Uses of Class
Packages that use PamDataUnit
Uses of PamDataUnit in Acquisition
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in AcquisitionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data unit containing information on run starts and stops.Methods in Acquisition that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDaqStatusBinaryStore.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) RawDataBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in Acquisition with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDaqStatusBinaryStore.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) RawDataBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in AirgunDisplay
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in AirgunDisplayMethods in AirgunDisplay with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAirgunGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) AirgunGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in AIS
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in AISMethods in AIS that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAISBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in AIS with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAISGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int side) AISBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in alarm
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in alarmMethods in alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract double
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get a count value from a source of alarm trigger datadouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in amplifier
Methods in amplifier with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in analogarraysensor
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in analogarraysensorMethods in analogarraysensor with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in angleMeasurement
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in angleMeasurementModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data unit for storing angular information, often used to store data from imu intruments (inertial measurement unit) and heading data from compass sensors.Methods in angleMeasurement with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation
Methods in annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDataAnnotationType.autoAnnotate
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Automatically annotate the data unit with this annotation.boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Set the initial parameter values in the panel.static boolean
(Window parentFrame, DataAnnotationType dataAnnotationType, PamDataUnit dataUnit, Point positionInFrame) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.binary
Methods in annotation.binary with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract AnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) abstract T
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.calcs.snr
Methods in annotation.calcs.snr with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSNRAnnotationType.autoAnnotate
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.calcs.spl
Methods in annotation.calcs.spl with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSPLAnnotationType.autoAnnotate
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.calcs.wav
Methods in annotation.calcs.wav with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWavAnnotationType.autoAnnotate
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.classifier
Methods in annotation.classifier with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBaseClassificationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) BaseClassSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) BaseClassificationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.dataselect
Methods in annotation.dataselect with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.dummy
Methods in annotation.dummy with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDummyBinaryHandler.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) DummyBinaryHandler.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.handler
Methods in annotation.handler with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(DataAnnotationType anType, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Add an annotation to a detection group.boolean
(DataAnnotationType annotationType, PamDataUnit... pamDataUnits) boolean
(Window parentFrame, PamDataUnit dataUnit) AnnotationChoiceHandler.createAnnotationEditMenu
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Create a menu for editing annotations for a data unit.AnnotationHandler.createAnnotationEditMenu
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Create a menu for editing annotations for a data unit.AnnotationHandler.getAnnotationMenuItems
(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits) boolean
(DataAnnotationType anType, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(DataAnnotationType annotationType, PamDataUnit... pamDataUnits) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotationType annotationType) Update an existing annotation - or create a blank one if there isn't already one in the data unit.boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotationType annotationType) Update an existing annotation - or create a blank one if there isn't already one in the data unit.boolean
(DataAnnotationType annotationType, PamDataUnit... pamDataUnits) Constructor parameters in annotation.handler with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionAnnotationChoiceHandler
(PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) AnnotationHandler
(PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) OneStopAnnotationHandler
(SettingsNameProvider settingsNameProvider, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.localise.targetmotion
Methods in annotation.localise.targetmotion with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTMAnnotationType.autoAnnotate
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) TMAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) TMAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.string
Methods in annotation.string with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.tasks
Methods in annotation.tasks with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.timestamp
Methods in annotation.timestamp with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotation.userforms
Methods in annotation.userforms with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionUserFormBinaryHandler.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) UserFormSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) UserFormBinaryHandler.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotationMark
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in annotationMarkMethods in annotationMark with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMarkOverlayDraw.drawOnSpectrogram
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) MarkOverlayDraw.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotationMark.fx
Methods in annotationMark.fx with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in annotationMark.spectrogram
Constructor parameters in annotationMark.spectrogram with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionSpectrogramMarkAnnotationHandler
(SpectrogramAnnotationModule spectrogramAnnotationModule, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Array
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in ArrayMethods in Array with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) StreamerOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) StreamerOverlayGraphics.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) StreamerOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Array.importHydrophoneData
Methods in Array.importHydrophoneData that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHydrophoneImport.createDataUnit
(Hydrophone hydrophone) For hydrophone data imported [0]=timeMilliss [1]=x [2]=y [3]=z [4]=xErr [5]=yErr [6]=zErr [7]=streamerId [8]=hydrophoneId [9]=sensitivity [10]=gainStreamerImport.createDataUnit
(ArrayList<Double> dataLine) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Array.plot
Methods in Array.plot with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Array.sensors.swing
Methods in Array.sensors.swing with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in ArrayAccelerometer
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in ArrayAccelerometerMethods in ArrayAccelerometer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in autecPhones
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in autecPhonesMethods in autecPhones with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAutecGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) AutecGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int side) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Azigram
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in AzigramMethods in Azigram with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer
Methods in beamformer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.annotation
Methods in beamformer.annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBFAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation dataAnnotation) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) BFAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.continuous
Classes in beamformer.continuous with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
BestBeamSelector<T extends PamDataUnit>
This class can be used within a detector that may or may not be attached to a beam former (alternative is probably raw fft data).Subclasses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.continuousModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data output for the BaemOGram.Methods in beamformer.continuous with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.loc
Constructors in beamformer.loc with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionBeamFormerLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones, double[] angles, double angleError) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.localiser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.localiserModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Temporary data used during beam forming, e.g.Methods in beamformer.localiser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Long uid) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Long uid) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Run the beam former within the given time-frequency box.boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Run the beam former within the given time-frequency box.boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, beamformer.localiser.BeamFormLocProcess.BeamOGroup beamGroup) Beam for a data unit within a particular beam group.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit triggerData) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in beamformer.plot
Methods in beamformer.plot with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliserModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Temp data units for bearing localiser and crossed bearing localisation ...Methods in bearinglocaliser that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethods in bearinglocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Long uid) void
(PamDataUnit triggerData) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit triggerData) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit triggerData) Constructors in bearinglocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionBearingLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, String algorithmName, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones, double[] angles, double[] angleError, double[] referenceAngles) TempDataUnit
(PamDataUnit masterDataUnit, int newChannels) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.algorithms
Methods in bearinglocaliser.algorithms with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, double sampleRate, BearingAlgorithmGroup bearingAlgoGroup) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, double sampleRate, BearingAlgorithmGroup bearingAlgoGroup) abstract BearingLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingAlgorithmGroup beamGroup, FFTDataList fftDataList) this is where we end up when any raw or FFT data has been extracted and, where necessary FFT'd so we've an array of FFT data over all channels in the group. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.annotation
Methods in bearinglocaliser.annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBearingAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) BearingAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.beamformer
Methods in bearinglocaliser.beamformer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWrappedBeamFormAlgorithm.processFFTData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingAlgorithmGroup beamGroup, FFTDataList fftDataList) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display
Methods in bearinglocaliser.beamformer.display with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, List<BeamOGramDataUnit> collatedBeamOGram, double[] angles) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.display
Methods in bearinglocaliser.display with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.offline
Methods in bearinglocaliser.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.toad
Methods in bearinglocaliser.toad with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTOADBearingAlgorithm.processFFTData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingAlgorithmGroup beamGroup, FFTDataList fftDataList) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in bearinglocaliser.toad.display
Methods in bearinglocaliser.toad.display with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingLocaliser bearingLocaliser, double[][] locBearings) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingLocaliser bearingLocaliser, double[][] locBearings) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingLocaliser bearingLocaliser, double[][] locBearings) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in binaryFileStorage
Methods in binaryFileStorage that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract PamDataUnit
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Convert data read back in in viewer mode into the correct type of PamDataUnit.Methods in binaryFileStorage with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract BinaryObjectData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Get packed binary data for either sending to file or over the networkboolean
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) BinaryOfflineDataMap.newPamDataUnit
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) final boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Save new data into the binary stream -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cepstrum
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in cepstrumMethods in cepstrum with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickDetectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for Click Detector clicks.class
Automatic click train's from the click train detector.class
Methods in clickDetector that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in clickDetector that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickBTDisplay.getMarkedClicks()
Convenience method for getting the tracked click data block.ClickDetector.getTrackedClicks()
Methods in clickDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newData) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newData) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) On new data, add ICI variable to current histogramint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) TrackedClickGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) TrackedClickGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) ClickBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Save a click to the binary data storeboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int[][]
(PamDataUnit click, double lengthdB, int peakSmoothing) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newData) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatus, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Method parameters in clickDetector with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks) Remove clicks from existing events, if they have any.Constructor parameters in clickDetector with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionTrackedClickLocaliser
(ClickControl clickControl, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.alarm
Methods in clickDetector.alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.background
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.background -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.basicalgorithm
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.basicalgorithmMethods in clickDetector.basicalgorithm that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTriggerBackgroundBinarySource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in clickDetector.basicalgorithm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTriggerBackgroundBinarySource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.basicalgorithm.plot
Methods in clickDetector.basicalgorithm.plot with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) TriggerDataPlotFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.annotation
Methods in clickDetector.ClickClassifiers.annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) ClickAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.dataSelector
Methods in clickDetector.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.localisation
Methods in clickDetector.localisation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGeneralGroupLocaliser.runModel
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DetectionGroupOptions detectionGroupOptions) Run the click group localiser.GeneralGroupLocaliser.runModel
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DetectionGroupOptions detectionGroupOptions, boolean addLoc) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.offlineFuncs
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.offlineFuncsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
OfflineEventDataUnit replicates the RainbowClick functionality in OfflineRCEvent.Methods in clickDetector.offlineFuncs with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(Container menu, OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks, boolean hasZoom, PamDataUnit singleDataUnit) OfflineEventGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, PamDataUnit singleClick) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, PamDataUnit singleUnit, ClickBTDisplay btDisplay) Called whenever a single click is selected with no overlay mark to add key shortcuts.void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) static OfflineEventDataUnit
(Window parentFrame, ClickControl clickControl, OverlayMark overlayMark, PamDataUnit singleClick) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Method parameters in clickDetector.offlineFuncs with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(Container menu, OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks, boolean hasZoom, PamDataUnit singleDataUnit) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> dataList) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks, ClickBTDisplay btDisplay) Called whenever a new marked list to add shortcut keysstatic OfflineEventDataUnit
(Window parentFrame, ClickControl clickControl, OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> unitsList) void
(OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> markedClicks, int eventNumber) Remove event labels from data units. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImport
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImportMethods in clickDetector.offlineFuncs.rcImport with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.tdPlots
Methods in clickDetector.tdPlots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickPlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) ClickSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) Deprecated.ClickDetSymbolChooser.getSymbolChoice
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) ClickClassSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.tethys
Methods in clickDetector.tethys with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) ClickEventSpeciesManager.getSpeciesCode
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickDetector.toad
Methods in clickDetector.toad with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickFFTOrganiser.createFFTDataList
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, double sampleRate, int channelMap) Method parameters in clickDetector.toad with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClickTOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data unit for a click train which holds a series of data units grouped into a click train.class
Base class for a click train data unit.class
Temporary data unit for unconfirmed click trains.Methods in clickTrainDetector that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCTDetectionGroupDataUnit.getSummaryUnits()
Get the summary data units from the last calculation.Methods in clickTrainDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit subDetection) void
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Adds to the average waveform is the data unit contains raw info.void
(PamDataUnit newClick) New click detection has arrived.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit ctDataUnit) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) Method parameters in clickTrainDetector with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(List<PamDataUnit> list) int
(List<PamDataUnit> list) void
(List<PamDataUnit<?, ?>> dataUnits) Constructor parameters in clickTrainDetector with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionCTDetectionGroupDataUnit
(long timeMilliseconds, List<PamDataUnit> list) TempCTDataUnit
(long timeMilliseconds, List<PamDataUnit> list) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.classification.templateClassifier
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.classification.templateClassifierModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A data unit wrapper for a spectrum template. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms
Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit) Adds a data unit to the click train detector algorithm -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.classificationRatio
Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.classificationRatio with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht
Fields in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht declared as PamDataUnitModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionTrackDataUnits.lastUnit
The last data unit so far analysed by the algorithm.Fields in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht with type parameters of type PamDataUnitMethods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamDataUnit<?,
?> MHTClickTrainAlgorithm.MHTAlgorithm.getLastDataUnit()
Get the last data unit added to the algorithm's probability mix.Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStandardMHTChi2.cloneMHTChi2()
static ArrayList<MHTChi2Var<PamDataUnit>>
Create a set of chi^2 variables.MHTChi2ProviderManager.createMHTChi2
(MHTParams mhtParams, PamDataBlock dataBlock, int channelBitMap) StandardMHTChi2.getMhtChi2Vars()
List of current chi2 variables.MHTClickTrainAlgorithm.MHTAlgorithm.getMHTKernal()
Get the MHTKernel for the algorithmStandardMHTChi2Provider.newMHTChi2
(MHTChi2<PamDataUnit> mhtChi2) Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit detection, int kcount) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, MHTKernel<PamDataUnit> mhtKernel) Checks whether an attempt for a garbage collection of click trains is necessary.void
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit, TrackBitSet<PamDataUnit> bitSet, int kcount) Method parameters in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(long currentTimemillis, MHTKernel<PamDataUnit> mhtKernel) Check whether a garbage collection of the hypothesis matrix is required based on current time rather than the current data unit.boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, MHTKernel<PamDataUnit> mhtKernel) Checks whether an attempt for a garbage collection of click trains is necessary.static TrackDataUnits
(MHTKernel<PamDataUnit> mhtKernel, BitSet bitSet, int kcount) Get the track data units for a track possibility bitset.StandardMHTChi2Provider.newMHTChi2
(MHTChi2<PamDataUnit> mhtChi2) void
(ArrayList<MHTChi2Var<PamDataUnit>> mhtChi2Vars) Restore settings of chi2 vars from the saved settings chi2settings objects.void
(ArrayList<MHTChi2Var<PamDataUnit>> mhtChi2Vars) Set the MHT chi^2 variables.void
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit, TrackBitSet<PamDataUnit> bitSet, int kcount) Constructors in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionTrackDataUnits
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, PamDataUnit lastUnit) Constructor parameters in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionStandardMHTChi2Info
(ArrayList<MHTChi2Var<PamDataUnit>> mhtChi2Vars, StandardMHTChi2Params standardMHTChi2Params) StandardMHTChi2Params
(ArrayList<MHTChi2Var<PamDataUnit>> arrayList) TrackDataUnits
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, PamDataUnit lastUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMATMethods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtMAT that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar
Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar that return PamDataUnitMethods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Called when a new detection is added.void
(PamDataUnit detection, int kcount) Add a detection to the ICIManager and update the master time series.double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnitPrev, PamDataUnit pamDataUnitNext) Calculate the time between two data unitsdouble
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnitPrev, PamDataUnit pamDataUnitNext) Calculate the time between two data unitsCorrelationManager.getCorrelationValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnitPrev, PamDataUnit pamDataUnitNext) Get the correlation between two data units which have already been added to the data unit list using addDetection().CorrelationManager.getCorrelationValue
(PamDataUnit dataUnit1, PamDataUnit dataUnit2, FFTFilterParams filterParams) Get the correlation between two data units which have already been added to the data unit list using addDetection().double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) abstract double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) Get the difference in value between two sequential data units.double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) abstract double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) Get the error value between two sequential data units.double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit0, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit1) double
(PamDataUnit newdataUnit, BitSet bitSet, int bitcount, int kcount, IDIManager idiManager) double
(PamDataUnit newdataUnit, BitSet bitSet, int bitcount, int kcount, IDIManager iciManager) Update the existing chi2 value with a new data unit and track bitset.double
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit, BitSet bitSet, int bitcount, int kcount, IDIManager iciManager) double
(PamDataUnit newdataUnit, BitSet bitSet, int bitcount, int kcount, IDIManager idiManager) double
(PamDataUnit newdataUnit, BitSet bitSet, int bitcount, int kcount, IDIManager idiManager) Method parameters in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.mhtvar with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> mhtDataUnits, IDIManager iciManager) double
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> mhtDataUnits, IDIManager iciManager) void
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean useCorrelation) Set the current data unit list. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.test
Methods in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.test that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethod parameters in clickTrainDetector.clickTrainAlgorithms.mht.test with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(MHTKernel<PamDataUnit> mhtKernel) Update the graphics to show the current possible clicks trains. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.dataselector
Methods in clickTrainDetector.dataselector with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.layout
Methods in clickTrainDetector.layout with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCTDataUnitGraphics.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) Override this function so symbols (which are drawn from sub detection sometimes) are always from the super detection.ClickTrainSymbolModifer.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.logging
Methods in clickTrainDetector.logging with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clickTrainDetector.offline
Methods in clickTrainDetector.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clipgenerator
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in clipgeneratorMethods in clipgenerator that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClipControl.findTriggerDataUnit
(ClipDataUnit clipDataUnit) ClipDataUnit.findTriggerDataUnit()
Reference to the data unit that triggered the clip
This is going to be correct in normal mode, but the unit will have to be searched for in other modes, so is not 100% guaranteed.ClipBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in clipgenerator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) ClipOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) ClipDataBlock.getDataUnitMenuItems
(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits) ClipOverlayGraphics.getHoverImage
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) ClipBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Calculate a probability for storing the next unit.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatusDataUnit, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit triggerDataUnit) Reference to the data unit that triggered the clipboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Should store a data unit.void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in clipgenerator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionClipRequest
(ClipProcess.ClipBlockProcess clipBlockProcess, PamDataUnit dataUnit) ClipSpectrogram
(PamDataUnit clickDetection) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clipgenerator.clipDisplay
Methods in clipgenerator.clipDisplay that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionClipDisplayMarker.getSelectedMarkedDataUnits
(OverlayMark overlayMark, MarkDataSelector markDataSelector) ClipDisplayMarker.getSelectedMarkedDataUnits
(OverlayMark overlayMark, MarkDataSelector markDataSelector, int minOverlap) Constructors in clipgenerator.clipDisplay with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionClipDisplayUnit
(ClipDisplayPanel clipDisplayPanel, ClipDataUnit clipDataUnit, PamDataUnit triggerDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in clipgenerator.localisation
Constructors in clipgenerator.localisation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionClipLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingLocaliser bearingLocaliser, int hydrophones, double[][] anglesAndErrors) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cpod
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in cpodModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CPOD or FPOD click.class
Base class for a click train data unit.Methods in cpod that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCPODBinaryStore.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in cpod with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) CPODBinaryStore.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) CPODSpeciesModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Constructor parameters in cpod with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionCPODClickTrainDataUnit
(long timeMilliseconds, List<PamDataUnit> list, CPODClassification cpodClassification) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cpod.dataPlotFX
Methods in cpod.dataPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Draw a frequency lineCPODPlotInfoFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) CPODPlotInfoFX.CPODSymbolChooserFX.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) boolean
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cpod.dataSelector
Methods in cpod.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cpod.logging
Methods in cpod.logging with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in cpod.tdPlots
Methods in cpod.tdPlots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCPODPlotinfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) CPODSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in crossedbearinglocaliser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in crossedbearinglocaliserModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Temp data units for bearing localiser and crossed bearing localisation ...Methods in crossedbearinglocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit unit1, PamDataUnit unit2) Can two data units match, based on the distance between their origins and the time difference between them.boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Can the data unit match in time with every other data unit in the system.CBDetectionMatcher.newData
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Add new data into the matching system.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in crossedbearinglocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionCBMatchGroup
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) CBMatchGroup
(PamDataUnit dataUnit1, PamDataUnit dataUnit2) TempDataUnit
(PamDataUnit masterDataUnit, int newChannels) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in crossedbearinglocaliser.offline
Methods in crossedbearinglocaliser.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in d3
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in d3 -
Uses of PamDataUnit in d3.plots
Methods in d3.plots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionD3PlotInfo.drawDataUnit
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Graphics g, Rectangle windowRect, int orientation, PamAxis timeAxis, long scrollStart, PamAxis yAxis, int type) D3PlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataGram
Methods in dataGram with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) Add datagram data to the dataGram line. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataMap
Methods in dataMap with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOfflineDataMap.newPamDataUnit
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Called when new (not reloaded) data are added to a datablock so that the data map can update.OfflineDataMap.updatedPamDataUnit
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Called when new (not reloaded) data are updated in a datablock so that the data map can update. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Fields in declared as PamDataUnitMethods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTDDataInfo.drawDataUnit
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Graphics g, Rectangle windowRect, int orientation, PamAxis timeAxis, long scrollStart, PamAxis yAxis, int type) Draw a data unit.StandardBearingInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) StandardDataInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) abstract Double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Gets a value for a specific data unit which should be in the same units as the scale information.SimpleSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) TDSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) TDDataInfo.getToolTipText
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionFoundDataUnit
(TDDataInfo dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) Create a FoundDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlots.layout
Methods in dataPlots.layout with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTDGraph.GraphPlotPanel.getDataUnitPoint
(TDDataInfo dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the pixel location of a data unit on the graph. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlots.mouse
Methods in dataPlots.mouse with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(TDDataInfo dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iPanel) Test whether or not a pamdetection is within a marked area on the screen -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX
Methods in dataPlotsFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the draw type for a particular data unit.SimpleSymbolChooserFX.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) TDManagedSymbolChooserFX.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) TDSymbolChooserFX.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX
Methods in dataPlotsFX.clickPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment plotSegmentData, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Add plot data to the plot segment.ScrollingPlotSegmenter.addPlotData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Draw the data on the plot segmentabstract void
(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingImageSegmenter.WritableImageSegment writableImage, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Draw the data unit onto a writable image segment.void
(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingImageSegmenter.WritableImageSegment writableImage, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrolLStart, int chanClick) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) ScrollingImageSegmenter.drawDataUnit
(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Draw the spectrogram on thejavafx.scene.paint.Color
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int type) ClickPlotInfoFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) ClickSymbolChooserFX.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) abstract Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingImageSegmenter.WritableImageSegment writableImage, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Get the polygon for the detection.abstract Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment plotSegmentData, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart) Get the polygon for the detection.javafx.geometry.Point2D
(TDProjectorFX generalProjector, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int chanClk) boolean
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Fields in declared as PamDataUnitMethods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingPlotSegmenter.PlotSegment plotSegment, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrollStart, int chanClick, javafx.scene.paint.Color color) Draw the data unit.FFTPlotManager.drawClipFFT
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Draw a click FFT on a frequency time axis.void
(javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, ScrollingImageSegmenter.WritableImageSegment writableImage, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, double scrolLStart, int chanClick) Draw the data unit on a writeable image segment.javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Draw a data unit.RawWavePlotManager.drawRawData
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Draw the raw data.abstract javafx.scene.paint.Color
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int type) Get the colorabstract Double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Gets a value for a specific data unit which should be in the same units as the scale information.javafx.geometry.Point2D
(TDProjectorFX generalProjector, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Get the previous data unit for drawing a line from.abstract double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int chanClick) Get the spectrogram from a data unit based on the FFT settingsTDDataInfoFX.getToolTipText
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Do we want to draw this data unit on this plot ?Constructors in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionFoundDataUnit
(TDDataInfoFX dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) Create a FoundDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Methods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Base class draws a simple frequency box.javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) Draw the prediction as a line.GenericDataPlotInfo.getAmplitudeValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) GenericDataPlotInfo.getBearingValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) GenericDataPlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) GenericLinePlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) abstract double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Get the line data.GenericDataPlotInfo.getSlantValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.layout
Methods in dataPlotsFX.layout with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTDGraphFX.findDataInfo
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Find the TDDataInfo for a data unit on the TDGraph. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark
Fields in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark declared as PamDataUnitMethods in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTDMarkerFX.getSelectedMarkedDataUnits
(OverlayMark overlayMark, MarkDataSelector markDataSelector) Methods in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTDMarkerFX.getDataUnitPoint
(TDDataInfoFX dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the pixel location of a data unit on the graph.Constructors in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionFoundDataUnitFX
(TDDataInfoFX dataInfo, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) Create a FoundDataUnitFoundDataUnitFX
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.popUpMenu
Method parameters in dataPlotsFX.overlaymark.popUpMenu with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<PamDataUnit> dataList) Set a list of detections. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.rawClipDataPlot
Methods in dataPlotsFX.rawClipDataPlot with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.paint.Color
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int type) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int chanClick) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int chanClick) Get the spectrogram for a raw clip.double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int chanClick) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.rawDataPlotFX
Methods in dataPlotsFX.rawDataPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2DMethods in dataPlotsFX.scrollingPlot2D with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dataPlotsFX.whistlePlotFX
Methods in dataPlotsFX.whistlePlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) static Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, WhistleMoanControl wmControl, int fftLength, int fftHop, float sampleRate, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, TimeProjectorFX tdprojector, double scrollStart, int type, javafx.scene.paint.Color fillCol, javafx.scene.paint.Color linCol, boolean useKhz, javafx.geometry.Orientation orientation) Draw a whistle fragment.static Path2D
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, WhistleMoanControl wmControl, int fftLength, int fftHop, float sampleRate, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, TimeProjectorFX tdprojector, double scrollStart, int type, javafx.scene.paint.Color fillCol, javafx.scene.paint.Color linCol, javafx.geometry.Orientation orientation) Draw a whistle fragment.WhistlePlotInfoFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) WhistleTDSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dbht
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in dbhtMethods in dbht that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDbHtDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in dbht with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDbHtDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dbht.alarm
Methods in dbht.alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in dbht.offline
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in dbht.offlineMethods in dbht.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in decimator
Methods in decimator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newData) Deprecated.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in depthReadout
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in depthReadoutMethods in depthReadout with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectiongrouplocaliser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in detectiongrouplocaliserMethods in detectiongrouplocaliser that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDetectionGroupSummary.getDataList()
Methods in detectiongrouplocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(DetectionGroupSummary groupSummary, PamDataUnit superDet, boolean update) Add some detections to an existing eventDetectionGroupControl.getSymbolforMenuItems
(PamDataUnit dgdu) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotationType annotationType) Constructors in detectiongrouplocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDetectionGroupSummary
(javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent mouseEvent, OverlayMarker overlayMarker, OverlayMark overlayMark, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Constructor parameters in detectiongrouplocaliser with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDetectionGroupDataUnit
(long timeMilliseconds, List<PamDataUnit> list) DetectionGroupSummary
(javafx.scene.input.MouseEvent mouseEvent, OverlayMarker overlayMarker, OverlayMark overlayMark, List<PamDataUnit> dataList) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectiongrouplocaliser.logging
Methods in detectiongrouplocaliser.logging with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX
Methods in detectionPlotFX that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDetectionGroupDisplay.getCurrentUnit()
Get the currently displayed data unit.Methods in detectionPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit oldDataUnit, PamDataUnit newDataUnit) A new data unit has been selectedboolean
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit) Sets the current in the display.boolean
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit oldDataUnit, PamDataUnit newDataUnit) Trigger the data unit changing listeners.Method parameters in detectionPlotFX with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(List<PamDataUnit> dataList) Set the detection group. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX.clickTrainDDPlot
Methods in detectionPlotFX.clickTrainDDPlot with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWaterfallSpecPlot.getFFTdata
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int fftLen, int channel) Get the FFT data for a data unit. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Classes in with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DDDataInfo<T extends PamDataUnit>
Information on the data a detection can display. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX.layout
Methods in detectionPlotFX.layout with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit) Display a new data unit on the graph.void
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit) Convenience function.void
(PamDataUnit newDataUnit) Setup the scroll bar so that it has the correct limits and datagram for the current data unit. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX.plots
Classes in detectionPlotFX.plots with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
FFTPlot<D extends PamDataUnit>
Plots the spectrogram of a detection which already has a calculated spectrgram, e.g.class
FFTSettingsPane<D extends PamDataUnit>
The settings pane for the FFT plot.class
RawFFTPlot<D extends PamDataUnit>
Plots FFT data as background if raw data is available.class
SpectrumPlot<D extends PamDataUnit>
Plot for the spectrum of a waveform.class
WaveformPlot<D extends PamDataUnit>
Functions to plot a waveform on a plot panel.class
WignerPlot<D extends PamDataUnit>
Plots a Wigner transform of a detection.class
WignerSettingsPane<D extends PamDataUnit>
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX.plotsModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Methods in detectionPlotFX.plots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDetection, long buffer, int channel) Start the raw data loading on a new thread -
Uses of PamDataUnit in detectionPlotFX.rawDDPlot
Methods in detectionPlotFX.rawDDPlot with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble[][]
(PamDataUnit newClick, int min, int max) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDetection) double[][]
(PamDataUnit newClick, int min, int max) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDetection, int fftLen, int fftHop, int windowType) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDetection) double[]
(PamDataUnit pamDetection, int chan) void
(PamDataUnit detection, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext graphicsContext, javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle windowRect, DetectionPlotProjector projector) void
(PamDataUnit data, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext gc, javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle rectangle, DetectionPlotProjector projector, int flag) void
(PamDataUnit data, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext gc, javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle rectangle, DetectionPlotProjector projector, int flag) void
(PamDataUnit data, double sR, DetectionPlotProjector plotProjector) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in difarMethods in difar that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDifarDataUnit.getParentDetection()
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in difar that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethods in difar with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(int channelMap, long signalStartMillis, long durationMillis, double[] f, PamDataUnit pamDetection, double displaySampleRate, String triggerSpeciesName, String triggerDataBlockName) Called when there is a trigger caused whether by a detection or by a mark being made on the spectrogram.DifarBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamDataUnit parentDetection) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in difar with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDifarDataUnit
(long clipStartMillis, long triggerMilliseconds, long startSample, int durationSamples, int channelMap, String fileName, String triggerName, double[][] rawData, long signalStartMillis, PamDataUnit parentDetection, double[] frequencyRange, float sourceSampleRate, float displaySampleRate, double[] calFreqs, double[] calGains) Constructor to use if storing data into the binary system.Constructor parameters in difar with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDIFARTargetMotionInformation
(DifarProcess difarProcess, ArrayList<PamDataUnit> difarDataUnits) SonobuoyAnnotationHandler
(SonobuoyManager sonobuoyControl, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.beamforming
Methods in difar.beamforming with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.calibration
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in difar.calibrationMethods in difar.calibration with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.dataSelector
Methods in difar.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.display
Methods in difar.display that return PamDataUnitMethods in difar.display with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDifarOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) DifarOverlayGraphics.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) void
(PamDataUnit formsDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.offline
Classes in difar.offline with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DifarDataCopyTask<T extends PamDataUnit>
Some small changes to the generic class for copying data from binary data files to database files.class
UpdateCrossingTask<T extends PamDataUnit>
Generic class for copying data from binary data files to database files. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.plots
Methods in difar.plots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDifarBearingPlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) DifarIntensityPlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) DifarSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in difar.trackedGroups
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in difar.trackedGroupsMethods in difar.trackedGroups that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTrackedGroupDataBlock.findDataUnits
(String groupName) Find all of the data units in memory for a given group.TrackedGroupTargetMotionInformation.getCurrentDetections()
Methods in difar.trackedGroups with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTrackedGroupOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Check if a group already exists, and if so add the data to that group.void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructor parameters in difar.trackedGroups with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionTrackedGroupTargetMotionInformation
(TrackedGroupProcess trackedGroupProcess, ArrayList<PamDataUnit> detectionList) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in effort
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in effortMethods in effort that return PamDataUnitMethods in effort with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit o) EffortProvider.getPamSymbol
(String symbolChooserName, PamDataUnit dataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) EffortProvider.getPamSymbol
(PamSymbolChooser chooser, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Need to use this to get symbols for effort instead of direct calls into the symbol chooser, since the symbol chooser will almost definitely want it's own type of data unit, NOT the EffortDataUnit which will probably crash due to a cast exception.abstract void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Notified for real time data.void
(PamDataUnit referenceDataUnit) Constructors in effort with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionEffortDataUnit
(EffortProvider effortProvider, PamDataUnit referenceDataUnit, long effortStart, long effortEnd) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in effort.binary
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in effort.binaryMethods in effort.binary with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in effortmonitor
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in effortmonitorMethods in effortmonitor with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in envelopeTracer
Methods in envelopeTracer with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in eventCounter
Methods in eventCounter with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(long timeMillis, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(long timeMillis, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(long timeMillis, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export
Methods in export with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit, boolean force) Add a data unit to the export list.Method parameters in export with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(File fileName, List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean append) Export the data to a folder. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export.CSVExport
Classes in export.CSVExport with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CSVDataUnitExport<T extends PamDataUnit>
Base class for CSV data unit export.Method parameters in export.CSVExport with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(File fileName, List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean append) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export.MLExport
Classes in export.MLExport with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
MLDataUnitExport<T extends PamDataUnit<?,
?>> Export a detection to MATLABMethods in export.MLExport with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Struct mlStruct, int index, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Add annotations to a MATLAB
(us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Struct mlStruct, int index, PamDataUnit dataUnit) us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Struct
(us.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Struct mlStruct, int index, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Method parameters in export.MLExport with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionus.hebi.matlab.mat.types.Struct
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Sort a list of data units into lists of the same type of units.boolean
(File fileName, List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean append) boolean
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Check whether there are compatible data units to be exported. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export.RExport
Classes in export.RExport with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
RDataUnitExport<T extends PamDataUnit<?,
?>> Exports a data unit to a List in R.Methods in export.RExport with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionorg.renjin.sexp.ListVector.NamedBuilder
(org.renjin.sexp.ListVector.NamedBuilder rData, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int index) org.renjin.sexp.ListVector.NamedBuilder
(org.renjin.sexp.ListVector.NamedBuilder rData, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int index) Method parameters in export.RExport with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRExportManager.dataUnits2R
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Sort a list of data units into lists of the same type of units.RExportManager.dataUnits2R
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, String name, org.renjin.sexp.PairList.Builder allData) Sort a list of data units into lists of the same type of units.boolean
(File fileName, List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean append) boolean
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Check whether there are compatible data units to be exported. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export.swing
Methods in export.swing with parameters of type PamDataUnitConstructor parameters in export.swing with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionExportTask
(PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit<?, ?>> parentDataBlock, PamExporterManager exporter) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in export.wavExport
Classes in export.wavExport with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
WavDataUnitExport<T extends PamDataUnit<?,
?>> Handles writing of .wav files.Methods in export.wavExport with parameters of type PamDataUnitMethod parameters in export.wavExport with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(File fileName, List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, boolean append) int
(List<PamDataUnit> foundDataUnits, File currentFile, boolean zeroPad) Save data units which contain raw data to a wav
(List<PamDataUnit> foundDataUnits, File currentFile) Save data units which contain raw data to individual wav files within a folder. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in fftManager
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in fftManagerMethods in fftManager with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit pamRawData) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in fftManager.fftorganiser
Methods in fftManager.fftorganiser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFFTDataOrganiser.createFFTDataList
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, double sampleRate, int channelMap) Create a list of FFT Data units using the preferred input type. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in fftManager.newSpectrogram
Methods in fftManager.newSpectrogram with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Filters
Methods in Filters with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in generalDatabase
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in generalDatabaseModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
simple data unit for use with the LogXMLSettings classMethods in generalDatabase that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSQLLogging.findClosestDataPoint
(PamConnection con, long timeMillis) Find the data point which is closest in time to that given, or null returning whatever type of data unit this deals with.SQLLogging.loadLastDataUnit()
Load the last data unit in the table.Methods in generalDatabase with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit aDataUnit) PamDetectionLogging.getUIDMatchClause
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, SQLTypes sqlTypes) SQLLogging.getUIDMatchClause
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, SQLTypes sqlTypes) Get a string used to match binary data with the database records.boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Load data - that is read data from the table definition and turn it into something sensible within or attached to the data unit.boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Called when a new PamDataUnit is added to a PamDataBlock to write those data to the database.boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) Called when a new PamDataUnit is added to a PamDataBlock to write those data to the database.boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) int
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, Object... criteria) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Called when an old PamDataUnit is updated.boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) Called when an old PamDataUnit is updated.boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Save data - that is transfer data from the pamDataUnit to the data objects within the table definitionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDetection) abstract void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Callback function when new data are created that allows the user to set the data for each column.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in generalDatabase.lineplots
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in generalDatabase.lineplotsMethods in generalDatabase.lineplots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLinePlotDataInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in gpl
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in gplMethods in gpl that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGPLStateDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in gpl with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) GPLStateDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in gpl.graphfx
Methods in gpl.graphfx with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) javafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) GPLDetPlotinfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) GPLStatePlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) GPLStateSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int type) boolean
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Methods in that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGPLBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) GPLBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in GPS
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in GPSMethods in GPS that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGPSBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in GPS with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) GPSOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) GPSOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) GPSBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamData) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in GPS.effort
Methods in GPS.effort with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliserMethods in group3dlocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructor parameters in group3dlocaliser with type arguments of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.crossedbearing
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.crossedbearing with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCrossedBearingGroupLocaliser.runModel
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, DetectionGroupOptions detectionGroupOptions, boolean addLoc) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.gridsearch
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.gridsearch with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTOADGridSearch.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHyperbolicLocaliser.calcErrors
(GroupLocResult loclaisation, PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, HyperbolicParams params) Calculate and add the errors in source position.double[]
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation, HyperbolicParams params) Calculate the errors in source position.HyperbolicLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) Constructors in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.hyperbolic with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionHyperbolicGroupLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GroupLocResult targetMotionResult) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadbase
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadbase with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract AbstractLocalisation
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) Process the list of delays, which are in secondsTOADBaseAlgorithm.runModel
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, DetectionGroupOptions detectionGroupOptions, boolean addLoc) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadmcmc
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadmcmc with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMCMCErrorDraw.drawMCMCCloudOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) MCMCErrorDraw.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) ToadMCMCLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadsimplex
Methods in group3dlocaliser.algorithm.toadsimplex with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionToadSimplexLocaliser.processTOADs
(PamDataUnit groupDataUnit, SnapshotGeometry geometry, TOADInformation toadInformation) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.dataselector
Methods in group3dlocaliser.dataselector with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.grouper
Methods in group3dlocaliser.grouper that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDetectionGroup.getDataUnits
(int iChannelGroup) FirstGrouping.getDataUnits()
(int iGroup) Methods in group3dlocaliser.grouper with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(int channelGroup, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(int channelGroup, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Method parameters in group3dlocaliser.grouper with type arguments of type PamDataUnitConstructors in group3dlocaliser.grouper with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDetectionGroup
(int nChannelGroups, int channelGroup, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) FirstGrouping
(int nChannelGroups, int channelGroup, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.localisation
Constructors in group3dlocaliser.localisation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionLinearLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int referenceHydrophones, PamVector[] arrayAxes, double bearing, Double range) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.logging
Methods in group3dlocaliser.logging with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in group3dlocaliser.offline
Methods in group3dlocaliser.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in IMU
Methods in IMU with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in ishmaelComms
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in ishmaelCommsMethods in ishmaelComms with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIshmaelGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) IshmaelGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in IshmaelDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in IshmaelDetectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Brings together groups of IshDetWrappersclass
Basic detection on a single channel for the Ishmael det/loc.class
Standard data unit for Ishmael detector output.class
Groups togetehr a series of IshDeections.class
IshTrack may not need to hold any location information itself - it mainly holds a list of IshAnchorGroups, each of which has a PamLocation object, the contents of which will make up a track.Methods in IshmaelDetector that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIshBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) IshFnBinarySource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in IshmaelDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg1) IshDetFnProcess.getOutputDataUnit
(PamDataUnit rawOrFftDataUnit) Get a new IshDetDataUnit suitable for holding output data.IshBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) IshFnBinarySource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit fftUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg1) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg1) Deprecated.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg1) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in IshmaelDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionIshLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in IshmaelDetector.dataPlotFX
Methods in IshmaelDetector.dataPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIshmaelDetPlotInfo.getAmplitudeValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) IshamelFnPlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in IshmaelDetector.tethys
Methods in IshmaelDetector.tethys with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in IshmaelLocator
Methods in IshmaelLocator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionIshOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg1) Data for localization can arrive from either an upstream data source or from the user drawing a box on the spectrogram.void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in jsonStorage
Methods in jsonStorage with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionJSONObjectDataSource.getPackedObject
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Return a json-formatted string generated from the fields in this object -
Uses of PamDataUnit in KernelSmoothing
Methods in KernelSmoothing with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in landMarks
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in landMarksMethods in landMarks with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLandmarkGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) LandmarkGraphics.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) LandmarkGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in levelMeter
Methods in levelMeter with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule
Methods in likelihoodDetectionModule with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit pamRawData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectraModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the data type produced by the linearAverageSpectraMethods in likelihoodDetectionModule.linearAverageSpectra with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizerModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The data type generated by the normalizer PamProcess.Methods in likelihoodDetectionModule.normalizer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit unit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.spectralEti
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.spectralEtiModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
The data type for the output of the spectralEti module.Methods in likelihoodDetectionModule.spectralEti with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
This is the Threshold Detectors output data unit.Methods in likelihoodDetectionModule.thresholdDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in listening
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in listeningMethods in listening with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionListeningEffortGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) ThingHeardGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) ListeningEffortGraphics.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) ThingHeardGraphics.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) ListeningEffortGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) ThingHeardGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loc3d_Thode
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in loc3d_ThodeMethods in loc3d_Thode that return PamDataUnitMethods in loc3d_Thode with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionTowedArray3DOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in loc3d_Thode with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionTowedArray3DDataUnit
(PamDataUnit parentDetection, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones, int Nstation, boolean hasAngle, boolean hasRange, boolean hasDepth) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Localiser
Classes in Localiser with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
LocaliserModel<T extends PamDataUnit>
All localisers in PAMGuard should satisfy this interface.Methods in Localiser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(JPopupMenu menu, PamDataUnit selectedDetion) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Localiser.algorithms.locErrors
Methods in Localiser.algorithms.locErrors with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEllipseLocErrorDraw.drawLinesOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) EllipseLocErrorDraw.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) LocErrorGraphics.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) SimpleLocErrorDraw.drawOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) EllipseLocErrorDraw.drawOvalsOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDetection, LatLong errorOrigin, GeneralProjector generalProjector, Color ellipseColor) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc
Classes in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractLocaliser<T extends PamDataUnit>
Abstract Localiser class. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation
Methods in Localiser.algorithms.timeDelayLocalisers.bearingLoc.annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBearingLocAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) BearingLocAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser
Classes in Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DetectionGrouper<t extends PamDataUnit>
GroupDetection<T extends PamDataUnit>
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliserMethods in Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract boolean
(PamDataUnit currentData, PamDataUnit olderData) Constructors in Localiser.detectionGroupLocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionGroupLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GroupLocResult targetMotionResult) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in loggerFormsMethods in loggerForms that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFormDescription.createDataFromXML
(Document doc) FormsBinaryIO.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in loggerForms with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) LoggerFormGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) LoggerFormGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) FormsBinaryIO.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Override this for Logger forms so that they always save.void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms.dataselect
Methods in loggerForms.dataselect with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfinal double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, Object[] formData) double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, Object[] formData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms.effort
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms.effortMethods in loggerForms.effort with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms.monitor
Methods in loggerForms.monitor with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in loggerForms.symbol
Methods in loggerForms.symbol with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLoggerSymbolModifier.getControlData
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the data object for this control from the data unit.IntegerSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) LookupSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in ltsa
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in ltsaMethods in ltsa that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLtsaBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in ltsa with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) LtsaBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Map
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in MapMethods in Map that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSimpleMap.getMousedDataUnit()
Gets a data unit currently hovered by the mouse.Methods in Map with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) MapCommentOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) MapCommentOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int side) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, MapDetectionData mapDetectionData, long earliestToPlot, long now, DataSelector ds) Shouldplot function for individual data units.void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Method parameters in Map with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(List<PamDataUnit> markedDataUnits) This gets called when there are no other markes being used on the map, but some data have been marked out. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Map.gridbaselayer
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in Map.gridbaselayerMethods in Map.gridbaselayer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGridOverlayDraw.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) Deprecated.GridOverlayDraw.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) Deprecated. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in mapgrouplocaliser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in mapgrouplocaliserMethods in mapgrouplocaliser with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructor parameters in mapgrouplocaliser with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionMapGroupAnnotationHandler
(MapGroupLocaliserControl mapGroupLocaliserControl, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in matchedTemplateClassifer
Methods in matchedTemplateClassifer with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit clickDetection) A new click has arrived .void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in matchedTemplateClassifer.annotation
Methods in matchedTemplateClassifer.annotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMatchedClickAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) MatchedClickSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) MatchedClickAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in matchedTemplateClassifer.bespokeClassification
Methods in matchedTemplateClassifer.bespokeClassification with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, boolean classify) Classifies specific data units if they have bespoke data unit specific species flags. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in matchedTemplateClassifer.offline
Methods in matchedTemplateClassifer.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in meygenturbine
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in meygenturbineMethods in meygenturbine with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMeygenGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) MeygenGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in networkTransfer.emulator
Methods in networkTransfer.emulator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit, long timeOffset) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in networkTransfer.receive
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in networkTransfer.receiveModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class for collecting data to do with individual buoys receiving data over the network.Methods in networkTransfer.receive that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBuoyStatusDataUnit.findLastDataUnit
(Class unitClass) Find the last data unit from this buoy that belongs to the given data block.Methods in networkTransfer.receive with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionNetworkGPSDrawing.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) NetworkGPSDrawing.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int blockSeq, int receivedBytes) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatusDataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatusDataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in networkTransfer.receive.swing
Classes in networkTransfer.receive.swing with type parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in networkTransfer.send
Methods in networkTransfer.send with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) byte[]
(int buoyId1, int buoyId2, PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Pack a data unit as a byte array for TCPIP transfer.NetworkObjectPacker.packDataUnit
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Pack a data unit as a json-formatted String for TCP/IP transfer -
Uses of PamDataUnit in nidaqdev.networkdaq
Methods in nidaqdev.networkdaq with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatusDataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in NMEA
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in NMEA -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseBandMonitor
Methods in noiseBandMonitor with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseMonitor
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in noiseMonitorMethods in noiseMonitor that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionNoiseBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in noiseMonitor with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionNoiseBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseMonitor.alarm
Methods in noiseMonitor.alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseMonitor.species
Methods in noiseMonitor.species with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseOneBand
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in noiseOneBandMethods in noiseOneBand that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOneBandDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in noiseOneBand with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOneBandDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatus, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseOneBand.alarm
Methods in noiseOneBand.alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in noiseOneBand.offline
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in noiseOneBand.offlineMethods in noiseOneBand.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in offlineProcessing
Classes in offlineProcessing with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DataCopyTask<T extends PamDataUnit>
Generic class for copying data from binary data files to database files.class
OfflineTask<T extends PamDataUnit>
An offline task, such as click species id. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in offlineProcessing.logging
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in offlineProcessing.loggingModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Wee class for holding the latest data on each task, most importantly the database index which is needed for updates. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in offlineProcessing.superdet
Methods in offlineProcessing.superdet with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Called to see if this sub detection will pass the super detection filter, i.e. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamController.masterReference
Methods in PamController.masterReference with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamController.status
Methods in PamController.status with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) Called from a process every time new input data arrivevoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit data) Called from a process every time new data are added to the output data block -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamDetection
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamDetectionFields in PamDetection with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionTDArrayList.dataUnits
A list of data units used to create the time delays.Methods in PamDetection that return PamDataUnitMethods in PamDetection that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDetectionMatchModel.findDetectionGroup()
Gets a list of all detections to be used in the localisation.TDArrayList.getDataUnits()
Methods in PamDetection with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit unit) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDetection) Check to see if a detection can be localised as part of this detection matchvoid
(PamDataUnit parentDetection) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Method parameters in PamDetection with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Constructors in PamDetection with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones) Constructor for a localisation.AbstractLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones, int arrayType, PamVector[] arrayAxis) Constructor for a localisation.AbstractLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, LocContents locContents, int referenceHydrophones) Constructor for a localisation. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC
Classes in PamguardMVC with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AcousticDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
Class for all PAMGAURD data based on acoustic types of data, i.e.class
ChannelIterator<E extends PamDataUnit>
An iterator that has a bit more functionality than a basic iterator.class
DataBlock2D<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
DataCreator<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
DataUnit2D<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends SuperDetection> Data units that can be plotted on the FX 2D displays, such as FFT data, beam former output, etc.class
DataUnitFinder<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
Class for finding data units in a reasonably controlled and organised way.class
PamDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
PamDataUnit<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends PamDataUnit> class
PamDataUnit<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends PamDataUnit> class
PamDataUnitIterator<E extends PamDataUnit>
An iterator that has a bit more functionality than a basic iterator.class
ReverseChannelIterator<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
Iterator for going backwards through a datablock, but only selecting data untits that have a specific channel.class
SequenceIterator<E extends PamDataUnit>
An iterator that has a bit more functionality than a basic iterator.class
SingletonDataBlock<Tunit extends PamDataUnit>
Version of pamdatablock that always keeps one and only one dataUnit.Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVCModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DataUnit2D<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends SuperDetection> Data units that can be plotted on the FX 2D displays, such as FFT data, beam former output, etc.Methods in PamguardMVC that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLastDataUnitStore.findLastDataUnit
(Class unitClass) Find a data unit by it's class typeLastDataUnitStore.findLastDataUnit
(PamDataBlock dataBlock) DataBlockRXInfo.getLastDataUnit()
Methods in PamguardMVC that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayList<Class<? extends PamDataUnit>>
A list of data block class types which are compatible as parent data blocks for the PamProcess.PamProcess.getSourceDataBlock()
find the absolute source of data, if one exists.PamDataBlock.getUniqueParentList
(List<PamDataUnit> pamDataUnits) Get a list of unique super detections for a load of data unitsMethods in PamguardMVC with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Informs the PamObserver that new data have been added to the Observable classvoid
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) final void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit newDataUnit) void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int dataSize) Add a new unit to the store, returning the previous one if it existed.void
(PamDataUnit aUnit) Add a deleted unitvoid
(PamDataUnit aUnit) Add an update unitint
(PamDataUnit o) PamObservable.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projectorInfo) PamDataBlock.getDataUnitMenuItems
(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits) Get menu items pertinent to one or more data units.PamDataBlock.getDataUnitPopupMenu
(DataMenuParent menuParent, Point mousePosition, PamDataUnit... dataUnits) Get a standard popup menu (or null) using items from getDataUnitMenuItemsdouble
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> o) returns the frequency overlap of another unit on this unit - so if the other unit is longer in time and completely covers this unit, the overlap is 1.0, if the other unit is shorter or not aligned, then the overlap will be invalid input: '<' 1.PamObservable.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Get flag to say whether data should be stored in the binary storeboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Should log the data unit to the database ?double
(PamDataUnit o) returns the time overlap of another unit on this unit - so if the other unit is longer in time and completely covers this unit, the overlap is 1.0, if the other unit is shorter or not aligned, then the overlap will be invalid input: '<'
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, Object... criteria) int
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, Object... criteria) Return an int, so we can see if we should move forwrard of
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, Object... criteria) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamDataUnit lastDataUnit, int dataBytesRX) void
(PamDataUnit o) Notify just the instant observers.void
(PamDataUnit o) Notify the 'normal' observes, i.e.void
(PamDataUnit o) Notify observers that data have changed and send them a reference to the new Data Have tried to synchronise this, but it can cuase a lockup - not 100% sure what to dovoid
(BuoyStatusDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit2) void
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Data unit is updated / selected, etc.void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Informs the PamObserver that existing data have been updatedvoid
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Notify all observes of an update.Method parameters in PamguardMVC with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamDataBlock.getMyDataUnits
(List<PamDataUnit> randomDataUnits) From a whole load of data units, e.g.PamDataBlock.getUniqueParentList
(List<PamDataUnit> pamDataUnits) Get a list of unique super detections for a load of data unitsConstructors in PamguardMVC with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDataBlockRXInfo
(PamDataUnit lastDataUnit, int dataBytesRX) RawDataTransforms
(PamDataUnit rawDataHolder) Create raw data transforms using the rawDatAholder for synchronisation.RawDataTransforms
(PamDataUnit rawDataHolder, Object synchObject) Create a RawDataTransforms with a specified synchronisation object. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.background
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.background -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.blockprocess
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.blockprocessModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A list of PamDataUnits, set as a data unit itself so that it can be passed through a threaded observer.Methods in PamguardMVC.blockprocess that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethods in PamguardMVC.blockprocess with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) abstract void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Called in sequence for data in a block so it can run detectorsboolean
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Is this the last channel in a group from that datablock ?final void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Override the PamProcess new data call. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.dataOffline
Classes in PamguardMVC.dataOffline with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
OfflineDataLoading<T extends PamDataUnit>
Handles the loading of offline data from a PamDataBlock. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.dataSelector
Methods in PamguardMVC.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) abstract double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Score a PAMDataUnit.double
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.nanotime
Methods in PamguardMVC.nanotime with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionlong
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) long
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) long
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.superdet
Classes in PamguardMVC.superdet with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
SubdetectionInfo<T extends PamDataUnit>
A list of these is held within a SuperDetection data unit.class
SuperDetDataBlock<Tunit extends SuperDetection,
TSubDet extends PamDataUnit> class
SuperDetection<T extends PamDataUnit>
Class added to a PAMDataunit which can be a SuperDetection.Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.superdetModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
SuperDetection<T extends PamDataUnit>
Class added to a PAMDataunit which can be a SuperDetection.Methods in PamguardMVC.superdet that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayList<PamDataUnit<?,
?>> SuperDetection.getSubDetections()
Get a basic list of sub detections without their associated info This may not be ALL of the sub detections, since they may not all be loaded. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.toad
Classes in PamguardMVC.toad with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
FixedTOADFFTFilter<T extends PamDataUnit<?,
?>> class
TOADFFTFilter<T extends PamDataUnit<?,
?>> Class to tell a TOAD calculator how to filter data during a cross correlation measurement.Methods in PamguardMVC.toad with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble[][]
(SnapshotGeometry geometry, int channelMap, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get a 2D array of maximum time delays between channels.Method parameters in PamguardMVC.toad with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGenericTOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) Generate TOAD information for a whole load of data units (or just one - maybe needs a simpler list if there is only one to avoid having to make lots of lists of just one data unit !)
Note that any fancy operations that involve waveform envelopes, etc, are generally handled by the FFTOrganiser.TOADCalculator.getTOADInformation
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits, double sampleRate, int channelMap, SnapshotGeometry geometry) Generate TOAD information for a while load of data units (or just one - maybe needs a simpler list if there is only one to avoid having to make lots of lists of just one data unit !) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamguardMVC.uid
Methods in PamguardMVC.uid with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionlong
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the next available UID. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Methods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Function to match data units with a database record.UIDMatcher.sqlSelectString
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) SQL string to identify a database record for a particular data unit.UIDTimeMatcher.sqlSelectString
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Match the data unit to a cursor record and update that cursor record with the UID. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in pamScrollSystem.jumping
Methods in pamScrollSystem.jumping that return PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamUtils
Methods in PamUtils that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic PamDataUnit
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Get the data unit with the lowest time in millis from a data unit list.Method parameters in PamUtils with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic PamDataUnit
(List<PamDataUnit> dataUnits) Get the data unit with the lowest time in millis from a data unit list. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamUtils.time
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in PamUtils.timeMethods in PamUtils.time with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView
Methods in PamView that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHoverData.getDataUnit()
Get the data unit associated with the hover data.GeneralProjector.getHoveredDataUnit()
Methods in PamView that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitMethods in PamView with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(Shape drawnShape, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(Coordinate3d coordinate3d, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(Coordinate3d coordinate3d, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int iSide) void
(TransformShape shape, PamDataUnit pamDetection) Add hover data to the projectorboolean
(TransformShape shape, PamDataUnit pamDetection, int Side) Add hover data to the projectorPamDetectionOverlayGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) Draw a PamDataUnit on a display.abstract Rectangle
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) PamDetectionOverlayGraphics.getHoverImage
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) GEt an image for the data unit to include in overlay text.PamDetectionOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) Get tool tip content for the data unit for this projector.abstract String
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) Provides text for popup hover windows on displays.PamDetectionOverlayGraphics.getHoverTextWithoutWrap
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) PamDetectionOverlayGraphics.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) PanelOverlayDraw.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) PamDetectionOverlayGraphics.getPerspectiveSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector, Coordinate3d screenCoordinate) Get the symbol.void
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in PamView with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionHoverData
(Shape drawnShape, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int iSide, int subPlotNumber) HoverData
(Coordinate3d c, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int iSide, int subPlotNumber) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.component
Classes in PamView.component with type parameters of type PamDataUnitMethods in PamView.component that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionT[]
Check for multiple row selection. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.dialog
Methods in PamView.dialog with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit<PamDataUnit, PamDataUnit> dataUnit) Set a data unit for th edisplay of summary data.Method parameters in PamView.dialog with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit<PamDataUnit, PamDataUnit> dataUnit) Set a data unit for th edisplay of summary data.void
(PamDataUnit<PamDataUnit, PamDataUnit> dataUnit) Set a data unit for th edisplay of summary data. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.importData
Methods in PamView.importData that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionabstract PamDataUnit
(T dataLine) Create a data unit from the data loaded from the imported file. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark
Fields in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark declared as PamDataUnitMethods in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionOverlayMarker.getSelectedMarkedDataUnits
(OverlayMark overlayMark, MarkDataSelector markDataSelector) Get a list of marked and selected data units.OverlayMarker.getSelectedMarkedDataUnits
(OverlayMark overlayMark, MarkDataSelector markDataSelector, int minOverlap) Methods in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionMarkOverlayDraw.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) MarkOverlayDraw.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int overlapLevel) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, int overlapLevel) Test a data unit that within a mark to see if it's wanted or not.Constructors in PamView.paneloverlay.overlaymark with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.symbol
Methods in PamView.symbol with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPamSymbolChooser.getPamSymbol
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) PamSymbolChooser.getPamSymbolFX
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) CyclicColourSymbolChooser.getSymbolChoice
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) abstract SymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get the symbol choice for a data unit.StandardSymbolChooser.getSymbolChoice
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) AnnotationSymbolChooser.getSymbolData
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, SymbolData symbolData, DataAnnotation annotation, AnnotationSymbolOptions annotationSymbolOptions) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in PamView.symbol.modifier
Methods in PamView.symbol.modifier with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFixedSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) HydrophoneSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) PeakFreqModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) RotateColoursModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) SuperDetSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Deprecated.SuperDetSymbolWrapper.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) abstract SymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) This is the symbol data to use if this modifier were to change everything.UserSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) FixedSymbolModifier.modifySymbol
(SymbolData symbolData, GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) PeakFreqModifier.modifySymbol
(SymbolData symbolData, GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) SymbolModifier.modifySymbol
(SymbolData symbolData, GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Modify the symbol. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller
Methods in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit rawData) Add data to the datagram.void
(PamDataUnit rawData) void
(PamDataUnit rawData) Add new data units.void
(PamDataUnit rawData) void
(PamDataUnit rawDataUnit) void
(PamDataUnit rawDataUnit) Add a new data unit to the scroll bar so it can be drawn on the background canvas.boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Checks everything is OK with the datagram and sets the correct time bin and prepares for writing datagram data.Constructor parameters in pamViewFX.fxNodes.pamScrollers.acousticScroller with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionAcousticDataGramGraphics
(AcousticScrollerFX acousticScroller, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> dataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in patchPanel
Methods in patchPanel with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in printscreen
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in printscreenMethods in printscreen with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructor parameters in printscreen with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionPrintScreenAnnotationChoiceHandler
(PrintScreenControl printScreenControl, PamDataBlock<PamDataUnit> pamDataBlock) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa
Classes in qa with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
QADataUnit<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends PamDataUnit> Generic class for QA Tests, Sequences and Sounds so that they can hold their operational status data.class
QADataUnit<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends PamDataUnit> Generic class for QA Tests, Sequences and Sounds so that they can hold their operational status data.Subclasses of PamDataUnit in qaModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
QADataUnit<T extends PamDataUnit,
U extends PamDataUnit> Generic class for QA Tests, Sequences and Sounds so that they can hold their operational status data.class
Methods in qa with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit detection) Set 'hit' status for a detector. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.analyser
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in qa.analyserModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Use a re-threaded data unit list to manage analysis tasks. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.database
Methods in qa.database with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit, PamDataUnit superDetection) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.generator
Methods in qa.generator with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.monitor
Classes in qa.monitor with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeInterfaceDescriptioninterface
DetectionMatcher<T extends PamDataUnit>
Interface to allow a bit of flexibility as to how different 'detector' outputs are matched with generated QA sounds.Methods in qa.monitor with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit detection, boolean isUpdate) boolean
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit detection, long detectionUID, boolean isUpdate) Check this detection (or other type of data) to see if it matches with any of the generated sounds currently held in memory.double
(PamDataUnit detection, QASoundDataUnit qaSound) double
(PamDataUnit detection, QASoundDataUnit qaSound) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit detection) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit detection) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.operations
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in qa.operationsMethods in qa.operations with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in qa.swing
Methods in qa.swing with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSequenceOverlayDraw.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) SequenceOverlayDraw.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in quickAnnotation
Methods in quickAnnotation with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQuickAnnotationOverlayDraw.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in quickAnnotation.importAnnotation
Methods in quickAnnotation.importAnnotation that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionQuickAnnotationImport.createDataUnit
(ArrayList<String> dataLine) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in radardisplay
Methods in radardisplay with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in ravendata
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in ravendataMethods in ravendata with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in ravendata.fx
Methods in ravendata.fx with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataPlotFX
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataPlotFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) DLPredictionPlotInfoFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) double[][]
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int iChan) DLSymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataSelector
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) int
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Score a data unit with deep learning annotationsint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassificationModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
A data unit created from classification results of DL model.class
A detected DL data unit.class
Data unit which stores classification results from a classifier modelMethods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionList<ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit>>
Get the grouped data queueMethods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) The classifier process works with a few buffers.void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit pamRawData) abstract void
(StandardPrediction soundSpotResult, PamDataUnit groupedRawData) Called whenever there is a new result.void
(StandardPrediction soundSpotResult, PamDataUnit groupedRawData) Method parameters in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayList<? extends PredictionResult>
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> rawDataUnit) Run the deep learning model on a list of grouped raw data units and return a corresponding list of model results.ArrayList<? extends PredictionResult>
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> groupedRawData) void
(List<ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit>> queue) Constructors in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionDLLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, int locContents, int referenceHydrophones) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.delphinID
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.delphinIDMethod parameters in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.delphinID with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfloat[][][]
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> dataUnits, float sampleRate, int iChan) float[][][]
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> dataUnits, float sampleRate, int iChan) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.dummyClassifier
Method parameters in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.dummyClassifier with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayList<? extends PredictionResult>
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> rawDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.genericModel
Method parameters in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.genericModel with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfloat[][][]
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> dataUnits, float sampleRate, int iChan) Convert a list of data units to a stack if images.DLModelWorker.runModel
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> dataUnits, float sampleRate, int iChan) Run the initial data feature extraction and the model -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot
Method parameters in rawDeepLearningClassifier.dlClassification.orcaSpot with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionArrayList<? extends PredictionResult>
(ArrayList<? extends PamDataUnit> rawDataUnits) Deprecated. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.layoutFX with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDLDetectionGraphics.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) Override to forget all symbol chooser stuff.DLGraphics.getPamSymbol
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) Override to forget all symbol chooser stuff. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionDLDetectionBinarySource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) DLResultBinarySource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.logging with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) int
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) DLAnnotationBinary.getAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, DataAnnotation annotation) DLDetectionBinarySource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) DLResultBinarySource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) DLAnnotationSymbolChooser.getSymbolData
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, SymbolData symbolData, DataAnnotation annotation, AnnotationSymbolOptions annotationSymbolOptions) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) DLAnnotationBinary.setAnnotationBinaryData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, AnnotationBinaryData annotationBinaryData) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.offline
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit<?, ?> dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.segmenter
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.segmenterModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Temporary holder for raw data with a pre defined size.class
A group of detection which are within a particular segment.Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.segmenter that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGroupedRawData.getParentDataUnit()
Get the data unit that this raw sound segment is associated with.Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.segmenter with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamDataUnit pamRawData) Process new click data.void
(PamDataUnit pamRawData) Process new clip data.void
(PamDataUnit pamRawData) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit pamRawData) void
(PamDataUnit unit, double[] rawDataChunk, int iChan) Take a raw sound chunk of data and segment into discrete groups.void
(PamDataUnit unit, double[] rawDataChunk, int iChan, int rawSampleSize, int rawSampleHop, boolean forcesave) Take a raw sound chunk of data and segment into discrete groups.void
(PamDataUnit pamRawData) A new raw data unit.void
(PamDataUnit rawDataUnit) Set the parent data unit. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rawDeepLearningClassifier.tethys
Methods in rawDeepLearningClassifier.tethys with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in RightWhaleEdgeDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in RightWhaleEdgeDetectorMethods in RightWhaleEdgeDetector that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRWEBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in RightWhaleEdgeDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) RWEOverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) RWEBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit buoyStatusDataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in RightWhaleEdgeDetector.datasel
Methods in RightWhaleEdgeDetector.datasel with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in
Methods in with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionjavafx.scene.shape.Polygon
(int plotNumber, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext g, double scrollStart, TDProjectorFX tdProjector, int type) RWEDataPlotinfoFX.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) RWESymbolModifier.getSymbolData
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in RightWhaleEdgeDetector.species
Methods in RightWhaleEdgeDetector.species with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rocca
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in roccaModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Rocca data unit code copied from WorkshopDataUnit.javaclass
Data unit containing the RoccaContourDataBlock to save to the databaseclass
Container holding information about the current sighting, including pointers to the contours already measuredMethods in rocca with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) this method called when new data arrivesvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Load up the class fields with the data to savevoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Load up the class fields with the data to save -
Uses of PamDataUnit in rockBlock
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in rockBlockModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Data unit containing messages that have been sent to the local RockBlock.class
Data unit for incoming/outgoing RockBlock messages.class
Data unit containing messages that are being sent from the local RockBlock.Methods in rockBlock with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in seismicVeto
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in seismicVetoMethods in seismicVeto with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) new data have arrived - work out what channel it's from and plot it.void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in simulatedAcquisition
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in simulatedAcquisitionModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
SimObjectDataUnit is one per sound source, i.e.class
One of these will be created for every sound produced by a SimObjectDataUnit.Methods in simulatedAcquisition with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSimGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) SimGraphics.drawDataUnitOnMap
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector generalProjector) SimGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int side) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in soundPlayback
Methods in soundPlayback with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in SoundRecorder
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in SoundRecorderMethods in SoundRecorder with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic void
(RecorderTrigger recorderTrigger, PamDataUnit dataUnit, long timeNow) static version of actionRecordTrigger can be called from anywhere in PamGuard.void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Sends data to various views of the recorder (generally level meters)void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamDataBlock dataBlock, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in SoundRecorder.trigger
Methods in SoundRecorder.trigger with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, RecorderTriggerData rtData) Called as each data unit is considered for triggering. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in Spectrogram
Methods in Spectrogram with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newData) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in spectrogramNoiseReduction
Methods in spectrogramNoiseReduction with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionModule
Classes in targetMotionModule with type parameters of type PamDataUnitSubclasses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionModuleMethods in targetMotionModule that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAbstractTargetMotionInformation.getCurrentDetections()
Returns the pamDetections which will be used for this target motion localisation.EventRotator.getPamDetections()
Deprecated.Methods in targetMotionModule with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(JPopupMenu menu, PamDataUnit selectedDetion) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Method parameters in targetMotionModule with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> currentDetections, TargetMotionLocaliserProvider dataBlock) Calculates the targetMotiojnInfo for a set of detections.AbstractTargetMotionInformation.checkStreamers
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> currentDetections) Deprecated.Check which streamer we have in the group of detectionsvoid
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> currentDetections, TargetMotionLocaliserProvider dataBlock, boolean calcStreamer) TargetMotionLocaliserProvider.getTMInfo
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> detections) Each data block may have a unique way of calculating targetmotion information.Constructor parameters in targetMotionModule with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionAbstractTargetMotionInformation
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> detections, PamDataBlock pamDataBlock) Deprecated.EventRotator
(ArrayList<PamDataUnit> pamDetections, PamDataBlock pamDataBlock) Deprecated. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionModule.offline
Methods in targetMotionModule.offline with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionModule.panels
Classes in targetMotionModule.panels with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
MapPanel<T extends PamDataUnit>
MapPanel2D<T extends PamDataUnit>
TargetMotionMainPanel<T extends PamDataUnit>
Methods in targetMotionModule.panels that return types with arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEventControlPanel.getCurrentDetections()
Methods in targetMotionModule.panels with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(JPopupMenu menu, PamDataUnit selectedDetection) If we want to add a menu item to pop menu in another module then we need to check we can localise the detection, if so then add an option to the menu to localise the selected detection.void
(JPopupMenu menu, PamDataUnit selectedDetion) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Used primarily for offline processing. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionOld
Classes in targetMotionOld with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractTimeDelayLocaliser<T extends PamDataUnit>
Reinstated Target motion add-in as used by the click detector.interface
TargetMotionModel<T extends PamDataUnit>
Reinstated Target motion add-in as used by the click detector.Methods in targetMotionOld that return PamDataUnitMethods in targetMotionOld with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, EmptyTableDefinition pamTableDefinition, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) Constructors in targetMotionOld with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionTargetMotionLocalisation
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GroupLocResult targetMotionResult) Deprecated. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionOld.algorithms
Classes in targetMotionOld.algorithms with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
AbstractTargetMotionModel<T extends PamDataUnit>
Reinstated Target motion add-in as used by the click detector. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in targetMotionOld.tethys
Methods in targetMotionOld.tethys with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.LocalizationType
(LocalizationBuilder localizationBuilder, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in test.rawDeepLearningClassifier
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in test.rawDeepLearningClassifier -
Uses of PamDataUnit in tethys.database
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in tethys.databaseMethods in tethys.database with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in tethys.detection
Methods in tethys.detection with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection[]
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.Detection[]
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.Detection[]
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) abstract nilus.Detection[]
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Put a data unit into a Detection object.nilus.Detection[]
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) GranularityHandler.getCallGroupName
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) Get a grouping name for the call. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in tethys.localization
Methods in tethys.localization with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(LocalizationBuilder localizationBuilder, PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) nilus.LocalizationType
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in tethys.pamdata
Methods in tethys.pamdata with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionnilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) nilus.Detection
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, TethysExportParams tethysExportParams, StreamExportParams streamExportParams) Create a Tethys Detection object from a PamDataUnit.
It's OK for this to return null if for some reason the unit shouldn't be stored. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in tethys.species
Classes in tethys.species with type parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
DataBlockSpeciesManager<T extends PamDataUnit>
Manage species conversion for a single datablock.class
FixedSpeciesManager<T extends PamDataUnit>
Uses of PamDataUnit in userDisplayFX
Method parameters in userDisplayFX with type arguments of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(Class<? extends PamDataUnit> newDataClass) boolean
(Class<? extends PamDataUnit> newDataClass) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in UserInput
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in UserInputMethods in UserInput with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanelMethods in videoRangePanel with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel.externalSensors
Methods in videoRangePanel.externalSensors with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel.importTideData
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel.importTideDataModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Stores data on the tide at a specific location at a specific time.Methods in videoRangePanel.importTideData that return PamDataUnitMethods in videoRangePanel.importTideData with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel.pamImage
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in videoRangePanel.pamImageModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Class which holds photos or other images and reads metadata. -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistleClassifier
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in whistleClassifierMethods in whistleClassifier with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(PamObservable observable, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistleClassifier.dataselect
Methods in whistleClassifier.dataselect with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistleDetector
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in whistleDetectorModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
WhistlePeakUnits contain information from a single FFT slice.class
Example class to go with WslPeak to show how WslPeaks, WslShapes and WslEvents all go together.class
Whistle group detection is initially designed to take just one whistle from each of many hydrophone pairs.Methods in whistleDetector with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPeakGraphics.drawDataUnit
(Graphics g, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, GeneralProjector projector) PeakGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) boolean
(PamConnection con, PamDataUnit dataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit dataUnit) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newUnit) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit obj) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(PamObservable obs, PamDataUnit newUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) void
(SQLTypes sqlTypes, PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoans
Subclasses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoansModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
Methods in whistlesAndMoans that return PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWhistleBinaryDataSource.sinkData
(BinaryObjectData binaryObjectData, BinaryHeader bh, int moduleVersion) Methods in whistlesAndMoans with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
(PamDataUnit dataUnit, float[] dataGramLine) CROverlayGraphics.getHoverText
(GeneralProjector generalProjector, PamDataUnit dataUnit, int iSide) WhistleBinaryDataSource.getPackedData
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) boolean
(PamDataUnit currentData, PamDataUnit olderData) void
(PamObservable o, PamDataUnit arg) void
(BuoyStatusDataUnit statusDataUnit, PamDataUnit dataUnit) Constructors in whistlesAndMoans with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifierConstructorDescriptionWhistleBearingInfo
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, BearingLocaliser bearingLocaliser, int hydrophones, double[][] anglesAndErrors) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoans.alarm
Methods in whistlesAndMoans.alarm with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
(int countType, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoans.dataSelector
Methods in whistlesAndMoans.dataSelector with parameters of type PamDataUnit -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoans.plots
Methods in whistlesAndMoans.plots with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWhistlePlotInfo.getDataValue
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit) WhistleSymbolChooser.getSymbolChoice
(GeneralProjector projector, PamDataUnit dataUnit) -
Uses of PamDataUnit in whistlesAndMoans.toad
Methods in whistlesAndMoans.toad with parameters of type PamDataUnitModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionWSLFFTDataOrganiser.createFFTDataList
(PamDataUnit pamDataUnit, double sampleRate, int channelMap)