Package tethys.swing

Class DatablockDetectionsPanel

All Implemented Interfaces:
PamWorkWrapper<String>, StreamTableObserver, TethysStateObserver

public class DatablockDetectionsPanel extends TethysGUIPanel implements StreamTableObserver, PamWorkWrapper<String>
Table of Detections documents for a single PAMGuard datablock. Generally, this should only have a smallish number of entries in it so may not need too much real estate on the display.
  • Constructor Details

    • DatablockDetectionsPanel

      public DatablockDetectionsPanel(TethysControl tethysControl)
  • Method Details

    • getComponent

      public JComponent getComponent()
      Specified by:
      getComponent in class TethysGUIPanel
    • selectDataBlock

      public void selectDataBlock(PamDataBlock dataBlock, boolean always)
      update table for this datablock
      dataBlock - datablock
      always - always update, even if datablock hasn't changed.
    • selectDataBlock

      public void selectDataBlock(PamDataBlock dataBlock)
      Specified by:
      selectDataBlock in interface StreamTableObserver
    • taskFinished

      public void taskFinished(String result)
      Description copied from interface: PamWorkWrapper
      Called when the background task completes.
      Specified by:
      taskFinished in interface PamWorkWrapper<String>
      result - result returned by runBackgroundTask or null if an exception occurred.
    • runBackgroundTask

      public String runBackgroundTask(PamWorker<String> pamWorker)
      Description copied from interface: PamWorkWrapper
      Run the background task which is in it's own thread
      Specified by:
      runBackgroundTask in interface PamWorkWrapper<String>
      pamWorker - reference to the main worker manager. Make repeated calls to pamWorker.update to update progress in the dialog
      the value which will be passed to taskFinished
    • updateState

      public void updateState(TethysState tethysState)
      Description copied from interface: TethysStateObserver
      Receive state updates when Tethys has done something (made a connection, moved some data, etc.)
      Note that this is for RECEIVING state updates, not for sending them. To avoid infinite notifications loops, use tethysControl.sendStateUpdate(TethysState) to send out state notifications.
      Specified by:
      updateState in interface TethysStateObserver
      updateState in class TethysGUIPanel
    • showPopupMenu

      public void showPopupMenu(MouseEvent e)