Class DLDataSelector

public class DLDataSelector extends AnnotationDataSelector<DLAnnotation>
Data selector of DL data units. Note that data selectors are for deep leanring annotations rather than deep learning data units.

The data selector can have different types of data selectors which can depend on the classifier used and user choice.

Note that this is slightly different from DLPredicitoDecision as it deals with data units that may have a more than one prediction. i.e.

  • Constructor Details

    • DLDataSelector

      public DLDataSelector(DLControl dlcontrol, DataAnnotationType<DLAnnotation> annotationType, PamDataBlock pamDataBlock, String selectorName, boolean allowScores)
      Constructor for the data selector.
      dlcontrol - - reference to the DLControl.
      pamDataBlock - - the data block.
      selectorName - - the selector name.
      allowScores - - allow all the scores.
      selectorType - - the selector type.
  • Method Details

    • getDialogPanel

      public PamDialogPanel getDialogPanel()
      Specified by:
      getDialogPanel in class DataSelector
      a dialog panel which can be used in a wider dialog
    • getDialogPaneFX

      public DynamicSettingsPane<Boolean> getDialogPaneFX()
      Specified by:
      getDialogPaneFX in class DataSelector
      a FX pane which can be used in a wider dialog
    • setParams

      public void setParams(DataSelectParams dataSelectParams)
      Description copied from class: DataSelector
      Set selection parameters from centralised storage.
      Specified by:
      setParams in class DataSelector
    • getParams

      public DLDataSelectorParams getParams()
      Description copied from class: DataSelector
      Get selection parameters for more organised centralised storage. This must never be null since all selectors have an enable / disable options added to them automatically in their dialogs.
      Specified by:
      getParams in class DataSelector
    • scoreData

      public double scoreData(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit)
      Description copied from class: DataSelector
      Score a PAMDataUnit. this is used in preference to a boolean select function so that the user can add different return flags. Generally 0 indicates false.
      scoreData in class AnnotationDataSelector<DLAnnotation>
      pamDataUnit - - the input data unit.
      score of data out. 0 usually indicates false.
    • getCurrentDataSelector

      public DLDataFilter getCurrentDataSelector()
    • getDataSelectors

      public List<DLDataFilter> getDataSelectors()