary copy of all data between two times (inclusive)
      t1 - first time
      t2 - last time
      assumeOrder - Assume units are in order, so can break as soon as a unit after t2 is reached
      temporary copy of the data
    • getDataCopy

      public ArrayList<Tunit> getDataCopy(long t1, long t2, boolean assumeOrder, DataSelector dataSelector)
      Get a temporary copy of all data between two times (inclusive) using a data selector
      t1 - first time
      t2 - last time
      assumeOrder - Assume units are in order, so can break as soon as a unit after t2 is reached
      dataSelector - data selector (can be null)
      temporary copy of the data
    • getProcessAnnotations

      public Vector<ProcessAnnotation> getProcessAnnotations()
    • createProcessAnnotations

      public int createProcessAnnotations(PamDataBlock sourceData, ProcessAnnotator newAnnotations)
      Copies all annotations over from the source DataBlock, then adds in the new ones from the new datablock.
      sourceData - source Datablock
      newAnnotations - source of new annotations
      total number of annotations
    • createProcessAnnotations

      public int createProcessAnnotations(PamDataBlock sourceData, ProcessAnnotator newAnnotations, boolean notifyDownstream)
      Copies all annotations over from the source DataBlock, then adds in the new ones from the new datablock.
      sourceData - source Datablock
      newAnnotations - source of new annotations
      notifydownstream - notify downstream modules.
      total number of annotations
    • findAnnotation

      public ProcessAnnotation findAnnotation(String type, String name)
      Finds an annotation with the given type and name
      type - annotation type
      name - annotation name
      annotation object
    • findAnnotation

      public ProcessAnnotation findAnnotation(ProcessAnnotation template)
      Finds an annotation with the same type and name as the template annotation
      template - template annotation
      annotation object
    • setRecycling

      public void setRecycling(boolean recycling)
      recycling - the recycling to set
    • isRecycling

      public boolean isRecycling()
      the recycling
    • setRecyclingStoreLength

      public void setRecyclingStoreLength(int recyclingStoreLength)
      recyclingStoreLength - the recyclingStoreLength to set
    • getRecyclingStoreLength

      public int getRecyclingStoreLength()
      the recyclingStoreLength
    • notifyModelChanged

      public void notifyModelChanged(int changeType)
      Receive notifications from the main PamController.
      changeType -
    • setBinaryDataSource

      public void setBinaryDataSource(BinaryDataSource binaryDataSource)
      BinaryDataSource - the BinaryDataSource to set
    • getBinaryDataSource

      public BinaryDataSource getBinaryDataSource()
      the BinaryDataSource
    • setJSONDataSource

      public void setJSONDataSource(JSONObjectDataSource jsonDataSource)
      Set the data source for exporting as a JSON-formatted string
      jsonDataSource -
    • getJSONDataSource

      public JSONObjectDataSource getJSONDataSource()
      Get the data source for exporting as a JSON-formatted string
    • SetLogging

      public void SetLogging(SQLLogging logging)
    • getLogging

      public SQLLogging getLogging()
    • getTethysDataProvider

      public TethysDataProvider getTethysDataProvider(TethysControl tethysControl)
      Gets a data provider for Tethys. These will probably need to be bespoke, but for now will autogenerate based on the SQLLogging information.
      the tethysDataProvider
    • getDataAutomationInfo

      public DataAutomationInfo getDataAutomationInfo()
      Get the level of automation employed by the generation of these data. Should ideally be completed for everything providing data to Tethys.
      level of automation for this data block.
    • getDatablockSpeciesManager

      public DataBlockSpeciesManager<Tunit> getDatablockSpeciesManager()
      Get information about species types that may occur within this data block. Primarily for conversion into Tethys compatible data, but may prove to have other uses.
      Types of species information available within this datablock.
    • getCanLog

      public final boolean getCanLog()
    • getUIDRepairLogging

      public SQLLogging getUIDRepairLogging()
    • getShouldLog

      public boolean getShouldLog(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit)
      Should log the data unit to the database ?
      pamDataUnit - dataunit to consider
      true if data should be logged.
    • getShouldLog

      public boolean getShouldLog()
      In general, should the data block try to log to the database?
      true if data should be logged.
    • setShouldLog

      public final void setShouldLog(boolean shouldLog)
      Set if data should be logged to the database.
      shouldLog - flag to log data.
    • getShouldBinary

      public boolean getShouldBinary(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit)
      Get flag to say whether data should be stored in the binary store
      pamDataUnit - data unit
      true if the data unit shoule be saved.
    • setShouldBinary

      public void setShouldBinary(boolean shouldBinary)
      Set flag to say if data should be stored in the binary store.
      shouldBinary - flag to say data shoule be stored.
    • addOfflineDataMap

      public void addOfflineDataMap(OfflineDataMap offlineDataMap)
      Adds a new offline datamap to the data block

      Note that there may be several maps from different types of storage (although only one should have anything in it in a sensible world).

      It's also possible that these will be recreated during a run, and we don't want two of the same type in the same datablock, so check that there isn't already one and remove it

      offlineDataMap -
    • getNumOfflineDataMaps

      public int getNumOfflineDataMaps()
      the number of different offline data maps
    • getOfflineDataMap

      public OfflineDataMap getOfflineDataMap(int iMap)
      iMap - index of map (see getNumOfflineDataMaps)
      an OfflineDataMap from that index in the list.
    • getOfflineDataMap

      public OfflineDataMap getOfflineDataMap(OfflineDataStore dataSource)
      dataSource - an offline data source (e.g. binaray storage, database storage, etc.
      the offline data map for a specific OfflineDataSource or null
    • getPrimaryDataMap

      public OfflineDataMap getPrimaryDataMap()
      New plan - always use the binary store if it has any data at all. If the binary store doesn't exist or is empty, only then use the database.
      a data map
    • getDatagrammedMap

      public OfflineDataMap getDatagrammedMap()
      Get a data map which has a datagram
    • removeOfflineDataMap

      public void removeOfflineDataMap(OfflineDataStore dataSource)
      remove a no longer needed offline data map.
      dataSource - data source (e.g. binary, database, raw data, etc.
    • getSaveRequirements

      public SaveRequirements getSaveRequirements(OfflineDataStore dataStore)
      Work out some basic information about the elements that need saving from these data.
      dataStore - data source that want's to save the data.
      an object of information
    • orderOfflineData

      public void orderOfflineData(PamObserver dataObserver, LoadObserver loadObserver, long startMillis, long endMillis, int loadKeepLayers, int interrupt)
      Similar functionality to getOfflineData, but this will launch a separate worker thread to do the actual work getting the data. The worker thread will call getOfflineData.

      getOfflineData will probably (if not overridden) be sending data to the update member function of the observer, but from the worker thread. Once it's complete, it will send a message to say that data are loaded.

      It's possible that the user will do something which causes this to be called again before the previous thread completed execution, in which case there are three options:

      OFFLINE_DATA_INTERRUPT - previous thread will be terminated

      OFFLINE_DATA_WAIT - wait for previous thread to terminate, then start this load

      OFFLINE_DATA_CANCEL - give up and return

      dataObserver - observer of the loaded data
      loadObserver - observer to get status information on the load.
      startMillis - data start time in milliseconds
      endMillis - data end time in milliseconds.
      loadKeepLayers - number of layers of data to keep in the datablocks.
      interrupt - interrupt options.
    • orderOfflineData

      public void orderOfflineData(OfflineDataLoadInfo offlineDataLoadInfo)
      Similar functionality to getOfflineData, but this will launch a separate worker thread to do the actual work getting the data. The worker thread will call getOfflineData.

      getOfflineData will probably (if not overridden) be sending data to the update member function of the observer, but from the worker thread. Once it's complete, it will send a message to say that data are loaded.

      It's possible that the user will do something which causes this to be called again before the previous thread completed execution, in which case there are three options:

      OFFLINE_DATA_INTERRUPT - previous thread will be terminated

      OFFLINE_DATA_WAIT - wait for previous thread to terminate, then start this load

      OFFLINE_DATA_CANCEL - give up and return

      offlineDataLoadInfo - objerct whihc contains all info needed to load data.
    • orderOfflineData

      public void orderOfflineData(PamObserver dataObserver, LoadObserver loadObserver, long startMillis, long endMillis, int loadKeepLayers, int interrupt, boolean allowRepeats)
      Similar functionality to getOfflineData, but this will launch a separate worker thread to do the actual work getting the data. The worker thread will call getOfflineData.

      getOfflineData will probably (if not overridden) be sending data to the update member function of the observer, but from the worker thread. Once it's complete, it will send a message to say that data are loaded.

      It's possible that the user will do something which causes this to be called again before the previous thread completed execution, in which case there are three options:

      OFFLINE_DATA_INTERRUPT - previous thread will be terminated

      OFFLINE_DATA_WAIT - wait for previous thread to terminate, then start this load

      OFFLINE_DATA_CANCEL - give up and return

      dataObserver - observer of the loaded data
      loadObserver - observer to get status information on the load.
      startMillis - data start time in milliseconds
      endMillis - data end time in milliseconds.
      loadKeepLayers - Number of layers of datablock which should hang on to loaded data rather than delete it immediately.
      interrupt - interrupt options.
      allowRepeats - allow repeated loads of exactly the same data.
    • getOfflineData

      public int getOfflineData(OfflineDataLoadInfo offlineLoadInfo)
      Gets data for offline display, playback, etc.

      This is used to get data from some upstream process which is quite different to the function loadViewerData(...) which loads data directly associated with this data block.

      For example, this might be called in the FFT data block by the spectrogram which wants some data to display. The FFT data block does not have this data, so it passes the request up to it's process which will in turn pass the request on until it reaches a module which is capable of loading data into data units and sending them back down the line.

      observer - data observer which will receive the data
      cancellationObject -
    • cancelDataOrder

      public void cancelDataOrder()
      Cancel the current offline data order
    • cancelDataOrder

      public void cancelDataOrder(boolean quedItems)
      Cancel the current offline data order
      quedItems - - true to cancel all low priority threads in the wait que
    • clearDeletedList

      public void clearDeletedList()
    • getNextDataStart

      public long getNextDataStart(long timeMillis)
      Get the next data start point. i.e. the time of the start of a map point which is > timeMillis
      timeMillis - current time in milliseconds
      start time of the next data start.
    • getPrevDataEnd

      public long getPrevDataEnd(long timeMillis)
      Get the previous data end point. i.e. the time of the end of a map point which is invalid input: '<' timeMillis
      timeMillis - current time in milliseconds
      start time of the next data start.
    • setDatagramProvider

      public void setDatagramProvider(DatagramProvider datagramProvider)
    • getDatagramProvider

      public DatagramProvider getDatagramProvider()
    • isCanClipGenerate

      public boolean isCanClipGenerate()
      the canClipGenerate
    • setCanClipGenerate

      public void setCanClipGenerate(boolean canClipGenerate)
      canClipGenerate - the canClipGenerate to set
    • getQuickId

      public int getQuickId()
      Quick integer datablock id which is based on the dataname
    • getQuickId2

      public int getQuickId2()
      Make a better quickId that is more resilient to changes at any point in the string, i.e. checksum all four bytes.
      and integer made up of exclusive OR's of all bytes making up the long data name
    • sortData

      public void sortData()
      Sorts all the data units in the data block in order of time (unless a a data unit class chooses to overwrite the compareTo function.
    • setRecordingTrigger

      public void setRecordingTrigger(RecorderTrigger recorderTrigger)
    • getRecordingTrigger

      public RecorderTrigger getRecordingTrigger()
    • getChannelIterator

      public ChannelIterator<Tunit> getChannelIterator(int channelMap, int whereFrom)
      Get an iterator which can iterator through only data units with data from particular channels in a databock.

      In viewer mode, channel iterators are saved for reuse but will be deleted / cleared if data are removed or added to the datablock to avoid concurrency exceptions.

      channelMap - channel map
      whereFrom - 0, start at start,
      a channel iterator
    • getSequenceIterator

      public SequenceIterator<Tunit> getSequenceIterator(int sequenceMap, int whereFrom)
      Get an iterator which can iterator through only data units with data from particular sequence numbers in a databock. Note that if the sequenceMap == null, this will simply default to the channelMap (but will still be classed as a SequenceIterator)

      In viewer mode, sequence iterators are saved for reuse but will be deleted / cleared if data are removed or added to the datablock to avoid concurrency exceptions.

      sequenceMap - sequence map
      whereFrom - 0, start at start,
      a sequence iterator
    • clearChannelIterators

      public void clearChannelIterators()
      Clears list of both channel and sequence iterators
    • getChannelIteratorCount

      public int getChannelIteratorCount()
      Get the number of stored channel/sequence iterators for a datablock.
      the number of channel invalid input: '&' sequence iterators currently associated with this data block.
    • isClearAtStart

      public boolean isClearAtStart()
      Flag to say that data should be cleared every time PAMGuard starts. Is true by default, but some modules may want to set this false for some streams.
      the clearAtStart
    • setClearAtStart

      public void setClearAtStart(boolean clearAtStart)
      Flag to say that data should be cleared every time PAMGuard starts. Is true by default, but some modules may want to set this false for some streams.
      clearAtStart - the clearAtStart to set
    • setDataSelectCreator

      public void setDataSelectCreator(DataSelectorCreator dataSelectorCreator)
    • getDataSelectCreator

      public DataSelectorCreator getDataSelectCreator()
      an object that can create data selectors to sub select data from within this type of data block.
    • getDataSelector

      public DataSelector getDataSelector(String selectorName, boolean allowScores)
      Convenience method to save programmer from having to call into the creator all the time.
      selectorName -
      allowScores -
      null or a DataSelector
    • getDataSelector

      public DataSelector getDataSelector(String selectorName, boolean allowScores, String selectorType)
      Convenience method to save programmer from having to call into the creator all the time.
      selectorName -
      allowScores -
      selectorType - Type of selector, generally a ModuleType name, e.g. Map, so that options can be tailored to specific needs
      null or a DataSelector
    • getDataSelector

      public DataSelector getDataSelector(String selectorName, boolean allowScores, String selectorType, boolean includeAnnotations, boolean includeSuperDetections)
      Convenience method to save programmer from having to call into the creator all the time.
      selectorName -
      allowScores -
      selectorType - Type of selector, generally a ModuleType name, e.g. Map, so that options can be tailored to specific needs
      includeAnnotations - include options from any annotators of this data stream
      includeSuperDetections - include any possible super detection data selectors.
      null or a DataSelector
    • getCrossReferenceInformation

      public CrossReference getCrossReferenceInformation()
      Get any information from the data block about cross referencing in database tables.

      This gets used when importing databases, whereby Id's will change, so may need to be rewritten in related tables. Does not (currently) handle issues with UID's.

      null or cross reference information.
    • getNanoTimeCalculator

      public NanoTimeCalculator getNanoTimeCalculator()
      the nanoTimeCalculator
    • setNanoTimeCalculator

      public void setNanoTimeCalculator(NanoTimeCalculator nanoTimeCalculator)
      nanoTimeCalculator - the nanoTimeCalculator to set
    • getUidHandler

      public DataBlockUIDHandler getUidHandler()
      the uidHandler
    • setUidHandler

      public void setUidHandler(DataBlockUIDHandler uidHandler)
      Set the UID handler - very occasionally it's necessary to set this to null.
      uidHandler -
    • getAnnotationHandler

      public AnnotationHandler getAnnotationHandler()
      the annotationHandler
    • addDataAnnotationType

      public void addDataAnnotationType(DataAnnotationType annotationType)
      Keep for backwards compatibility
      annotationType -
    • setAnnotationHandler

      public void setAnnotationHandler(AnnotationHandler annotationHandler)
      annotationHandler - the annotationHandler to set
    • getPamSymbolManager

      public PamSymbolManager getPamSymbolManager()
      aSymbol Manager which manages all symbol shapes and colours for this data block.
    • setPamSymbolManager

      public void setPamSymbolManager(PamSymbolManager pamSymbolManager)
      pamSymbolManager - the pamSymbolManager to set
    • checkOfflineDataUIDs

      public void checkOfflineDataUIDs()
      Check offline datablock UID's, taking the maximum uid from all available data maps.
    • getSequenceMap

      public int getSequenceMap()
      As described in dataunit, this is a slightly different map to channelmap to be used when beamforming, where the map of available outputs may be quite different to the number of available input channels.

      e.g. if a beam former had 4 input channels and made 6 beams then thechannelMap would be 0xF, but the sequenceMap would be 0x3F.

      Always defaults to the channel map if it's not been set.

      the sequenceMap
    • setSequenceMap

      public void setSequenceMap(Integer sequenceMap)
      As described in dataunit, this is a slightly different map to channelmap to be used when beamforming, where the map of available outputs may be quite different to the number of available input channels.

      e.g. if a beam former had 4 input channels and made 6 beams then thechannelMap would be 0xF, but the sequenceMap would be 0x3F.

      sequenceMap - the sequenceMap to set
    • getSequenceMapObject

      public Integer getSequenceMapObject()
      As described in dataunit, this is a slightly different map to channelmap to be used when beamforming, where the map of available outputs may be quite different to the number of available input channels.

      e.g. if a beam former had 4 input channels and made 6 beams then thechannelMap would be 0xF, but the sequenceMap would be 0x3F.

      As opposed to the getSequenceMap method, this method will return the sequenceMap object even if it is null

    • sortOutputMaps

      public void sortOutputMaps(int sourceChanMap, Integer sourceSeqMap, int localSubsetMap)
      This method will sort out this PamDataBlock's channel map and sequence map, depending on the source PamDataBlock that it's getting it's information from. It should typically be called when created, especially if the channel/sequence information is a subset of the source data block (such as when selected in a GroupSourcePanel object).
      There are 3 passed parameters: the source channel map, the source sequence map, and the subset map that this data block should reference. The local subset map may be the same as the source channel/sequence map, or it may only be a few of the source's channels or sequences.
      If the source data block has no sequence map (sourceSeqMap==null) then it's a normal FFT data block, and this PamDataBlock should be storing the local subset map in it's channelMap field and keeping it's sequenceMap field = null.
      If the source data block does have a sequence map (i.e. the source is the output of a Beamformer), then this PamDataBlock should be storing the local subset map in it's sequenceMap field and storing the source channel map in it's channelMap field.
      sourceChanMap -
      sourceSeqMap -
      localSubsetMap -
    • getChannelsForSequenceMap

      public int getChannelsForSequenceMap(int sequenceMap)
      Given a sequenceMap, this method returns the associated channelMap. By default, this simply returns passed parameter. For the majority of the PamDataBlocks this is correct because there won't be a sequenceMap. This method should be used when the calling function is given a channel but it does not know whether that is truly a channel, or actually a sequence number. It can pass the channel to this method; if the PamDataBlock doesn't have sequence numbers then the number really was a channel and the calling function will get the same number returned.

      This method MUST BE OVERRIDDEN in any module that actually uses sequences (e.g. the Beamformer module) to properly map the sequenceMap to the channelMap.

      sequenceMap -
      the associated channelMap
    • getARealChannel

      public int getARealChannel(int chanOrSeqNum)
      There are times when a module doesn't know whether the channel it is using is really a channel, or whether it is actually a sequence number. In such a case, this method should be called on the source data block, and the channel/sequence number in question should be passed to it. If there is no sequenceMap, the variable passed into this method really is a channel and it is simply passed back. If there is a sequenceMap, however, then the value passed back will be the lowest channel in the channelMap.
      chanOrSeqNum - The channel or sequence number in question
      an actual channel number
    • getTOADCalculator

      public TOADCalculator getTOADCalculator()
      A calculator for Time of Arrival Difference Calculations
    • getFirstViewerUID

      public long getFirstViewerUID()
      the firstViewerUID
    • getLastViewerUID

      public long getLastViewerUID()
      the lastViewerUID
    • getSynchLock

      public Object getSynchLock()
      The synchronisation lock is a synchronisation object that must be used to synch all iterators using the data unit list and any function that puts data into or out of them. 99% of the time it is set to be a reference to the data block (this) but just occasionally it may be necessary to set it to something else. It must never be null.
      the synchronisation lock
    • setSynchLock

      public void setSynchLock(Object synchLock)
      The synchronisation lock is a synchronisation object that must be used to synch all iterators using the data unit list and any function that puts data into or out of them. 99% of the time it is set to be a reference to the data block (this) but just occasionally it may be necessary to set it to something else. It must never be null.
      synchronizationLock - the synchronisation lock to set
    • getSuperDetectionClass

      public Class<?> getSuperDetectionClass()
      the superDetectionClass
    • copyDataList

      public List<Tunit> copyDataList()
      Make a soft copy of all of the data in the datablock. Note that this doesn't copy ANY of the data, just the references into a new list. This can be used when there is an operation running in a separate thread which is going to take a long time to get through all the data and can't handle the data list updating, but at the same time can't lock the list for the amount of time it may need to operator on the data.
      Array list copy of all data units.
    • getBespokeDataMapGraphic

      public BespokeDataMapGraphic getBespokeDataMapGraphic()
    • getDataUnitMenuItems

      public List<JMenuItem> getDataUnitMenuItems(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits)
      Get menu items pertinent to one or more data units.

      Note that if multiple units have been selected on some of the generic displays, it's possible that they may not all be of the same types so may not all belong to this datablock.

      If it's only a single unit, then its guaranteed that it will be from this datablock.

      menuParent - information about the display requesting these items.
      dataUnits - List of one or more selected data units.
      null or one or more menu items.
    • getDataUnitPopupMenu

      public JPopupMenu getDataUnitPopupMenu(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits)
      Get a standard popup menu (or null) using items from getDataUnitMenuItems
      menuParent -
      mousePosition -
      dataUnits - list of 1 - n data units
      popup menu or null.
    • getMyDataUnits

      public List<Tunit> getMyDataUnits(List<PamDataUnit> randomDataUnits)
      From a whole load of data units, e.g. as selected by a mark on a display, get a list of the ones that belong just to this data block.
      randomDataUnits - data units which may be of any type
      list of input units that belong to this data block.
    • getUniqueParentList

      public List<PamDataUnit> getUniqueParentList(List<PamDataUnit> pamDataUnits)
      Get a list of unique super detections for a load of data units
      pamDataUnits - list of data units.
      list of unique parents.
    • isOffline

      public boolean isOffline()
      the isOffline
    • getBackgroundManager

      public BackgroundManager getBackgroundManager()
      the backgroundManager
    • setBackgroundManager

      public void setBackgroundManager(BackgroundManager backgroundManager)
      backgroundManager - the backgroundManager to set
    • getDataBlockXML

      public Element getDataBlockXML(Document doc)
      Get a brief summary of datablock to include in XML descriptions. Basic output is very simple. Expect other datablock to extend this by adding additional attributes.
      doc -
      XML element with description of data.
    • dumpBufferStatus

      public void dumpBufferStatus(String message, boolean sayEmpties)
      Look in every data block, particularly threaded ones, and dump the buffer status. This will have to go via PamProcess so that additional information can be added from any processes that hold additional data in other internal buffers.
      message - Message to print prior to dumping buffers for debug.
      sayEmpties - dump info even if a buffer is empty (otherwise, only ones that have stuff still)
    • getEffortProvider

      public EffortProvider getEffortProvider()
      the effort provider.
    • autoEffortProvider

      public EffortProvider autoEffortProvider()
      Auto generate an effort provider. This may get called many times for blocks without effort, but that doesn't really matter since its only going to happen when opening dialogs, etc.
    • pamStart

      public void pamStart(long startTime)
      Need this notification at startup time to perform a few standard actions.
      startTime -
    • pamStop

      public void pamStop(long stopTime)
      Need this notification at stop time to perform a few standard actions.
      startTime -