Uses of Interface
Uses of PamSettings in Acquisition
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main data acquisition control to get audio data from sound cards, NI cards (via UDP), files, directories of files, etc.class
Implementation of DaqSystem for reading data from audio files.class
Read multiple files in sequence.class
A data acquisition system that uses an Ocean Sonics icListen to acquire the data to be streamed to and used by PAMGUARD.class
Bespoke system for handling data from the Rona hydrophone array which consists of sets of seven files, each with different ends in th ename.class
Everything and everything to do with controlling and reading sound cards. -
Uses of PamSettings in Acquisition.filedate
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implementation of FileDate to read the standard file date format that I use in Logger.ModifierConstructorDescriptionStandardFileDate
(PamSettings parentSetting) StandardSettings needs to implement PamSettings so that it can store it's own configuration settings. -
Uses of PamSettings in Acquisition.offlineFuncs
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This has been split off from OfflineFileServer so that OfflineFileServer can be used with other file types. -
Uses of PamSettings in Acquisition.rona
Uses of PamSettings in Acquisition.sud
Uses of PamSettings in AirgunDisplay
Uses of PamSettings in AIS
Uses of PamSettings in alarm
Uses of PamSettings in
Uses of PamSettings in alarm.actions.serial
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Singleton class for all alarm actions to share a single serial port, it's settings etc. -
Uses of PamSettings in alarm.actions.sound
Uses of PamSettings in alarm.actions.udp
Uses of PamSettings in amplifier
Uses of PamSettings in analogarraysensor
Uses of PamSettings in analoginput
Uses of PamSettings in analoginput.brainboxes
Uses of PamSettings in analoginput.measurementcomputing
Uses of PamSettings in angleMeasurement
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Read out a Fluxgate World 3030 shaft encoder. -
Uses of PamSettings in angleVetoes
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class to support functions to handle vetoes on angles to clicks -
Uses of PamSettings in annotation.classifier
Uses of PamSettings in annotation.dataselect
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AnnotationDataSelCreator<TDataAnnotation extends DataAnnotation>
Uses of PamSettings in annotation.handler
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Annotation manager that should be able to do absolutely everything (almost) self contained within itself without having to add about 4 different functions to it's parent controller or process -
Uses of PamSettings in annotation.userforms.datasel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
User form data selector for use with annotations. -
Uses of PamSettings in annotationMark.spectrogram
Uses of PamSettings in Array
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Manager for different array configurations.class
Uses of PamSettings in Array.sensors.swing
Uses of PamSettings in ArrayAccelerometer
Uses of PamSettings in asiojni
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Everything and everything to do with controlling and reading ASIO sound cards.class
this uses jAsioHost for acquisition. -
Uses of PamSettings in Azigram
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Module that implements the Azigram algorithm from Thode et al 2019 J. -
Uses of PamSettings in backupmanager
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PAMGuard module to automatically back up files. -
Uses of PamSettings in backupmanager.bespoke
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Can back up anything, PAMGuard or not.class
Uses of PamSettings in
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the central management class for each datastream that's going to get automatically backed up.class
Uses of PamSettings in beamformer.continuous
Uses of PamSettings in beamformer.localiser
Uses of PamSettings in bearinglocaliser
Uses of PamSettings in binaryFileStorage
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The binary store will work very much like the database in that it monitors the output of data streams and when data is added to them it writes it to the binary store.class
Uses of PamSettings in binaryFileStorage.backup
Uses of PamSettings in cepstrum
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the main bearing time display for the click detector.class
Main Controller for click detection.class
Creates a click ICI histogram display add-inclass
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.alarm
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basic
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.basicSweep
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
An improvements on the BasicClickIdentifier based on work by Gillespie and Caillat in 2009. -
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.dataSelector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.echoDetection
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Very simple echo detection system which uses a single test of time between the previous click and this click to determine if it's an echo or not. -
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.tdPlots
Uses of PamSettings in clickDetector.toad
Uses of PamSettings in clickTrainDetector
Uses of PamSettings in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A click train algorithm based on a multi-hypothesis tracker (MHT) which groups data based on a minimisation function. -
Uses of PamSettings in clickTrainDetector.dataselector
Uses of PamSettings in clickTrainDetector.layout
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Manages colours of symbols.class
Uses of PamSettings in clipgenerator
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The clip generator is used to generate short sound clips around detections. -
Uses of PamSettings in clipgenerator.clipDisplay
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Clip display panel.class
Looking into making a symbol modifier that will work with the DIFAR ClipDecorations, but its too complicated since the decorations are only added to the individual clips. -
Uses of PamSettings in cpod
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CPOD control.class
Uses of PamSettings in cpod.dataSelector
Uses of PamSettings in crossedbearinglocaliser
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Deprecated.Replaced by new 3D group localiser. -
Uses of PamSettings in dataMap
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The data map appears only during PAMGUARD viewer mode and is the root of a navigation system allowing the operator to scroll easily through large amounts of data. -
Uses of PamSettings in dataMap.filemaps
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
OfflineFileServer<TmapPoint extends FileDataMapPoint>
Functionality for handling data from files offline. -
Uses of PamSettings in dataModelFX
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The data model setting manager handles building and saving the data model connection nodes and structure based on saved data and the current PAMGuard data model. -
Uses of PamSettings in dataPlots
Uses of PamSettings in dataPlotsFX
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The main class for the TDDisplay.class
TDControlFX acts as a wrapper class for a time base display programmed in JavaFX.class
The controller for the display if the main PAMGuard GUI is in JavaFX mode. -
Uses of PamSettings in dataPlotsFX.scroller
Uses of PamSettings in dbht
Uses of PamSettings in dbht.alarm
Uses of PamSettings in decimator
Uses of PamSettings in depthReadout
Uses of PamSettings in detectiongrouplocaliser
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for grouping any type of data together.class
Uses of PamSettings in detectionPlotFX
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A group detection display with all the bits added to allow the display to be used in the FX GUI as a stand-alone user display. -
Uses of PamSettings in difar
Uses of PamSettings in difar.beamforming
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This module requires audio from a DIFAR sonobuoy and will output directional audio by using simple beamforming algorithms. -
Uses of PamSettings in difar.dataSelector
Uses of PamSettings in difar.demux
Uses of PamSettings in effort.binary
Uses of PamSettings in effortmonitor
Uses of PamSettings in envelopeTracer
Uses of PamSettings in export
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Manages opening settings dialog and saving settings for both FX and Swing GUI's -
Uses of PamSettings in fftManager
Uses of PamSettings in Filters
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Database system for accessing data in just about any type of odbc database.class
Version of DBControl for loading settings at program startup.class
Version of DBControl for normal use while PAMGUARD is running - reading and writing of dataclass
(long timeMilliseconds, long processTime, PamSettings pamSettings, String xml) -
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase.backup
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase.external
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase.postgresql
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase.sqlite
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PAMGuard database system to make use of Sqlite databases: Specifically, this database system makes use of the xerial sqlite-jdbc library, -
Uses of PamSettings in generalDatabase.ucanAccess
Uses of PamSettings in gpl
Uses of PamSettings in gpl.graphfx
Uses of PamSettings in GPS
Uses of PamSettings in GPS.effort
Uses of PamSettings in group3dlocaliser
Uses of PamSettings in group3dlocaliser.dataselector
Uses of PamSettings in group3dlocaliser.grids
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
3D grid for localisation.class
Simple spherical grid. -
Uses of PamSettings in group3dlocaliser.swinggraphics
Uses of PamSettings in hfDaqCard
Uses of PamSettings in IMU
Uses of PamSettings in ishmaelComms
Uses of PamSettings in IshmaelDetector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Control for the Ishmael Detector modules.class
IshDetGraphics displays a detection function from an Ishmael-type detector (EnergySum, MatchFilt, SgramCorr).class
Uses of PamSettings in IshmaelLocator
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This implements the two locators from Ishmael. -
Uses of PamSettings in KernelSmoothing
Uses of PamSettings in landMarks
Uses of PamSettings in levelMeter
Uses of PamSettings in likelihoodDetectionModule
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The class LikelihoodDetectionUnit implements that standard PamControlledUnit functionality required by PamGuard for a plug-in module. -
Uses of PamSettings in listening
Uses of PamSettings in loc3d_Thode
Uses of PamSettings in loggerForms
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Controls the settings for a single Logger form description. -
Uses of PamSettings in loggerForms.dataselect
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data select creator for a single logger control.class
Uses of PamSettings in loggerForms.monitor
Uses of PamSettings in loggerForms.symbol
Uses of PamSettings in ltsa
Uses of PamSettings in Map
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Holds information about all things plotted on the map, primarily how long they should plot for and whether they are currently enabled or not.class
Mainly a container for map objects, holding the main MapPanel and the right hand control items. -
Uses of PamSettings in Map.gridbaselayer
Uses of PamSettings in mapgrouplocaliser
Uses of PamSettings in matchedTemplateClassifer
Uses of PamSettings in mcc.mccacquisition
Uses of PamSettings in metadata
Uses of PamSettings in networkTransfer.emulator
Uses of PamSettings in networkTransfer.receive
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Clas for saving buoystatus data into the serialised settings.class
Receive near real time data over the network in the form of packaged PamDataUnits. -
Uses of PamSettings in networkTransfer.send
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Send near real time data over the network to another PAMGUARD configuration. -
Uses of PamSettings in nidaqdev
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PArt of the system for playback from wav files. -
Uses of PamSettings in nidaqdev.networkdaq
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DAQ system to receive data from remote NI Compact Rio chassis in compressed or uncompressed data formats. -
Uses of PamSettings in NMEA
Uses of PamSettings in noiseBandMonitor
Uses of PamSettings in noiseMonitor
Uses of PamSettings in noiseMonitor.alarm
Uses of PamSettings in noiseOneBand
Uses of PamSettings in noiseOneBand.alarm
Uses of PamSettings in offlineProcessing
Uses of PamSettings in PamController
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamSettingManager.findSettingsOwner
(String unitType, String unitName, String unitClassName) Find a settings owner for a type, name and class.PAMControllerGUI.getInitialSettings()
Called on startup to grab pamsettings/database from somewhere.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamSettingManager.findPamSettings
(String unitType, String unitName) Find a list of unit settings by type and name.PamSettingManager.getOwners()
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamSettings settingsUser, PamControlledUnitSettings settings) See if a particular PamControlledUnitSettings object is the right one for a particular module that wants some settings.boolean
(PamSettings pamUnit) Register a PAMGAURD module that wants to store settings in a serialised file (.psf file) and / or have those settings stored in the database settings table.boolean
(PamSettings pamUnit, int whichLists) Register modules that have settings information that should be stored in serialised form in psf files and database Pamguard_Settings tables.ModifierConstructorDescriptionPamTempSettings
(PamSettings settingsParent, Serializable tempObject) -
Uses of PamSettings in PamController.settings
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSettingsNameChanger.findNameChange
(PamSettings pamSettings) Find a name change.boolean
(PamSettings pamSettings) -
Uses of PamSettings in PamController.settings.output.xml
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for writing XML configuration output to a file.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(File file, PamSettings pamControlledUnit, Serializable objToWrite) Can be called from a dialog to write one object into a settings xml file.PamguardXMLWriter.writeOneModule
(PamSettings pcu, long time) PamguardXMLWriter.writeUnitSettings
(Document doc, Element parent, PamSettings pamSettingsUnit) Writes unit settings from the main settings list of settings recovered from modules.PamguardXMLWriter.writeUnitSettings
(Document doc, Element parent, PamSettings pamSettingsUnit, PamSettings[] toWrite) Write a units settings.boolean
(Window parent, PamSettings pamSettings, Serializable data, String suggestedName) Write settings for a single object to an xml file.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamguardXMLWriter.writeModules
(ArrayList<PamSettings> settings) -
Uses of PamSettings in PamController.soundMedium
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Manages the global medium @see GlobalMedium -
Uses of PamSettings in PamguardMVC
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
There may be several actual DisplayPanels if lots of different displays all want one. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamguardMVC.datakeeper
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class to manage minimum data storage times for all datablocks. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamguardMVC.dataSelector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Something that creates data selectors.class
Null data selector that doesn't actually create a data selector. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamguardMVC.superdet.swing
Uses of PamSettings in PamguardMVC.toad
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Generic TOAD calculator which does it's best by any type of sound. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamModel
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionImportExportUser.getSettingsWrapper()
Get a wrapper for PAM Settings, ideally a PAM Controlled unit which is used to provide a module name and type for exported XML settings. -
Uses of PamSettings in pamScrollSystem
Uses of PamSettings in pamScrollSystem.coupling
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A class for coupling two or more scrollers. -
Uses of PamSettings in pamScrollSystem.jumping
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Scroll jumper allows the use of arrow keys to move to the next data unit. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamUtils.time
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class owned by PamController which manages time corrections from NMEA sources and / or NTP servers, etc. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamUtils.time.nmea
Uses of PamSettings in PamUtils.time.ntp
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for measuring the time difference between the PC clock and an NTP server. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The GuiFrameManager manages multiple PamGui frames, each of which may contain multiple tabs of module information and a side panel.class
Make a diagram of the overall PAM process layout.class
Class to manage symbols for various PAMGAURD displays.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGuiFrameManager.getInitialSettings()
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.dialog
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamSettings pamControlledUnit, Serializable settings, String fileName) Export settings for a controlled unit. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.dialog.warn
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Show a dialog which can display a warning message and can be told to never show again. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.hidingpanel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for a hiding, possibly sliding panel to hold things like the side bar, top control panel of the clip display, etc.class
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.panel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Implementation of the split pane that can remember it's position.class
Class that will remember and reset the position of a split pane. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Singleton class to handle mark relationships. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.symbol
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
PamSymbolManager<T extends PamSymbolChooser>
PAMSymbolManagers are attached to a single datablock and control the type of symbol and line that get's used to plot data on the variety of PAMGUard displays.class
Version of the standard symbol manager that only has the optoin on the main symbol type and no modifiers whatsoever. -
Uses of PamSettings in PamView.tables
Uses of PamSettings in pamViewFX
Uses of PamSettings in pamViewFX.fxNodes
Uses of PamSettings in patchPanel
Uses of PamSettings in printscreen
Uses of PamSettings in qa
Uses of PamSettings in qa.analyser
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Used for loading in and analysing test data sets. -
Uses of PamSettings in quickAnnotation
Uses of PamSettings in radardisplay
Uses of PamSettings in ravendata
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
System for importing and displaying data from Raven selection tables. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Module which uses an external deep learning classifier to identify any data unit containing raw data. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataSelector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Creates a data selector for the deep learning module. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A useful abstract class for standard models which are a file or URL that is loaded, have a UI and utilise PAMSettings to save settings state. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.animalSpot
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A deep learning classifier running models wihc have been created using the AnimalSpot framework . -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.archiveModel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A Tensorflow or PyTorch model zipped with a PAMGuard settings file.class
Loads a zip file and checks for a saved model alongside a pamguard settings file -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.delphinID
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A classifier based on the delphinID method which uses whistle contours to predict dolphin species. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.genericModel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A generic model - can be load any model but requires manually setting model * -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.ketos
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Classifier which uses deep learning models from Meridian's Ketos framework.class
Classifier which uses deep learning models from Meridian's Ketos framework. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.koogu
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Classifier which uses deep learning models from Koogus' framework. -
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot
Uses of PamSettings in rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX
Uses of PamSettings in RightWhaleEdgeDetector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Exact implementation of the 2003 Right Whale detector I developed when I was working for IFAW and is now implemented in the Cornell right whale buoys. -
Uses of PamSettings in RightWhaleEdgeDetector.datasel
Uses of PamSettings in
Uses of PamSettings in rocca
Uses of PamSettings in rockBlock
Uses of PamSettings in seismicVeto
Uses of PamSettings in simulatedAcquisition
Uses of PamSettings in simulatedAcquisition.movement
Uses of PamSettings in soundPlayback
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Main Pam Controller for sound playback modules. -
Uses of PamSettings in soundPlayback.preprocess
Uses of PamSettings in SoundRecorder
Uses of PamSettings in SoundRecorder.backup
Uses of PamSettings in soundtrap
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Uses of PamSettings in Spectrogram
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Extend ScrollJumper to get data selectors and selected datablocks from a single spectrogram panel. -
Uses of PamSettings in spectrogramNoiseReduction
Uses of PamSettings in targetMotionModule
Uses of PamSettings in targetMotionModule.algorithms
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
the idea is to visually represent each localisation three dimensional space to allow easy manual analysis of the likely location of a cetecean location. -
Uses of PamSettings in tethys
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Quick play with a simple system for outputting data to Tethys. -
Uses of PamSettings in tethys.species
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Master manager for species maps which will eventually allow for export and import from XML documents, databases and other things ...
(Perhaps not as XML, will simply output the serialized map - easier. -
Uses of PamSettings in userDisplay
Uses of PamSettings in videoRangePanel
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The videoRange module determines location information based on photographs of objects (photogrammetry). -
Uses of PamSettings in whistleClassifier
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Whistle Classifier control class. -
Uses of PamSettings in whistleClassifier.dataselect
Uses of PamSettings in whistleDetector
Uses of PamSettings in whistlesAndMoans
Uses of PamSettings in whistlesAndMoans.alarm
Uses of PamSettings in whistlesAndMoans.dataSelector
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Default data selector for the whsitle and moan detector. -
Uses of PamSettings in whistlesAndMoans.plots
Uses of PamSettings in whistlesAndMoans.toad
Uses of PamSettings in zipUnpacker
Modifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Functions to unpack gzip files of PAMBuoy data.