Uses of Class
Packages that use PamPanel
Uses of PamPanel in Acquisition.pamAudio
Methods in Acquisition.pamAudio that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamAudioSettingsPane.getAudioLoaderPanel()
Get the swing audio loader pane. -
Uses of PamPanel in Acquisition.sud
Subclasses of PamPanel in Acquisition.sudModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The sud settings panel.Methods in Acquisition.sud that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in Array.sensors.swing
Subclasses of PamPanel in Array.sensors.swingModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Make a graphics component showing pitch and roll. -
Uses of PamPanel in Array.swing.sidepanel
Fields in Array.swing.sidepanel declared as PamPanelMethods in Array.swing.sidepanel that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in clickDetector
Subclasses of PamPanel in clickDetector -
Uses of PamPanel in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht
Subclasses of PamPanel in clickTrainDetector.layout.mht -
Uses of PamPanel in clipgenerator.clipDisplay
Subclasses of PamPanel in clipgenerator.clipDisplayModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Graphic component for a single clip display. -
Uses of PamPanel in dataMap
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The main panel managed by DataMapControl In reality, this does most of the actual controlling.class
Display a simple strip along the top of the Scrolling data panel which shows a little arrow or something for each set of PAMGAURD settings -
Uses of PamPanel in dataPlots
Uses of PamPanel in dataPlots.layout
Subclasses of PamPanel in dataPlots.layoutModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A tabbedhidingpane which includes a settings button on the tab.class
Methods in dataPlots.layout that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCompoundHidingTabPane.createShowingTab
(String tabTitle, Icon tabIcon) TDAxes.getAxisInnerPanel()
Methods in dataPlots.layout with parameters of type PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamPanel topPanel) Set a panel at the top of the graph; -
Uses of PamPanel in difar.dialogs
Subclasses of PamPanel in difar.dialogsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Contains user interface for selecting which Detectors should be used as input into the DIFAR module. -
Uses of PamPanel in difar.display
Subclasses of PamPanel in difar.displayModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Standard layout for the queue part of the displayclass
Contains table of sonobuoy deployments and calibrations -
Uses of PamPanel in export.wavExport
Subclasses of PamPanel in export.wavExport -
Uses of PamPanel in IMU
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIMUAquisitionMthd.getSettingsPanel()
Uses of PamPanel in Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCmodels
Methods in Localiser.algorithms.genericLocaliser.MCMC.old.MCMCmodels that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in loggerForms
Subclasses of PamPanel in loggerFormsMethods in loggerForms that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in Map
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the actual map display, with the bluebackground, the gps track, etc.class
Uses of PamPanel in noiseOneBand
Fields in noiseOneBand declared as PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in pamMaths
Uses of PamPanel in PamView
Uses of PamPanel in PamView.dialog
Subclasses of PamPanel in PamView.dialog -
Uses of PamPanel in PamView.hidingpanel
Subclasses of PamPanel in PamView.hidingpanelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for a hiding, possibly sliding panel to hold things like the side bar, top control panel of the clip display, etc.class
This is similar to a tabbed pane but instead of tabs overlapping each other as in a JTabbedPane they expand and contract.class
Methods in PamView.hidingpanel that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTabbedHidingPane.createHidingTab
(String tabTitle, Icon tabIcon) Create the hiding tab for a panel.TabbedHidingPane.createShowingTab
(String tabTitle, Icon tabIcon) Create the showing tab for a panel.HidingPanel.getEdgePanel()
Get the panel which contains the show and hide buttonsTabbedHidingPane.TabHidingPanel.getHidingTab()
Tab which shows when the panel is hiding.TabbedHidingPane.TabHidingPanel.getShowingTab()
Tab which shows when the panel is showing.Methods in PamView.hidingpanel with parameters of type PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in PamView.importData
Methods in PamView.importData that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in PamView.panel
Subclasses of PamPanel in PamView.panelModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class primarily aimed at making little panels for the side panel -
Uses of PamPanel in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot
Subclasses of PamPanel in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpotModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Side panel showing how many OrcaSpot detections are in the buffer and the last values of the detections.class
Buffer panel. -
Uses of PamPanel in rocca
Uses of PamPanel in rockBlock
Uses of PamPanel in soundPlayback.swing
Methods in soundPlayback.swing that return PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in targetMotionModule.panels
Methods in targetMotionModule.panels that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTargetMotionMainPanel.createCommentPanel()
Create panel which allows users to save resultsAbstractControlPanel.getMainPanel()
Uses of PamPanel in targetMotionOld.dialog
Subclasses of PamPanel in targetMotionOld.dialogModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Modified version of the map panel so that some of it's drawing can be enhanced / reduced to suit the needs ot the target motion dialog. -
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.layoutAWT
Subclasses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.layoutAWTModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This panel control image editing.class
Fields in videoRangePanel.layoutAWT declared as PamPanel -
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods
Subclasses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethodsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A panel which allows users to manually add a heading and roll angle.class
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractVRGUIAWT.createCalibrationList()
Creates a panel containing the calibration combo box and labels.AbstractVRGUIAWT.createLocationListPanel()
Create a panel to show GPS location and allow user to change GPS location method.AbstractVRGUIAWT.createMapFilePanel()
Creates a panel allowing the user to select a map and view map file.VROverlayAWT.getRibbonPanel()
Some methods may require a panel above the picture for manual input or to view current information.VROverlayAWT.getSettingsPanel()
Different video range methods will have different settings.VROverlayAWT.getSidePanel()
Different video range methods will have different controls in the side panel. -
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.calibration that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCalibrationGUIAWT.getRibbonPanel()
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.horizonMethod
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.horizonMethod that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHorizonGUIAWT.getRibbonPanel()
Get the side panelVRHorizonMethod.getSidePanel()
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.IMUMethod
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.IMUMethod that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIMUMethodGUI.createSidePanel()
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.landMarkMethod that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLandMarkGUIAWT.createSidePanel()
Get the ribbon panel.VRLandMarkMethod.getRibbonPanel()
Get the side panel.LandMarkGUIAWT.getSidePanel()
Uses of PamPanel in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.shoreMethod
Methods in videoRangePanel.vrmethods.shoreMethod that return PamPanelModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionShoreMethodGUIAWT.getImageAnglePanbel()