Class SimpleChi2VarParams

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters
Direct Known Subclasses:
AmplitudeChi2Params, BearingChi2VarParams, CorrelationChi2Params, IDIChi2Params, TimeDelayParams

public class SimpleChi2VarParams extends Object implements Serializable, Cloneable, ManagedParameters
Parameters class for a simple chi2 variable. Contains the expected error in the variable, the minimum the erro can be (to stop near infintie chi^2 values) and the scaling factor for the error for creating user friendly controls.
Jamie Macaulay
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_ICI
      Default scale factor for ICI in seconds.
      See Also:

      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_BEARING
      Default scale factor for Bearing in radians.

      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_AMPLITUDE
      Default scale factor for amplitude in dB.
      See Also:

      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_PFREQ
      Default scale factor for peak frequency in Hertz.
      See Also:

      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_CORRELATION
      Default scale factor for ICI.
      See Also:

      public static final double SCALE_FACTOR_TIMEDELAYS
      Default scale factor for ICI.
      See Also:
    • name

      public String name
      The name of the MHT variable.
    • error

      public double error
      The error value. This changes the relevance of the particular chi2 val.
    • minError

      public double minError
      The minimum error value allowed. This is used if error*ICI invalid input: '<' minError.
    • errorScaleValue

      public double errorScaleValue
      Get the scaling value for the MHT variable. The scaling value is used to set the scale for input controls so that users can set relative rather than absolute errors. It's essentially a guess at the standard error. So for example it might be 10 for amplitude because it's on the dB scale and perhaps 0.01 for the ICI value because the units are in seconds.
    • errLimits

      @Deprecated public double[] errLimits
      The limits in which a user can change the slider. Only used with GUI for slider
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleChi2VarParams

      public SimpleChi2VarParams(String name)
      Constructor for the simple MHT variable parameters.
      name - - the name of the variable
    • SimpleChi2VarParams

      public SimpleChi2VarParams(String name, String unitString)
      Constructor for the simple MHT variable parameters.
      name - - the name of the variable
      unitString - - the units of the variable.
    • SimpleChi2VarParams

      public SimpleChi2VarParams(String name, String unitString, double error, double minError)
      Constructor for the simple MHT variable parameters.
      name - - the name of the variable
      unitString - -the units of the variable.
      error - - the standard error in the variable
      minError - - the absolute minimum error (after error is multiplied by IDI)
    • SimpleChi2VarParams

      public SimpleChi2VarParams(String name, String unitString, double error, double minError, double errorScaleValue)
      Constructor for the simple MHT variable parameters.
      name - - the name of the variable
      unitString - -the units of the variable.
      error - - the standard error in the variable
      minError - - the absolute minimum error (after error is multiplied by IDI)
      errorScaleValue - - the error scale value. Should be close to the mean or median error you would expect for a species. Used for controls. Not used in the algorithm.
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public SimpleChi2VarParams clone()
    • getUnits

      public String getUnits()
      Get the units string for the SimpleChi2Var.
      the units string e.g. dB, degrees, s, etc.
    • getUnitString

      public String getUnitString()
      This method was added just so that the unitString field would be automatically included in the XML output in the getParameterSet method.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getParameterSet

      public PamParameterSet getParameterSet()
      Description copied from interface: ManagedParameters
      Get a set of data that describes all of the parameters in a class
      Specified by:
      getParameterSet in interface ManagedParameters
      description of the parameters in a class.