Class VRMeasurement

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable

public class VRMeasurement extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable
Class to store information on loclaisations using an image. All angles are stored in degrees.
Doug Gillespie, modified by Jamie Macaulay.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • horizonPoint

      public Point horizonPoint
    • distancePixels

      public double distancePixels
    • imageAnimal

      public int imageAnimal
      The integer number of the animal being measured from a single image.
    • groupSize

      public int groupSize
      The estimated group size
    • animalPoint

      public Point animalPoint
      Animal point on the image
    • polygonArea

      public Point[] polygonArea
      A list of points describing a shape on the image. Minimum must be three elements. This can be null.
    • polygonLatLon

      public LatLong[] polygonLatLon
      List of latitude and longitude corresponding to areaVertex.
    • polyAreaPix

      public Double polyAreaPix
      The area of the polygon in pixels. Null if no shape defined.
    • polyAreaM

      public Double polyAreaM
      The area of the polygon in meters squared. Null if no shape defined.
    • polyPerimPix

      public Double polyPerimPix
      The perimeter of the polygon in pixels. Null if no shape defined.
    • polyPerimM

      public Double polyPerimM
      The perimeter of the polygon in meters. Null if no shape defined.
    • locDistance

      public Double locDistance
      Distance to object (animal)- flat along surface, not from camera.
    • locDistanceError

      public Double locDistanceError
      The estimated distance error.
    • locBearing

      public Double locBearing
      Bearing of object (animal) degrees.
    • locBearingError

      public Double locBearingError
      The error in the bearing to the animal in degrees.
    • locPitch

      public Double locPitch
      Pitch of object (animal) degrees.
    • locPitchError

      public Double locPitchError
      The error in the pitch angle in degrees.
    • locLatLong

      public LatLong locLatLong
      Location of the animal. This requires a heading, distance and image origin.
    • imageTime

      public Long imageTime
      Time the image was taken (note this can be null, e.g. for a pasted image).
    • imageBearing

      public Double imageBearing
      Bearing of image in degrees.
    • imageBearingErr

      public Double imageBearingErr
      image bearing error in degrees.
    • imagePitch

      public Double imagePitch
      Image Pitch in degrees.
    • imagePitchErr

      public Double imagePitchErr
      Image pitch error in degrees.
    • imageTilt

      public Double imageTilt
      Image tilt in degrees.
    • imageTiltErr

      public Double imageTiltErr
      Image tilt error in degrees.
    • imageOrigin

      public LatLong imageOrigin
      Location the image was taken from.
    • pixelAccuracy

      public double pixelAccuracy
      The range difference that one pixel of error makes in meters.
    • imageName

      public String imageName
    • angleCorrection

      public double angleCorrection
      difference between image bearing and bearing to animal.
    • comment

      public String comment
      User comment on the picture.
    • calibrationData

      public VRCalibrationData calibrationData
      Camera calibration data. Used in horizona and IMU methods.
    • heightData

      public VRHeightData heightData
      The height of the camera
    • rangeMethod

      public VRHorzCalcMethod rangeMethod
      The method used to calculated range from pitch and height.
    • vrMethod

      public VRMethod vrMethod
      The overall method used.
  • Constructor Details

    • VRMeasurement

      public VRMeasurement(Point horizonPoint1, Point horizonPoint2, Point animalPoint)
      Constructor for measurements from the horizon.
      horizonPoint1 - first horizon point
      horizonPoint2 - second horizon point
      animalPoint - clicked animal point.
    • VRMeasurement

      public VRMeasurement(Point shorePoint, Point animalPoint)
      Constructor for shore based measurements.
      shorePoint - clicked shore point on image.
      animalPoint - clicked animal point on image.
    • VRMeasurement

      public VRMeasurement(Point animalPoint)
      Constructor for measurments which know the animals bearing, pitch and the roll of the image.
      animalPoint -
      pitchPixels -
      bearingPixels -
    • VRMeasurement

      public VRMeasurement()
  • Method Details

    • getAnimalAngleDegrees

      public double getAnimalAngleDegrees(VRCalibrationData vrCalibrationData)
      Returns the horizontal angle of the animal in degrees.
      vrCalibrationData - : calibration data.
      angle in degrees based on measured distance in pixels and . given calibration data.
    • getAnimalAngleRadians

      public double getAnimalAngleRadians(VRCalibrationData vrCalibrationData)
      Returns the horizontal angle of the animal in radians.
      vrCalibrationData - : calibration data.
      angle in degrees based on measured distance in pixels and given calibration data.
    • getHoverText

      public String getHoverText()
    • clone

      public VRMeasurement clone()