Package Spectrogram

Class SpectrogramParameters

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters

public class SpectrogramParameters extends UserFrameParameters implements Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters
These are the parameter settings for a single spectrogram window, note tha a single spectrogram tab may have multiple windows
Doug Gillespie

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • sourceName

      public String sourceName
    • windowName

      public String windowName
    • nPanels

      public int nPanels
    • hideSidePanels

      public boolean hideSidePanels
    • channelList

      public int[] channelList
      To make a whistle detector type display with different overlays on each panel, channelList needs to be a list rather than a bit map so that each panel can, if it wants, display the same data.

      Note that channelList may actually refer to sequence numbers and not channels, depending on the FFT data source

    • frequencyLimits

      public double[] frequencyLimits
      Frequency limits for display
    • amplitudeLimits

      public double[] amplitudeLimits
      Limits of amplitude range
    • horizontalSplitLocation

      public Integer horizontalSplitLocation
    • hideViewerSpectrogram

      public boolean hideViewerSpectrogram
      flag to say don't show raw data in viewer mode.
    • wrapDisplay

      public boolean wrapDisplay
      Wraps display if this is true (defalt)
    • timeScaleFixed

      public boolean timeScaleFixed
      Fixed time scale, if this is false, then it's based on the number of pixels and a set number of slices per pixel
    • displayLength

      public double displayLength
      Display length in seconds.
    • pixelsPerSlics

      public int pixelsPerSlics
      Used if timeScaleFixed is false to set the scale
    • showScale

      public boolean showScale
    • showWaveform

      public boolean showWaveform
      Also show the waveform display under the spectrogram
    • autoScaleWaveform

      public boolean autoScaleWaveform
    • showPluginDisplay

      public boolean[] showPluginDisplay
    • useSpectrogramMarkObserver

      public boolean[] useSpectrogramMarkObserver
  • Constructor Details

    • SpectrogramParameters

      public SpectrogramParameters()
  • Method Details

    • channelUsers

      public int channelUsers(int iChannel)
      Get a bitmap of plot numbers which use a particular channel. 0 means it's not used at all. 1, by panel 0, 3 by panels 0 and 1, etc.
      iChannel -
    • getColourMap

      public ColourArray.ColourArrayType getColourMap()
    • setColourMap

      public void setColourMap(ColourArray.ColourArrayType colourMap)
    • clone

      public SpectrogramParameters clone()
    • getOverlayDataInfo

      public OverlayDataInfo getOverlayDataInfo(PamDataBlock dataBlock, int panelId)
      Get overlay data information for a given panel and datablock.
      dataBlock - Data block
      panelId - panel index / id
      Overlay Data information.
    • getFftBlockIndex

      public int getFftBlockIndex()
      Shouldn't be used, just there for legacy configurations. Data block should be identified only by name.
      the fftBlockIndex
    • getParameterSet

      public PamParameterSet getParameterSet()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedParameters
      Get a set of data that describes all of the parameters in a class
      Specified by:
      getParameterSet in interface ManagedParameters
      getParameterSet in class UserFrameParameters
      description of the parameters in a class.