Package PamguardMVC

Class DataBlock2D<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>

Direct Known Subclasses:
BeamOGramDataBlock, FFTDataBlock, RawFFTPlot.SimpleFFTDataBlock

public abstract class DataBlock2D<Tunit extends PamDataUnit> extends AcousticDataBlock<Tunit>
  • Constructor Details

    • DataBlock2D

      public DataBlock2D(Class unitClass, String dataName, PamProcess parentProcess, int channelMap)
  • Method Details

    • getHopSamples

      public abstract int getHopSamples()
      Get the advance between slices in samples. For FFT data this is the same thing as the FFT Hop
      advance in samples between slices.
    • getDataWidth

      public abstract int getDataWidth(int sequenceNumber)
      Get the length of contained data. For FFT data this will be FFTLength()/2.
      length of data in each slice.
    • getMinDataValue

      public abstract double getMinDataValue()
      Get the minimum value which can occur in the data. e.g. 0 for FFT data.
      the data's minimum value
    • getMaxDataValue

      public abstract double getMaxDataValue()
      Get the maximum value which can occur in the data. e.g. sampleRate/2 for FFT data.
      the data's maximum value
    • getScaleInfo

      public abstract DataTypeInfo getScaleInfo()
      Get the scale units to display on axis, etc.
      data type information.
    • getDataBlockXML

      public Element getDataBlockXML(Document doc)
      Description copied from class: PamDataBlock
      Get a brief summary of datablock to include in XML descriptions. Basic output is very simple. Expect other datablock to extend this by adding additional attributes.
      getDataBlockXML in class AcousticDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
      XML element with description of data.