Uses of Class
Packages that use TimeProjectorFX
Uses of TimeProjectorFX in dataPlotsFX.projector
Subclasses of TimeProjectorFX in dataPlotsFX.projectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Projector which handles all time to pixel conversions for the display. -
Uses of TimeProjectorFX in dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D
Constructors in dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D with parameters of type TimeProjectorFXModifierConstructorDescriptionScrolling2DPlotDataFX
(TimeProjectorFX tdProjector, DataBlock2D fftDataBlock, Plot2DColours spectrogramColours, int iChannel, boolean isViewer) Called when making a datagram. -
Uses of TimeProjectorFX in dataPlotsFX.whistlePlotFX
Methods in dataPlotsFX.whistlePlotFX with parameters of type TimeProjectorFXModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, WhistleMoanControl wmControl, int fftLength, int fftHop, float sampleRate, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, TimeProjectorFX tdprojector, double scrollStart, int type, javafx.scene.paint.Color fillCol, javafx.scene.paint.Color linCol, boolean useKhz, javafx.geometry.Orientation orientation) Draw a whistle fragment.static Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, WhistleMoanControl wmControl, int fftLength, int fftHop, float sampleRate, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, TimeProjectorFX tdprojector, double scrollStart, int type, javafx.scene.paint.Color fillCol, javafx.scene.paint.Color linCol, javafx.geometry.Orientation orientation) Draw a whistle fragment. -
Uses of TimeProjectorFX in detectionPlotFX.plots
Subclasses of TimeProjectorFX in detectionPlotFX.plotsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Simple wrapper class for to make the DetectionPlotProjector into a TimeProjectorFX.Methods in detectionPlotFX.plots that return TimeProjectorFX -
Uses of TimeProjectorFX in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
Subclasses of TimeProjectorFX in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller