Class WMRecorderTriggerData

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters

public class WMRecorderTriggerData extends RecorderTriggerData implements Serializable, Cloneable
Notes on ManagedParameters - the superclass RecorderTriggerData extends ManagedParameters and manually adds in a few fields in the getParameterSet method that would otherwise be missed (because they are protected and do not have getters). So we definitely need to run that - if we extend ManagedParameters in this class, we would run this getParameterSet method instead of the RecorderTriggerData.getParameterSet, and those extra fields would not be included - the fields minFreq and maxFreq in this class are protected, which would be a problem except that they also have getters so are included when RecorderTriggerData.getParameterSet is run
See Also: